{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds       #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts      #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances     #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GADTs                 #-}
{-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures        #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PatternSynonyms       #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes            #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections         #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies          #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeInType            #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators         #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances  #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns          #-}

module Backprop.Learn.Model.Types (
  -- * Model type
    ModelFunc, ModelFuncStoch
  , Model(..)
  , modelD
  -- * Specialized Models
  -- ** Stateless
  , ModelFuncStateless, ModelFuncStochStateless
  , ModelStateless, pattern ModelStateless, runLearnStateless, runLearnStochStateless
  , modelStatelessD
  -- ** Stateless and Parameterless
  , BFunc, BFuncStoch
  , Func, pattern Func, runFunc, runFuncStoch
  , funcD
  -- * Manipulating models as functions
  , ModelFuncM, withModelFunc0, withModelFunc, withModelFunc2
  -- * Utility
  , PMaybe(..), TMaybe, fromPJust, Learnables, Learnable
  , Regularize(..), Initialize(..)
  -- , HKD
  ) where

import           Backprop.Learn.Initialize
import           Backprop.Learn.Regularize
import           Control.Category
import           Control.DeepSeq
import           Control.Monad.Primitive
import           Control.Monad.Trans.Reader
import           Data.Functor.Identity
import           Data.Kind
import           Data.Type.Functor.Product
import           Data.Type.Tuple
import           Data.Vinyl
import           GHC.TypeNats
import           Numeric.Backprop
import           Numeric.Opto.Update
import           Prelude hiding               ((.))
import qualified Data.Binary                  as Bi
import qualified Numeric.LinearAlgebra.Static as H
import qualified System.Random.MWC            as MWC

type ModelFunc p s a b = forall z. Reifies z W
    => PMaybe (BVar z) p
    -> BVar z a
    -> PMaybe (BVar z) s
    -> (BVar z b, PMaybe (BVar z) s)

type ModelFuncStoch p s a b = forall m z. (PrimMonad m, Reifies z W)
    => MWC.Gen (PrimState m)
    -> PMaybe (BVar z) p
    -> BVar z a
    -> PMaybe (BVar z) s
    -> m (BVar z b, PMaybe (BVar z) s)

-- | General parameterized model with potential state
data Model :: Maybe Type -> Maybe Type -> Type -> Type -> Type where
    Model :: { runLearn      :: ModelFunc      p s a b
             , runLearnStoch :: ModelFuncStoch p s a b
             } -> Model p s a b

-- | Construct a deterministic model, with no stochastic component.
modelD :: ModelFunc p s a b -> Model p s a b
modelD f = Model { runLearn      = f
                 , runLearnStoch = \_ p x -> pure . f p x

type ModelFuncStateless p a b = forall z. Reifies z W
    => PMaybe (BVar z) p
    -> BVar z a
    -> BVar z b

type ModelFuncStochStateless p a b = forall m z. (PrimMonad m, Reifies z W)
    => MWC.Gen (PrimState m)
    -> PMaybe (BVar z) p
    -> BVar z a
    -> m (BVar z b)

newtype MFS  p a b = MFS  (ModelFuncStateless      p a b)
newtype MFSS p a b = MFSS (ModelFuncStochStateless p a b)

-- | Parameterized model with no state
type ModelStateless p = Model p 'Nothing

-- | Construct a 'ModelStateless'.
pattern ModelStateless
    :: ModelFuncStateless p a b
    -> ModelFuncStochStateless p a b
    -> ModelStateless p a b
pattern ModelStateless { runLearnStateless, runLearnStochStateless } <-
    (\m -> (_runLearnStateless m, _runLearnStochStateless m)
       -> (MFS runLearnStateless, MFSS runLearnStochStateless)
    ModelStateless l ls = Model
      { runLearn      = \  p x s -> (l p x, s)
      , runLearnStoch = \g p x s -> (, s) <$> ls g p x

-- | Construct a deterministic stateless model, with no stochastic
-- component.
modelStatelessD :: ModelFuncStateless p a b -> ModelStateless p a b
modelStatelessD f = ModelStateless
    { runLearnStateless      = f
    , runLearnStochStateless = \_ p -> pure . f p

_runLearnStateless :: Model p 'Nothing a b -> MFS p a b
_runLearnStateless md = MFS $ \p x -> fst $ runLearn md p x PNothing

_runLearnStochStateless :: Model p 'Nothing a b -> MFSS p a b
_runLearnStochStateless md = MFSS $ \g p x -> fst <$> runLearnStoch md g p x PNothing

type BFunc a b = forall z. Reifies z W
    => BVar z a
    -> BVar z b
type BFuncStoch a b = forall m z. (PrimMonad m, Reifies z W)
    => MWC.Gen (PrimState m)
    -> BVar z a
    -> m (BVar z b)

newtype BF  a b = BF  (BFunc      a b)
newtype BFS a b = BFS (BFuncStoch a b)

type Func = Model 'Nothing 'Nothing

-- | Unparameterized model with no state
pattern Func :: BFunc a b -> BFuncStoch a b -> Func a b
pattern Func { runFunc, runFuncStoch } <-
    (\m -> (_runFunc m, _runFuncStoch m)
       -> (BF runFunc, BFS runFuncStoch)
    Func r rs = ModelStateless
      { runLearnStateless      = const r
      , runLearnStochStateless = const . rs

-- | Construct an deterministic unparameterized stateless model, with no
-- stochastic component.
funcD :: BFunc a b -> Func a b
funcD f = Func { runFunc      = f
               , runFuncStoch = const (pure . f)

_runFunc :: Model 'Nothing 'Nothing a b -> BF a b
_runFunc md = BF $ runLearnStateless md PNothing

_runFuncStoch :: Model 'Nothing 'Nothing a b -> BFS a b
_runFuncStoch md = BFS $ flip (runLearnStochStateless md) PNothing

-- | Share parameter and sequence state
instance Category (Model p s) where
    id    = modelD $ \_ x s -> (x, s)
    f . g = Model
      { runLearn      = \p x s0 -> let (y, s1) = runLearn g p x s0
                                   in  runLearn f p y s1
      , runLearnStoch = \gen p x s0 -> do
          (y, s1) <- runLearnStoch g gen p x s0
          runLearnStoch f gen p y s1

type ModelFuncM m p s a b = forall z. Reifies z W
    => PMaybe (BVar z) p
    -> BVar z a
    -> PMaybe (BVar z) s
    -> m (BVar z b, PMaybe (BVar z) s)

    :: (forall m. Monad m => ModelFuncM m p s a b)
    -> Model p s a b
withModelFunc0 f = Model
    { runLearn      = \p x -> runIdentity . f p x
    , runLearnStoch = \g p x -> flip runReaderT g . f p x

    :: (forall m. Monad m => ModelFuncM m p s a b -> ModelFuncM m q t c d)
    -> Model p s a b
    -> Model q t c d
withModelFunc f m = Model
    { runLearn      = \p x -> runIdentity . f (runLearnModelFuncM m) p x
    , runLearnStoch = \g p x -> flip runReaderT g . f (runLearnStochModelFuncM m) p x

    :: (forall m. Monad m => ModelFuncM m p s a b -> ModelFuncM m q t c d -> ModelFuncM m r u e f)
    -> Model p s a b
    -> Model q t c d
    -> Model r u e f
withModelFunc2 f m n = Model
    { runLearn      = \p x ->
          . f (runLearnModelFuncM m) (runLearnModelFuncM n) p x
    , runLearnStoch = \g p x ->
            flip runReaderT g
          . f (runLearnStochModelFuncM m) (runLearnStochModelFuncM n) p x

    :: Model p s a b
    -> ModelFuncM Identity p s a b
runLearnModelFuncM m p x = Identity . runLearn m p x

    :: PrimMonad m
    => Model p s a b
    -> ModelFuncM (ReaderT (MWC.Gen (PrimState m)) m) p s a b
runLearnStochModelFuncM m p x s = ReaderT $ \g -> runLearnStoch m g p x s

-- | Combination of common constraints for type-level lists.
type Learnables as = ( RecApplicative as
                     , ReifyConstraint Backprop TF as
                     , RMap as
                     , RApply as

-- | Helpful utility class for ensuring that a parameter or state type is
-- Learnable
class ( Initialize a, Regularize a, Bi.Binary a, NFData a, LinearInPlace m Double a )
        => Learnable m a

instance (Initialize a, Regularize a, Bi.Binary a, NFData a, LinearInPlace m Double a)
    => Learnable m (TF a)
instance (Initialize a, Initialize b, Regularize a, Regularize b, Bi.Binary a, Bi.Binary b, NFData a, NFData b, LinearInPlace m Double a, LinearInPlace m Double b)
    => Learnable m (a :# b)

instance (RPureConstrained Initialize as, RPureConstrained Regularize as, RPureConstrained Bi.Binary as, RPureConstrained NFData as, ReifyConstraint Backprop TF as, RMap as, RApply as, RFoldMap as, RecordToList as, LinearInPlace m Double (Rec TF as))
        => Learnable m (Rec TF as)
instance (KnownNat n, PrimMonad m) => Learnable m (H.R n)
instance (KnownNat n, KnownNat o, PrimMonad m) => Learnable m (H.L n o)