module AOC.Challenge.Day13 (
, day13b
) where
import AOC.Common (Point, ScanPoint(..), parseAsciiMap)
import AOC.Solver ((:~>)(..))
import Control.Lens (makeLenses, (^.), over)
import Data.Bifunctor (second)
import Data.Functor.Foldable (hylo)
import Data.Map (Map)
import Linear (V2(..))
import qualified Data.Map as M
data Turn = TurnNW
| TurnNE
| TurnInter
deriving (Eq, Show, Ord)
data Dir = DN | DE | DS | DW
deriving (Eq, Show, Ord, Enum, Bounded)
data Cart = C { _cDir :: Dir
, _cTurns :: Int
deriving (Eq, Show)
makeLenses ''Cart
type World = Map Point Turn
type Carts = Map ScanPoint Cart
stepCart :: World -> ScanPoint -> Cart -> (ScanPoint, Cart)
stepCart w (SP p) c = (SP p', maybe id turner (M.lookup p' w) c)
p' = p + case c ^. cDir of
DN -> V2 0 (-1)
DE -> V2 1 0
DS -> V2 0 1
DW -> V2 (-1) 0
turner = \case
TurnNW -> over cDir $ \case DN -> DE; DE -> DN; DS -> DW; DW -> DS
TurnNE -> over cDir $ \case DN -> DW; DW -> DN; DS -> DE; DE -> DS
TurnInter -> over cTurns (+ 1) . over cDir (turnWith (c ^. cTurns))
turnWith i = case i `mod` 3 of
0 -> turnLeft
1 -> id
_ -> turnLeft . turnLeft . turnLeft
turnLeft DN = DW
turnLeft DE = DN
turnLeft DS = DE
turnLeft DW = DS
data CartLog a = CLCrash Point a
| CLTick a
| CLDone Point
deriving (Show, Functor)
:: World
-> (Carts, Carts)
-> CartLog (Carts, Carts)
stepCarts w (waiting, done) = case M.minViewWithKey waiting of
Nothing -> case M.minViewWithKey done of
Just ((SP lastPos, _), M.null->True) -> CLDone lastPos
_ -> CLTick (done, M.empty)
Just (uncurry (stepCart w) -> (p, c), waiting') ->
case M.lookup p (waiting' <> done) of
Nothing -> CLTick (waiting' , M.insert p c done)
Just _ -> CLCrash (_getSP p) (M.delete p waiting', M.delete p done )
:: (CartLog a -> a)
-> World
-> Carts
-> a
simulateWith f w c = (f `hylo` stepCarts w) (c, M.empty)
day13a :: (World, Carts) :~> Point
day13a = MkSol
{ sParse = Just . parseWorld
, sShow = \(V2 x y) -> show x ++ "," ++ show y
, sSolve = uncurry (simulateWith firstCrash)
firstCrash (CLCrash p _) = Just p
firstCrash (CLTick p) = p
firstCrash (CLDone _ ) = Nothing
day13b :: (World, Carts) :~> Point
day13b = MkSol
{ sParse = Just . parseWorld
, sShow = \(V2 x y) -> show x ++ "," ++ show y
, sSolve = Just . uncurry (simulateWith lastPoint)
lastPoint (CLCrash _ p) = p
lastPoint (CLTick p) = p
lastPoint (CLDone p ) = p
parseWorld :: String -> (World, Carts)
parseWorld = second (M.mapKeys SP)
. M.mapEither (second (`C` 0))
. parseAsciiMap go
go = \case
'/' -> Just . Left $ TurnNW
'\\' -> Just . Left $ TurnNE
'+' -> Just . Left $ TurnInter
'v' -> Just . Right $ DS
'^' -> Just . Right $ DN
'>' -> Just . Right $ DE
'<' -> Just . Right $ DW
_ -> Nothing