-- |
-- Module      : AOC.Challenge.Day07
-- Copyright   : (c) Justin Le 2018
-- License     : BSD3
-- Maintainer  : justin@jle.im
-- Stability   : experimental
-- Portability : non-portable
-- Day 7.  See "AOC.Solver" for the types used in this module!

module AOC.Challenge.Day07 (
  , day07b
  ) where

import           AOC.Solver         ((:~>)(..), dyno_)
import           Control.Lens
import           Control.Monad.RWS  (MonadReader(..), MonadWriter(..), MonadState(..), runRWS)
import           Data.Bifunctor     (second)
import           Data.Char          (ord, isUpper)
import           Data.Foldable      (toList, fold, find, forM_)
import           Data.List          (sortOn)
import           Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty(..))
import           Data.Map           (Map)
import           Data.Semigroup     (Sum(..))
import           Data.Set           (Set)
import           Data.Set.NonEmpty  (NESet)
import           Data.Tuple         (swap)
import           Data.Witherable    (mapMaybe)
import           Numeric.Natural    (Natural)
import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NE
import qualified Data.Map           as M
import qualified Data.Set           as S
import qualified Data.Set.NonEmpty  as NES

parseAll :: String -> Maybe (Map Char (Set Char))
parseAll = fmap (M.fromListWith (<>) . (map . second) S.singleton)
         . traverse parseLine
         . lines

parseLine :: String -> Maybe (Char, Char)
parseLine = pack . filter isUpper
    pack [_,a,b] = Just (a, b)
    pack _       = Nothing

makeDeps :: (Ord a, Ord b) => Map a (Set b) -> Map b (NESet a)
makeDeps = M.fromListWith (<>)
         . map (second NES.singleton . swap)
         . concatMap (traverse toList)
         . M.toList

findRoots :: Ord a => Map a (Set a) -> Set a
findRoots mp = cs `S.difference` targs
    cs = M.keysSet mp
    targs = S.unions $ toList mp

lexicoTopo :: Ord a => Map a (Set a) -> [a]
lexicoTopo childs = go (makeDeps childs) (findRoots childs)
    go deps active = flip foldMap (find (`M.notMember` deps) active) $ \c ->
      let newDeps   = mapMaybe (NES.nonEmptySet . NES.delete c) deps
          newActive = maybe id (<>) (M.lookup c childs)
                    . S.delete c
                    $ active
      in  c : go newDeps newActive

day07a :: Map Char (Set Char) :~> String
day07a = MkSol
    { sParse = parseAll
    , sShow  = id
    , sSolve = Just . lexicoTopo

data Env a = Env { _envCap    :: Int
                 , _envWaiter :: a -> Natural

makeLenses ''Env

data Scheduler a = MkSched
    { _schedQueue  :: !(Set a)
    , _schedActive :: !(Map a Natural)

makeClassy ''Scheduler

    :: forall a m.
       ( Ord a
       , MonadState  (Scheduler a) m
       , MonadReader (Env a) m
       , MonadWriter (Sum Natural) m
    => Map a (Set a)
    -> m ()
buildSleigh childs = go (findRoots childs) (makeDeps childs)
    go :: Set a -> Map a (NESet a) -> m ()
    go toAdd deps = do
      popped <- stepScheduler toAdd
      forM_ (NES.nonEmptySet popped) $ \popped' ->
        let newDeps  = mapMaybe (NES.nonEmptySet . (`NES.difference` popped')) deps
            newToAdd = S.filter (`M.notMember` newDeps)
                     . foldMap (fold . (`M.lookup` childs))
                     $ popped'
        in  go newToAdd newDeps

day07b :: Map Char (Set Char) :~> Natural
day07b = MkSol
    { sParse = parseAll
    , sShow  = show
    , sSolve = \mp -> Just $
        let env = Env
              { _envCap    = dyno_ "cap" 5
              , _envWaiter = fromIntegral
                           . (+ 1)
                           . (+ dyno_ "wait" 60)
                           . subtract (ord 'A')
                           . ord
        in  getSum . view _3 . runRWS (buildSleigh mp) env $ emptyScheduler

-- | Scheduler Implementation

emptyScheduler :: Scheduler a
emptyScheduler = MkSched S.empty M.empty

    :: ( Ord a
       , HasScheduler s a
       , MonadState  s m
       , MonadReader (Env a) m
       , MonadWriter (Sum Natural) m
    => Set a
    -> m (Set a)    -- if empty, it means scheduler is exhausted
stepScheduler new = do
    cap      <- view envCap
    waiter   <- view envWaiter
    schedQueue <>= new
    numToAdd <- uses schedActive $ (cap -) . M.size
    toAdd    <- schedQueue %%= S.splitAt numToAdd
    active   <- schedActive <<>= M.fromSet waiter toAdd
    case NE.groupWith snd . sortOn snd $ M.toList active of
      [] -> pure S.empty
      toPop@((_,popTime):|_) : stillActive -> do
        schedActive .= ( M.map (subtract popTime)
                       . M.fromDistinctAscList
                       . concatMap toList
                       $ stillActive
        tell $ Sum popTime
        pure $ S.fromDistinctAscList . map fst . toList $ toPop