module AOC.Challenge.Day15 (
, day15b
) where
import AOC.Common (boundingBox, ScanPoint(..), asciiGrid, cardinalNeighbs, mannDist)
import AOC.Common.Search (aStar, exponentialFindMin)
import AOC.Solver ((:~>)(..))
import Control.Lens (makeLenses, ifoldMapOf, (.~), (-~))
import Control.Monad (guard)
import Data.Coerce (coerce)
import Data.Foldable (toList)
import Data.Function ((&))
import Data.Functor.Foldable (Fix, cata, ana, hylo)
import Data.List (intercalate)
import Data.Map (Map)
import Data.Maybe (catMaybes)
import Data.Semigroup (First(..))
import Data.Set (Set)
import Data.Tuple (swap)
import Linear (V2(..))
import Text.Printf (printf)
import qualified Data.Map as M
import qualified Data.Set as S
import qualified Data.Set.NonEmpty as NES
data EType = EGob | EElf
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Enum, Bounded)
data Entity = E { _eType :: EType
, _eHP :: Int
, _eAtk :: Int
deriving (Show, Eq)
makeLenses ''Entity
type World = Set ScanPoint
type Entities = Map ScanPoint Entity
neighbs :: ScanPoint -> Set ScanPoint
neighbs = S.fromList . coerce cardinalNeighbs
inRangeOf :: Set ScanPoint -> Set ScanPoint
inRangeOf = foldMap neighbs
type Path = [ScanPoint]
:: World
-> ScanPoint
-> ScanPoint
-> Maybe Path
actualLiteralAStar w p0 dest =
aStar (mannDist (_getSP dest) . _getSP)
(M.fromSet (const 1) . (`S.intersection` w) . neighbs)
:: Set ScanPoint
-> ScanPoint
-> ScanPoint
-> ScanPoint
stepTo w x dest = snd
. head
. catMaybes
. toList
. (\n -> (,n) . length <$> actualLiteralAStar w' n dest)
. (`S.intersection` w')
$ neighbs x
w' = S.delete x w
:: World
-> Entities
-> ScanPoint
-> Entity
-> Maybe ScanPoint
stepEntity w es sp e
| sp `M.member` candidates = Just sp
| otherwise = stepTo w' sp <$> destination
candidates = M.mapMaybe (fmap length)
. M.fromSet (actualLiteralAStar w' sp)
. (`S.intersection` w')
. inRangeOf
. M.keysSet
. M.filter ((/= _eType e) . _eType)
$ es
destination = fmap snd
. S.lookupMin
. S.fromList
. map swap
. M.toList
$ candidates
w' = w `S.difference` M.keysSet es
:: World
-> Entities
-> ScanPoint
-> Entity
-> Maybe ScanPoint
makeAttack w es sp e = fmap snd
. S.lookupMin
. M.foldMapWithKey (\p e' -> S.singleton (_eHP e', p))
$ candidates
candidates = M.delete sp
. (`M.restrictKeys` w)
. (`M.restrictKeys` neighbs sp)
. M.filter ((/= _eType e) . _eType)
$ es
data BattleLog a = BLTurn (Maybe EType) a
| BLRound a
| BLOver Int
deriving (Show, Eq, Functor)
damage :: Int
-> Maybe Entity
-> (Maybe (First EType), Maybe Entity)
damage _ Nothing = (Nothing, Nothing)
damage d (Just e)
| _eHP e > d = (Nothing , Just (e & eHP -~ d))
| otherwise = (Just (First (_eType e)), Nothing )
:: World
-> (Entities, Entities)
-> BattleLog (Entities, Entities)
stepBattle w (!waiting, !done) = case M.minViewWithKey waiting of
Nothing -> BLRound (done, M.empty)
Just ((p, toMove), waiting') ->
let allEnts = waiting' <> done
in case stepEntity w allEnts p toMove of
Nothing ->
let (allFriends, allEnemies) = flip M.mapEither (waiting <> done) $ \e ->
if _eType toMove == _eType e
then Left (_eHP e)
else Right ()
in if M.null allEnemies
then BLOver $ sum allFriends
else BLTurn Nothing (waiting', M.insert p toMove done)
Just p' -> case makeAttack w allEnts p' toMove of
Nothing -> BLTurn Nothing (waiting', M.insert p' toMove done)
Just toAtk ->
let (killed, (waiting'', done')) =
attackBoth (_eAtk toMove) toAtk waiting'
in BLTurn (getFirst <$> killed) (waiting'', M.insert p' toMove done')
attackBoth d k wt = (,) <$> M.alterF (damage d) k wt
<*> M.alterF (damage d) k done
getOutcome :: BattleLog (Int, Int) -> (Int, Int)
getOutcome (BLTurn _ !x) = x
getOutcome (BLRound (!n, !s)) = (n + 1, s)
getOutcome (BLOver !s) = (0, s)
day15a :: (World, Entities) :~> Int
day15a = MkSol
{ sParse = Just . parseWorld
, sShow = show
, sSolve = \(w, e) -> Just
. uncurry (*)
. hylo getOutcome (stepBattle w)
$ (e, M.empty)
totalVictory :: BattleLog Bool -> Bool
totalVictory (BLTurn (Just EElf) _ ) = False
totalVictory (BLTurn _ !k) = k
totalVictory (BLRound !k) = k
totalVictory (BLOver _ ) = True
day15b :: (World, Entities) :~> Int
day15b = MkSol
{ sParse = Just . parseWorld
, sShow = show
, sSolve = \(w, es) ->
let goodEnough i = blog <$ guard (cata totalVictory blog)
blog :: Fix BattleLog
blog = ana (stepBattle w) (powerUp i es, M.empty)
in uncurry (*) . cata getOutcome <$> exponentialFindMin goodEnough 4
powerUp :: Int -> Entities -> Entities
powerUp i = fmap $ \e ->
case _eType e of
EElf -> e & eAtk .~ i
EGob -> e
parseWorld :: String -> (World, Entities)
parseWorld = ifoldMapOf asciiGrid $ \(SP->p) -> \case
'.' -> (S.singleton p, mempty)
'G' -> (S.singleton p, M.singleton p (E EGob 200 3))
'E' -> (S.singleton p, M.singleton p (E EElf 200 3))
_ -> mempty
_displayWorld :: World -> Entities -> String
_displayWorld w es = unlines
[ row ++ " " ++ intercalate ", " rEs
| y <- [yMin - 1 .. yMax + 1]
, let (row, rEs) = makeRow y
V2 xMin yMin `V2` V2 xMax yMax
= boundingBox . NES.unsafeFromSet . _getSP $ w
makeRow y = flip foldMap [xMin - 1 .. xMax + 1] $ \x ->
let p = SP (V2 x y)
inWorld = p `S.member` w
in case M.lookup p es of
| inWorld -> (".", [])
| otherwise -> ("#", [])
Just E{..} -> ( [entChar _eType]
, [printf "%c(%d)" (entChar _eType) _eHP]
entChar EGob = 'G'
entChar EElf = 'E'
_unused :: ()
_unused = (eType .~) `seq` ()