{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
module AOC.Run (
, MainRunOpts(..), HasMainRunOpts(..), mainRun, defaultMRO
, MainViewOpts(..), HasMainViewOpts(..), mainView, defaultMVO
, MainSubmitOpts(..), HasMainSubmitOpts(..), mainSubmit, defaultMSO
, withColor
) where
import AOC.Challenge
import Lens.Micro.TH
import AOC.Run.Config
import AOC.Run.Load
import AOC.Solver
import AOC.Util
import Advent
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Concurrent
import Control.DeepSeq
import Control.Exception
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Except
import Criterion
import Data.Bifunctor
import Data.Char
import Data.Finite
import Data.Map (Map)
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Text (Text)
import Data.Time
import Text.Printf
import qualified Data.Map as M
import qualified Data.Set as S
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.IO as T
import qualified System.Console.ANSI as ANSI
import qualified System.Console.Haskeline as H
data TestSpec = TSAll
| TSDayAll { _tsDay :: Finite 25 }
| TSDayPart { _tsSpec :: ChallengeSpec }
deriving Show
data MainRunOpts = MRO { _mroSpec :: !TestSpec
, _mroTest :: !Bool
, _mroBench :: !Bool
, _mroLock :: !Bool
, _mroInput :: !(Finite 25 -> Part -> IO (Maybe String))
makeClassy ''MainRunOpts
data MainViewOpts = MVO { _mvoSpec :: !TestSpec
, _mvoWait :: !Bool
deriving Show
makeClassy ''MainViewOpts
data MainSubmitOpts = MSO { _msoSpec :: !ChallengeSpec
, _msoTest :: !Bool
, _msoForce :: !Bool
, _msoLock :: !Bool
deriving Show
makeClassy ''MainSubmitOpts
defaultMRO :: TestSpec -> MainRunOpts
defaultMRO ts = MRO { _mroSpec = ts
, _mroTest = False
, _mroBench = False
, _mroLock = False
, _mroInput = \_ _ -> pure Nothing
defaultMVO :: TestSpec -> MainViewOpts
defaultMVO ts = MVO { _mvoSpec = ts
, _mvoWait = False
defaultMSO :: ChallengeSpec -> MainSubmitOpts
defaultMSO cs = MSO { _msoSpec = cs
, _msoTest = True
, _msoForce = False
, _msoLock = True
filterChallengeMap :: TestSpec -> Either String ChallengeMap
filterChallengeMap = \case
TSAll -> pure challengeMap
TSDayAll d -> maybeToEither (printf "Day not yet avaiable: %d" (dayToInt d)) $
M.singleton d <$> M.lookup d challengeMap
TSDayPart (CS d p) -> do
ps <- maybeToEither (printf "Day not yet available: %d" (dayToInt d)) $
M.lookup d challengeMap
c <- maybeToEither (printf "Part not found: %c" (partChar p)) $
M.lookup p ps
pure $ M.singleton d (M.singleton p c)
:: (MonadIO m, MonadError [String] m)
=> Config
-> MainRunOpts
-> m (Map (Finite 25) (Map Part (Maybe Bool, Either [String] String)))
mainRun Cfg{..} MRO{..} = do
toRun <- liftEither . first (:[]) . filterChallengeMap $ _mroSpec
liftIO . runAll _cfgSession _cfgYear _mroLock _mroInput toRun $ \c inp0 cd@CD{..} -> do
testRes <- fmap join . forM (guard _mroTest) $ \_ ->
runTestSuite c cd
let inp1 = maybe _cdInput Right inp0
ans1 = maybe _cdAnswer (const Nothing) inp0
case inp1 of
Right inp
| _mroBench -> (testRes, Left ["Ran benchmark, so no result"]) <$ benchmark (nf (runSomeSolution c) inp)
| otherwise -> (second . first) ((:[]) . show) <$> testCase False c inp (TM ans1 M.empty)
Left e
| _mroTest -> pure (testRes, Left ["Ran tests, so no result"])
| otherwise -> (testRes, Left e) <$ putStrLn "[INPUT ERROR]" <* mapM_ putStrLn e
:: (MonadIO m, MonadError [String] m)
=> Config
-> MainViewOpts
-> m (Map (Finite 25) (Map Part Text))
mainView Cfg{..} MVO{..} = do
let toRun = maybe S.empty (M.keysSet . pullMap)
. eitherToMaybe
. filterChallengeMap
$ _mvoSpec
allRun = foldMap S.singleton singleTest <> toRun
fmap pushMap . sequenceA . flip M.fromSet allRun $ \(d,p) -> do
pmpt <- waitFunc d $ do
CD{..} <- liftIO $ challengeData _cfgSession _cfgYear (CS d p)
liftEither . first ("[PROMPT ERROR]":) $ _cdPrompt
liftIO $ do
withColor ANSI.Dull ANSI.Blue $
printf ">> Day %02d%c\n" (dayToInt d) (partChar p)
T.putStrLn pmpt
putStrLn ""
pure pmpt
waitFunc d
| _mvoWait = countdownConsole _cfgYear d . (liftIO (threadDelay 500000) *>)
| otherwise = id
singleTest = case _mvoSpec of
TSAll -> Nothing
TSDayAll d -> Just (d, Part1)
TSDayPart cs -> Just (_csDay cs, _csPart cs)
:: (MonadIO m, MonadError [String] m)
=> Config
-> MainSubmitOpts
-> m (Text, SubmitRes)
mainSubmit Cfg{..} MSO{..} = do
cd@CD{..} <- liftIO $ challengeData _cfgSession _cfgYear _msoSpec
dMap <- maybeToEither [printf "Day not yet available: %d" d'] $
M.lookup _csDay challengeMap
c <- maybeToEither [printf "Part not found: %c" (partChar _csPart)] $
M.lookup _csPart dMap
inp <- liftEither . first ("[PROMPT ERROR]":) $ _cdInput
opts <- defaultAoCOpts _cfgYear <$>
maybeToEither ["ERROR: Session Key Required to Submit"]
when _msoTest $ do
testRes <- liftIO $ runTestSuite c cd
unless (and testRes) $
if _msoForce
then liftIO $ putStrLn "Proceeding with submission despite test failures (--force)"
else do
conf <- liftIO . H.runInputT H.defaultSettings $
H.getInputChar "Some tests failed. Are you sure you wish to proceed? y/(n) "
case toLower <$> conf of
Just 'y' -> pure ()
_ -> throwError ["Submission aborted."]
resEither <- liftIO . evaluate . force . runSomeSolution c $ inp
res <- liftEither . first (("[SOLUTION ERROR]":) . (:[]) . show) $ resEither
liftIO $ printf "Submitting solution: %s\n" res
output@(resp, status) <- liftEither . first showAoCError
=<< liftIO (runAoC opts (AoCSubmit _csDay _csPart res))
let resp' = formatResp
. either (map T.pack) T.lines
. htmlToMarkdown False
$ resp
(color, lock, out) = displayStatus status
liftIO $ do
withColor ANSI.Vivid color $
putStrLn out
putStrLn resp'
when lock $
if _msoLock
then putStrLn "Locking correct answer." >> writeFile _cpAnswer res
else putStrLn "Not locking correct answer (--no-lock)"
zt <- getZonedTime
appendFile _cpLog $ printf logFmt (show zt) res (showSubmitRes status) resp resp'
pure output
CS{..} = _msoSpec
CP{..} = challengePaths _cfgYear _msoSpec
d' = dayToInt _csDay
formatResp = T.unpack . T.intercalate "\n" . map ("> " <>)
logFmt = unlines [ "[%s]"
, "Submission: %s"
, "Status: %s"
, "Raw: %s"
, "%s"
displayStatus :: SubmitRes -> (ANSI.Color, Bool, String)
displayStatus = \case
SubCorrect r -> ( ANSI.Green , True , correctMsg r )
SubIncorrect t h -> ( ANSI.Red , False, incorrectMsg t h )
SubWait t -> let (m, s) = t `divMod` 60
resp = printf "Answer re-submitted too soon. Please wait %dmin %dsec" m s
in ( ANSI.Yellow, False, resp )
SubInvalid{} -> ( ANSI.Blue , False
, "Submission was rejected. Maybe not unlocked yet, or already answered?"
SubUnknown{} -> ( ANSI.Magenta, False
, "Response from server was not recognized."
correctMsg Nothing = "Answer was correct!"
correctMsg (Just r) =
printf "Answer was correct, and you made the global leaderboard at rank %d !!"
incorrectMsg t h =
printf "Answer was incorrect!%s Please wait %d before submitting again"
(t `div` 60)
hintStr :: String
hintStr = case h of
Nothing -> ""
Just s -> printf " Hint: Answer was %s." s
:: Maybe String
-> Integer
-> Bool
-> (Finite 25 -> Part -> IO (Maybe String))
-> ChallengeMap
-> (SomeSolution -> Maybe String -> ChallengeData -> IO a)
-> IO (Map (Finite 25) (Map Part a))
runAll sess yr lock rep cm f = flip M.traverseWithKey cm $ \d ->
M.traverseWithKey $ \p c -> do
let CP{..} = challengePaths yr (CS d p)
inp0 <- rep d p
withColor ANSI.Dull ANSI.Blue $
printf ">> Day %02d%c\n" (dayToInt d) (partChar p)
when lock $ do
CD{..} <- challengeData sess yr (CS d p)
forM_ (inp0 <|> eitherToMaybe _cdInput) $ \inp ->
mapM_ (writeFile _cpAnswer) =<< evaluate (force (runSomeSolution c inp))
f c inp0 =<< challengeData sess yr (CS d p)
runTestSuite :: SomeSolution -> ChallengeData -> IO (Maybe Bool)
runTestSuite c CD{..} = do
testRes <- mapMaybe fst <$> mapM (uncurry (testCase True c)) _cdTests
unless (null testRes) $ do
let (mark, color)
| and testRes = ('✓', ANSI.Green)
| otherwise = ('✗', ANSI.Red )
withColor ANSI.Vivid color $
printf "[%c] Passed %d out of %d test(s)\n"
(length (filter id testRes))
(length testRes)
pure $ and testRes <$ guard (not (null testRes))
:: Bool
-> SomeSolution
-> String
-> TestMeta
-> IO (Maybe Bool, Either SolutionError String)
testCase emph c inp TM{..} = do
withColor ANSI.Dull color $
printf "[%c]" mark
if emph
then printf " (%s)\n" resStr
else printf " %s\n" resStr
forM_ showAns $ \a ->
withColor ANSI.Vivid ANSI.Red $
printf "(Expected: %s)\n" a
return (status, res)
res = runSomeSolutionWith _tmData c inp
resStr = case res of
Right r -> r
Left SEParse -> "ERROR: No parse"
Left SESolve -> "ERROR: No solution"
(mark, showAns, status) = case _tmAnswer of
Just (strip->ex) -> case res of
Right (strip->r)
| r == ex -> ('✓', Nothing, Just True )
| otherwise -> ('✗', Just ex, Just False)
Left _ -> ('✗', Just ex, Just False)
Nothing -> ('?', Nothing, Nothing )
color = case status of
Just True -> ANSI.Green
Just False -> ANSI.Red
Nothing -> ANSI.Blue
:: ANSI.ColorIntensity
-> ANSI.Color
-> IO ()
-> IO ()
withColor ci c act = do
ANSI.setSGR [ ANSI.SetColor ANSI.Foreground ci c ]
ANSI.setSGR [ ANSI.Reset ]
:: Map a (Map b c)
-> Map (a, b) c
pullMap = M.fromDistinctAscList
. concatMap (uncurry go . second M.toAscList)
. M.toAscList
go x = (map . first) (x,)
:: Eq a
=> Map (a, b) c
-> Map a (Map b c)
pushMap = fmap M.fromDistinctAscList
. M.fromAscListWith (flip (++))
. map (uncurry go)
. M.toAscList
go (x, y) z = (x, [(y, z)])