Copyright | (c) Justin Le 2018 |
License | BSD3 |
Maintainer | |
Stability | experimental |
Portability | non-portable |
Safe Haskell | None |
Language | Haskell2010 |
Lenses and optics for manipulating DataKind-based types, powered by singletons defunctionalization.
See Data.Type.Lens.Examples for example usage and syntax.
For the most part, you should be able to use them just like you'd use
the functions from the lens or microlens libraries; just remember
to capitalize names like Over
and Set
, since they are type families.
Note that the ways of "creating" a lens or optic (Sets_
, Traverse_
, MkLens_
, etc. are all suffixed with _
for convenience, to
reserve the underscoreless identifiers for the fully applied type family
as per singletons library convention.
"Value level" versions of these lenses and functions are not exported,
because they would be more or less completely compatible with the same
functions from microlens and lens packages. However, when the names
of these functions differ from the names of their lens counterpart
and ixList
), value-level versions are provided.
There are two main ways to define optics.
First, you can write them by hand using singletonsOnly
$(singletonsOnly [d| l1 :: Functor f => LensLike (a, c) (b, c) a b l1 f (x, y) = (x' -> (x', y)) $ f x l1Alt :: Functor f => LensLike (a, c) (b, c) a b l1Alt = mkLens fst ((_, y) x -> (x', y)) getFirst :: Getting a (a, b) a getFirst = to fst |])
This creates the type families L1
, L1Alt
, and GetFirst
; however,
these aren't lenses, because they aren't partially applied. The lactual
lenses are L1Sym0
, L1AltSym0
, and GetFirstSym0
. As a convention,
it is recommend to alias the actual lenses with an underscore suffix:
-- L1_ :: Functor f => LensLike f (a, c) (b, c) a b type L1_ = L1Sym0 -- L1Alt_ :: Functor f => LensLike f (a, c) (b, c) a b type L1Alt_ = L1AltSym0 -- GetFirst_ :: Getting a (a, b) a type GetFirst_ = GetFirstSym0
The number after the Sym
is determined by how many arguments you need
to apply to your function before you get to the actual lens. For
example, IxList
requires one argument (the index) to get to the actual
traversal, so the definition in the library is:
type IxList_ i = IxListSym1 i
Second, you can write them directly at the type level using combinators
like MkLens_
and To_
type GetFirst_ =To_
is the promotion of fst
- type LensLike f s t a b = (a -> f b) -> s -> f t
- type LensLike' f s a = LensLike f s s a a
- type ASetter s t a b = LensLike Identity s t a b
- type family Over (a :: (~>) ((~>) a (Identity b)) ((~>) s (Identity t))) (a :: (~>) a b) (a :: s) :: t where ...
- type (%~) l f = OverSym2 l f
- sOver :: forall s t a b (t :: (~>) ((~>) a (Identity b)) ((~>) s (Identity t))) (t :: (~>) a b) (t :: s). Sing t -> Sing t -> Sing t -> Sing (Apply (Apply (Apply OverSym0 t) t) t :: t)
- (%%~) :: Sing l -> Sing f -> Sing x -> Sing (x & (l %~ f))
- type family Set (a :: (~>) ((~>) a (Identity b)) ((~>) s (Identity t))) (a :: b) (a :: s) :: t where ...
- type (.~) l x = SetSym2 l x
- sSet :: forall s t a b (t :: (~>) ((~>) a (Identity b)) ((~>) s (Identity t))) (t :: b) (t :: s). Sing t -> Sing t -> Sing t -> Sing (Apply (Apply (Apply SetSym0 t) t) t :: t)
- (%.~) :: Sing l -> Sing y -> Sing x -> Sing (x & (l .~ y))
- type Sets_ f = SetsSym1 f
- type family Sets (a :: (~>) ((~>) a b) ((~>) s t)) (a :: (~>) a (Identity b)) (a :: s) :: Identity t where ...
- sSets :: forall a b s t (t :: (~>) ((~>) a b) ((~>) s t)) (t :: (~>) a (Identity b)) (t :: s). Sing t -> Sing t -> Sing t -> Sing (Apply (Apply (Apply SetsSym0 t) t) t :: Identity t)
- type Getting r s a = LensLike (Const r) s s a a
- type family View (a :: (~>) ((~>) a ((Const a :: Type -> Type) a)) ((~>) s ((Const a :: Type -> Type) s))) (a :: s) :: a where ...
- type (^.) x l = View l x
- sView :: forall a s (t :: (~>) ((~>) a ((Const a :: Type -> Type) a)) ((~>) s ((Const a :: Type -> Type) s))) (t :: s). Sing t -> Sing t -> Sing (Apply (Apply ViewSym0 t) t :: a)
- (%^.) :: Sing x -> Sing l -> Sing (x ^. l)
- type To_ f = ToSym1 f
- type family To (a :: (~>) s a) (a :: (~>) a ((Const r :: Type -> Type) a)) (a :: s) :: (Const r :: Type -> Type) s where ...
- sTo :: forall s a r (t :: (~>) s a) (t :: (~>) a ((Const r :: Type -> Type) a)) (t :: s). Sing t -> Sing t -> Sing t -> Sing (Apply (Apply (Apply ToSym0 t) t) t :: (Const r :: Type -> Type) s)
- type ALens s t a b = LensLike (Context a b) s t a b
- type MkLens_ f g = MkLensSym2 f g
- type family MkLens (a :: (~>) s a) (a :: (~>) s ((~>) b t)) (a :: (~>) a (f b)) (a :: s) :: f t where ...
- sMkLens :: forall f s a b t (t :: (~>) s a) (t :: (~>) s ((~>) b t)) (t :: (~>) a (f b)) (t :: s). SFunctor f => Sing t -> Sing t -> Sing t -> Sing t -> Sing (Apply (Apply (Apply (Apply MkLensSym0 t) t) t) t :: f t)
- mkLens :: Functor f => (s -> a) -> (s -> b -> t) -> LensLike f s t a b
- type CloneLens_ l = CloneLensSym1 l
- type family CloneLens (a :: (~>) ((~>) a (Context a b b)) ((~>) s (Context a b t))) (a :: (~>) a (f b)) (a :: s) :: f t where ...
- type ATraversal s t a b = LensLike (Bazaar a b) s t a b
- type family Preview (a :: (~>) ((~>) a ((Const (First a) :: Type -> Type) a)) ((~>) s ((Const (First a) :: Type -> Type) s))) (a :: s) :: Maybe a where ...
- type (^?) x l = Preview l x
- sPreview :: forall a s (t :: (~>) ((~>) a ((Const (First a) :: Type -> Type) a)) ((~>) s ((Const (First a) :: Type -> Type) s))) (t :: s). Sing t -> Sing t -> Sing (Apply (Apply PreviewSym0 t) t :: Maybe a)
- (%^?) :: Sing x -> Sing l -> Sing (x ^? l)
- type family ToListOf (a :: (~>) ((~>) a ((Const [a] :: Type -> Type) a)) ((~>) s ((Const [a] :: Type -> Type) s))) (a :: s) :: [a] where ...
- type (^..) x l = ToListOf l x
- sToListOf :: forall a s (t :: (~>) ((~>) a ((Const [a] :: Type -> Type) a)) ((~>) s ((Const [a] :: Type -> Type) s))) (t :: s). Sing t -> Sing t -> Sing (Apply (Apply ToListOfSym0 t) t :: [a])
- (%^..) :: Sing x -> Sing l -> Sing (x ^.. l)
- type family UnsafePreview (a :: (~>) ((~>) a ((Const (First a) :: Type -> Type) a)) ((~>) s ((Const (First a) :: Type -> Type) s))) (a :: s) :: a where ...
- type (^?!) x l = UnsafePreview l x
- sUnsafePreview :: forall a s (t :: (~>) ((~>) a ((Const (First a) :: Type -> Type) a)) ((~>) s ((Const (First a) :: Type -> Type) s))) (t :: s). Sing t -> Sing t -> Sing (Apply (Apply UnsafePreviewSym0 t) t :: a)
- (%^?!) :: Sing x -> Sing l -> Sing (x ^?! l)
- type Folding_ f = FoldingSym1 f
- type family Folding (a :: (~>) s (f a)) (a :: (~>) a ((Const r :: Type -> Type) a)) (a :: s) :: (Const r :: Type -> Type) s where ...
- sFolding :: forall f r s a (t :: (~>) s (f a)) (t :: (~>) a ((Const r :: Type -> Type) a)) (t :: s). (SFoldable f, SMonoid r) => Sing t -> Sing t -> Sing t -> Sing (Apply (Apply (Apply FoldingSym0 t) t) t :: (Const r :: Type -> Type) s)
- type Folded_ = FoldedSym0
- type family Folded (a :: (~>) a ((Const r :: Type -> Type) a)) (a :: f a) :: (Const r :: Type -> Type) (f a) where ...
- sFolded :: forall f r a (t :: (~>) a ((Const r :: Type -> Type) a)) (t :: f a). (SFoldable f, SMonoid r) => Sing t -> Sing t -> Sing (Apply (Apply FoldedSym0 t) t :: (Const r :: Type -> Type) (f a))
- type Traverse_ = TraverseSym0
- type family Traverse (arg :: a ~> f b) (arg1 :: t a) :: f (t b)
- sTraverse :: (STraversable t, SApplicative f) => Sing t1 -> Sing t2 -> Sing (Apply (Apply (TraverseSym0 :: TyFun (a ~> f b) (t a ~> f (t b)) -> Type) t1) t2)
- type CloneTraversal_ l = CloneTraversalSym1 l
- type family CloneTraversal (a :: (~>) ((~>) a (Bazaar a b b)) ((~>) s (Bazaar a b t))) (a :: (~>) a (f b)) (a :: s) :: f t where ...
- sCloneTraversal :: forall f a b s t (t :: (~>) ((~>) a (Bazaar a b b)) ((~>) s (Bazaar a b t))) (t :: (~>) a (f b)) (t :: s). SApplicative f => Sing t -> Sing t -> Sing t -> Sing (Apply (Apply (Apply CloneTraversalSym0 t) t) t :: f t)
- type L1_ = L1Sym0
- type family L1 (a :: (~>) a (f b)) (a :: (a, c)) :: f (b, c) where ...
- sL1 :: forall f a c b (t :: (~>) a (f b)) (t :: (a, c)). SFunctor f => Sing t -> Sing t -> Sing (Apply (Apply L1Sym0 t) t :: f (b, c))
- type L2_ = L2Sym0
- type family L2 (a :: (~>) b (f c)) (a :: (a, b)) :: f (a, c) where ...
- sL2 :: forall f a b c (t :: (~>) b (f c)) (t :: (a, b)). SFunctor f => Sing t -> Sing t -> Sing (Apply (Apply L2Sym0 t) t :: f (a, c))
- data N
- type SN = (Sing :: N -> Type)
- type IxList_ i = IxListSym1 i
- type family IxList (a :: N) (a :: (~>) a (f a)) (a :: [a]) :: f [a] where ...
- sIxList :: forall f a (t :: N) (t :: (~>) a (f a)) (t :: [a]). SApplicative f => Sing t -> Sing t -> Sing t -> Sing (Apply (Apply (Apply IxListSym0 t) t) t :: f [a])
- ixList :: Applicative f => N -> LensLike' f [a] a
- type (.@) f g = f .@#@$$$ g
- data family Sing (a :: k) :: Type
- data ASetterSym0 s6989586621679201104
- data ASetterSym1 (s6989586621679201104 :: Type) t6989586621679201105
- data ASetterSym2 (s6989586621679201104 :: Type) (t6989586621679201105 :: Type) a6989586621679201106
- data ASetterSym3 (s6989586621679201104 :: Type) (t6989586621679201105 :: Type) (a6989586621679201106 :: Type) b6989586621679201107
- type ASetterSym4 (s6989586621679201104 :: Type) (t6989586621679201105 :: Type) (a6989586621679201106 :: Type) (b6989586621679201107 :: Type) = ASetter s6989586621679201104 t6989586621679201105 a6989586621679201106 b6989586621679201107
- data OverSym0 :: forall a6989586621679210882 b6989586621679210883 s6989586621679210880 t6989586621679210881. (~>) ((~>) ((~>) a6989586621679210882 (Identity b6989586621679210883)) ((~>) s6989586621679210880 (Identity t6989586621679210881))) ((~>) ((~>) a6989586621679210882 b6989586621679210883) ((~>) s6989586621679210880 t6989586621679210881))
- data OverSym1 (a6989586621679215056 :: (~>) ((~>) a6989586621679210882 (Identity b6989586621679210883)) ((~>) s6989586621679210880 (Identity t6989586621679210881))) :: (~>) ((~>) a6989586621679210882 b6989586621679210883) ((~>) s6989586621679210880 t6989586621679210881)
- data OverSym2 (a6989586621679215056 :: (~>) ((~>) a6989586621679210882 (Identity b6989586621679210883)) ((~>) s6989586621679210880 (Identity t6989586621679210881))) (a6989586621679215057 :: (~>) a6989586621679210882 b6989586621679210883) :: (~>) s6989586621679210880 t6989586621679210881
- type OverSym3 (a6989586621679215056 :: (~>) ((~>) a6989586621679210882 (Identity b6989586621679210883)) ((~>) s6989586621679210880 (Identity t6989586621679210881))) (a6989586621679215057 :: (~>) a6989586621679210882 b6989586621679210883) (a6989586621679215058 :: s6989586621679210880) = Over a6989586621679215056 a6989586621679215057 a6989586621679215058
- data SetSym0 :: forall a6989586621679210878 b6989586621679210879 s6989586621679210876 t6989586621679210877. (~>) ((~>) ((~>) a6989586621679210878 (Identity b6989586621679210879)) ((~>) s6989586621679210876 (Identity t6989586621679210877))) ((~>) b6989586621679210879 ((~>) s6989586621679210876 t6989586621679210877))
- data SetSym1 (a6989586621679215073 :: (~>) ((~>) a6989586621679210878 (Identity b6989586621679210879)) ((~>) s6989586621679210876 (Identity t6989586621679210877))) :: (~>) b6989586621679210879 ((~>) s6989586621679210876 t6989586621679210877)
- data SetSym2 (a6989586621679215073 :: (~>) ((~>) a6989586621679210878 (Identity b6989586621679210879)) ((~>) s6989586621679210876 (Identity t6989586621679210877))) (a6989586621679215074 :: b6989586621679210879) :: (~>) s6989586621679210876 t6989586621679210877
- type SetSym3 (a6989586621679215073 :: (~>) ((~>) a6989586621679210878 (Identity b6989586621679210879)) ((~>) s6989586621679210876 (Identity t6989586621679210877))) (a6989586621679215074 :: b6989586621679210879) (a6989586621679215075 :: s6989586621679210876) = Set a6989586621679215073 a6989586621679215074 a6989586621679215075
- data SetsSym0 :: forall a6989586621679210870 b6989586621679210871 s6989586621679210872 t6989586621679210873. (~>) ((~>) ((~>) a6989586621679210870 b6989586621679210871) ((~>) s6989586621679210872 t6989586621679210873)) ((~>) ((~>) a6989586621679210870 (Identity b6989586621679210871)) ((~>) s6989586621679210872 (Identity t6989586621679210873)))
- data SetsSym1 (a6989586621679215015 :: (~>) ((~>) a6989586621679210870 b6989586621679210871) ((~>) s6989586621679210872 t6989586621679210873)) :: (~>) ((~>) a6989586621679210870 (Identity b6989586621679210871)) ((~>) s6989586621679210872 (Identity t6989586621679210873))
- data SetsSym2 (a6989586621679215015 :: (~>) ((~>) a6989586621679210870 b6989586621679210871) ((~>) s6989586621679210872 t6989586621679210873)) (a6989586621679215016 :: (~>) a6989586621679210870 (Identity b6989586621679210871)) :: (~>) s6989586621679210872 (Identity t6989586621679210873)
- type SetsSym3 (a6989586621679215015 :: (~>) ((~>) a6989586621679210870 b6989586621679210871) ((~>) s6989586621679210872 t6989586621679210873)) (a6989586621679215016 :: (~>) a6989586621679210870 (Identity b6989586621679210871)) (a6989586621679215017 :: s6989586621679210872) = Sets a6989586621679215015 a6989586621679215016 a6989586621679215017
- data GettingSym0 r6989586621679201101
- data GettingSym1 (r6989586621679201101 :: Type) s6989586621679201102
- data GettingSym2 (r6989586621679201101 :: Type) (s6989586621679201102 :: Type) a6989586621679201103
- type GettingSym3 (r6989586621679201101 :: Type) (s6989586621679201102 :: Type) (a6989586621679201103 :: Type) = Getting r6989586621679201101 s6989586621679201102 a6989586621679201103
- data ViewSym0 :: forall a6989586621679210874 s6989586621679210875. (~>) ((~>) ((~>) a6989586621679210874 ((Const a6989586621679210874 :: Type -> Type) a6989586621679210874)) ((~>) s6989586621679210875 ((Const a6989586621679210874 :: Type -> Type) s6989586621679210875))) ((~>) s6989586621679210875 a6989586621679210874)
- data ViewSym1 (a6989586621679215043 :: (~>) ((~>) a6989586621679210874 ((Const a6989586621679210874 :: Type -> Type) a6989586621679210874)) ((~>) s6989586621679210875 ((Const a6989586621679210874 :: Type -> Type) s6989586621679210875))) :: (~>) s6989586621679210875 a6989586621679210874
- type ViewSym2 (a6989586621679215043 :: (~>) ((~>) a6989586621679210874 ((Const a6989586621679210874 :: Type -> Type) a6989586621679210874)) ((~>) s6989586621679210875 ((Const a6989586621679210874 :: Type -> Type) s6989586621679210875))) (a6989586621679215044 :: s6989586621679210875) = View a6989586621679215043 a6989586621679215044
- data ToSym0 :: forall a6989586621679210868 r6989586621679210869 s6989586621679210867. (~>) ((~>) s6989586621679210867 a6989586621679210868) ((~>) ((~>) a6989586621679210868 ((Const r6989586621679210869 :: Type -> Type) a6989586621679210868)) ((~>) s6989586621679210867 ((Const r6989586621679210869 :: Type -> Type) s6989586621679210867)))
- data ToSym1 (a6989586621679214998 :: (~>) s6989586621679210867 a6989586621679210868) :: forall r6989586621679210869. (~>) ((~>) a6989586621679210868 ((Const r6989586621679210869 :: Type -> Type) a6989586621679210868)) ((~>) s6989586621679210867 ((Const r6989586621679210869 :: Type -> Type) s6989586621679210867))
- data ToSym2 (a6989586621679214998 :: (~>) s6989586621679210867 a6989586621679210868) (a6989586621679214999 :: (~>) a6989586621679210868 ((Const r6989586621679210869 :: Type -> Type) a6989586621679210868)) :: (~>) s6989586621679210867 ((Const r6989586621679210869 :: Type -> Type) s6989586621679210867)
- type ToSym3 (a6989586621679214998 :: (~>) s6989586621679210867 a6989586621679210868) (a6989586621679214999 :: (~>) a6989586621679210868 ((Const r6989586621679210869 :: Type -> Type) a6989586621679210868)) (a6989586621679215000 :: s6989586621679210867) = To a6989586621679214998 a6989586621679214999 a6989586621679215000
- data ToListOfSym0 :: forall a6989586621679210865 s6989586621679210866. (~>) ((~>) ((~>) a6989586621679210865 ((Const [a6989586621679210865] :: Type -> Type) a6989586621679210865)) ((~>) s6989586621679210866 ((Const [a6989586621679210865] :: Type -> Type) s6989586621679210866))) ((~>) s6989586621679210866 [a6989586621679210865])
- data ToListOfSym1 (a6989586621679214978 :: (~>) ((~>) a6989586621679210865 ((Const [a6989586621679210865] :: Type -> Type) a6989586621679210865)) ((~>) s6989586621679210866 ((Const [a6989586621679210865] :: Type -> Type) s6989586621679210866))) :: (~>) s6989586621679210866 [a6989586621679210865]
- type ToListOfSym2 (a6989586621679214978 :: (~>) ((~>) a6989586621679210865 ((Const [a6989586621679210865] :: Type -> Type) a6989586621679210865)) ((~>) s6989586621679210866 ((Const [a6989586621679210865] :: Type -> Type) s6989586621679210866))) (a6989586621679214979 :: s6989586621679210866) = ToListOf a6989586621679214978 a6989586621679214979
- data LensLikeSym0 f6989586621679201111
- data LensLikeSym1 (f6989586621679201111 :: k6989586621679201126 -> Type) s6989586621679201112
- data LensLikeSym2 (f6989586621679201111 :: k6989586621679201126 -> Type) (s6989586621679201112 :: Type) t6989586621679201113
- data LensLikeSym3 (f6989586621679201111 :: k6989586621679201126 -> Type) (s6989586621679201112 :: Type) (t6989586621679201113 :: k6989586621679201126) a6989586621679201114
- data LensLikeSym4 (f6989586621679201111 :: k6989586621679201126 -> Type) (s6989586621679201112 :: Type) (t6989586621679201113 :: k6989586621679201126) (a6989586621679201114 :: Type) b6989586621679201115
- type LensLikeSym5 (f6989586621679201111 :: k6989586621679201126 -> Type) (s6989586621679201112 :: Type) (t6989586621679201113 :: k6989586621679201126) (a6989586621679201114 :: Type) (b6989586621679201115 :: k6989586621679201126) = LensLike f6989586621679201111 s6989586621679201112 t6989586621679201113 a6989586621679201114 b6989586621679201115
- data LensLike'Sym0 f6989586621679201108
- data LensLike'Sym1 (f6989586621679201108 :: Type -> Type) s6989586621679201109
- data LensLike'Sym2 (f6989586621679201108 :: Type -> Type) (s6989586621679201109 :: Type) a6989586621679201110
- type LensLike'Sym3 (f6989586621679201108 :: Type -> Type) (s6989586621679201109 :: Type) (a6989586621679201110 :: Type) = LensLike' f6989586621679201108 s6989586621679201109 a6989586621679201110
- data MkLensSym0 :: forall a6989586621679239055 b6989586621679239056 f6989586621679239053 s6989586621679239054 t6989586621679239057. (~>) ((~>) s6989586621679239054 a6989586621679239055) ((~>) ((~>) s6989586621679239054 ((~>) b6989586621679239056 t6989586621679239057)) ((~>) ((~>) a6989586621679239055 (f6989586621679239053 b6989586621679239056)) ((~>) s6989586621679239054 (f6989586621679239053 t6989586621679239057))))
- data MkLensSym1 (a6989586621679239134 :: (~>) s6989586621679239054 a6989586621679239055) :: forall b6989586621679239056 f6989586621679239053 t6989586621679239057. (~>) ((~>) s6989586621679239054 ((~>) b6989586621679239056 t6989586621679239057)) ((~>) ((~>) a6989586621679239055 (f6989586621679239053 b6989586621679239056)) ((~>) s6989586621679239054 (f6989586621679239053 t6989586621679239057)))
- data MkLensSym2 (a6989586621679239134 :: (~>) s6989586621679239054 a6989586621679239055) (a6989586621679239135 :: (~>) s6989586621679239054 ((~>) b6989586621679239056 t6989586621679239057)) :: forall f6989586621679239053. (~>) ((~>) a6989586621679239055 (f6989586621679239053 b6989586621679239056)) ((~>) s6989586621679239054 (f6989586621679239053 t6989586621679239057))
- data MkLensSym3 (a6989586621679239134 :: (~>) s6989586621679239054 a6989586621679239055) (a6989586621679239135 :: (~>) s6989586621679239054 ((~>) b6989586621679239056 t6989586621679239057)) (a6989586621679239136 :: (~>) a6989586621679239055 (f6989586621679239053 b6989586621679239056)) :: (~>) s6989586621679239054 (f6989586621679239053 t6989586621679239057)
- type MkLensSym4 (a6989586621679239134 :: (~>) s6989586621679239054 a6989586621679239055) (a6989586621679239135 :: (~>) s6989586621679239054 ((~>) b6989586621679239056 t6989586621679239057)) (a6989586621679239136 :: (~>) a6989586621679239055 (f6989586621679239053 b6989586621679239056)) (a6989586621679239137 :: s6989586621679239054) = MkLens a6989586621679239134 a6989586621679239135 a6989586621679239136 a6989586621679239137
- data CloneLensSym0 :: forall a6989586621679210850 b6989586621679210851 f6989586621679210849 s6989586621679210852 t6989586621679210853. (~>) ((~>) ((~>) a6989586621679210850 (Context a6989586621679210850 b6989586621679210851 b6989586621679210851)) ((~>) s6989586621679210852 (Context a6989586621679210850 b6989586621679210851 t6989586621679210853))) ((~>) ((~>) a6989586621679210850 (f6989586621679210849 b6989586621679210851)) ((~>) s6989586621679210852 (f6989586621679210849 t6989586621679210853)))
- data CloneLensSym1 (a6989586621679214896 :: (~>) ((~>) a6989586621679210850 (Context a6989586621679210850 b6989586621679210851 b6989586621679210851)) ((~>) s6989586621679210852 (Context a6989586621679210850 b6989586621679210851 t6989586621679210853))) :: forall f6989586621679210849. (~>) ((~>) a6989586621679210850 (f6989586621679210849 b6989586621679210851)) ((~>) s6989586621679210852 (f6989586621679210849 t6989586621679210853))
- data CloneLensSym2 (a6989586621679214896 :: (~>) ((~>) a6989586621679210850 (Context a6989586621679210850 b6989586621679210851 b6989586621679210851)) ((~>) s6989586621679210852 (Context a6989586621679210850 b6989586621679210851 t6989586621679210853))) (a6989586621679214897 :: (~>) a6989586621679210850 (f6989586621679210849 b6989586621679210851)) :: (~>) s6989586621679210852 (f6989586621679210849 t6989586621679210853)
- type CloneLensSym3 (a6989586621679214896 :: (~>) ((~>) a6989586621679210850 (Context a6989586621679210850 b6989586621679210851 b6989586621679210851)) ((~>) s6989586621679210852 (Context a6989586621679210850 b6989586621679210851 t6989586621679210853))) (a6989586621679214897 :: (~>) a6989586621679210850 (f6989586621679210849 b6989586621679210851)) (a6989586621679214898 :: s6989586621679210852) = CloneLens a6989586621679214896 a6989586621679214897 a6989586621679214898
- data FoldingSym0 :: forall a6989586621679210860 f6989586621679210857 r6989586621679210858 s6989586621679210859. (~>) ((~>) s6989586621679210859 (f6989586621679210857 a6989586621679210860)) ((~>) ((~>) a6989586621679210860 ((Const r6989586621679210858 :: Type -> Type) a6989586621679210860)) ((~>) s6989586621679210859 ((Const r6989586621679210858 :: Type -> Type) s6989586621679210859)))
- data FoldingSym1 (a6989586621679214935 :: (~>) s6989586621679210859 (f6989586621679210857 a6989586621679210860)) :: forall r6989586621679210858. (~>) ((~>) a6989586621679210860 ((Const r6989586621679210858 :: Type -> Type) a6989586621679210860)) ((~>) s6989586621679210859 ((Const r6989586621679210858 :: Type -> Type) s6989586621679210859))
- data FoldingSym2 (a6989586621679214935 :: (~>) s6989586621679210859 (f6989586621679210857 a6989586621679210860)) (a6989586621679214936 :: (~>) a6989586621679210860 ((Const r6989586621679210858 :: Type -> Type) a6989586621679210860)) :: (~>) s6989586621679210859 ((Const r6989586621679210858 :: Type -> Type) s6989586621679210859)
- type FoldingSym3 (a6989586621679214935 :: (~>) s6989586621679210859 (f6989586621679210857 a6989586621679210860)) (a6989586621679214936 :: (~>) a6989586621679210860 ((Const r6989586621679210858 :: Type -> Type) a6989586621679210860)) (a6989586621679214937 :: s6989586621679210859) = Folding a6989586621679214935 a6989586621679214936 a6989586621679214937
- data FoldedSym0 :: forall a6989586621679210856 f6989586621679210854 r6989586621679210855. (~>) ((~>) a6989586621679210856 ((Const r6989586621679210855 :: Type -> Type) a6989586621679210856)) ((~>) (f6989586621679210854 a6989586621679210856) ((Const r6989586621679210855 :: Type -> Type) (f6989586621679210854 a6989586621679210856)))
- data FoldedSym1 (a6989586621679214922 :: (~>) a6989586621679210856 ((Const r6989586621679210855 :: Type -> Type) a6989586621679210856)) :: forall f6989586621679210854. (~>) (f6989586621679210854 a6989586621679210856) ((Const r6989586621679210855 :: Type -> Type) (f6989586621679210854 a6989586621679210856))
- type FoldedSym2 (a6989586621679214922 :: (~>) a6989586621679210856 ((Const r6989586621679210855 :: Type -> Type) a6989586621679210856)) (a6989586621679214923 :: f6989586621679210854 a6989586621679210856) = Folded a6989586621679214922 a6989586621679214923
- data L1Sym0 :: forall a6989586621679210841 b6989586621679210843 c6989586621679210842 f6989586621679210840. (~>) ((~>) a6989586621679210841 (f6989586621679210840 b6989586621679210843)) ((~>) (a6989586621679210841, c6989586621679210842) (f6989586621679210840 (b6989586621679210843, c6989586621679210842)))
- data L1Sym1 (a6989586621679214864 :: (~>) a6989586621679210841 (f6989586621679210840 b6989586621679210843)) :: forall c6989586621679210842. (~>) (a6989586621679210841, c6989586621679210842) (f6989586621679210840 (b6989586621679210843, c6989586621679210842))
- type L1Sym2 (a6989586621679214864 :: (~>) a6989586621679210841 (f6989586621679210840 b6989586621679210843)) (a6989586621679214865 :: (a6989586621679210841, c6989586621679210842)) = L1 a6989586621679214864 a6989586621679214865
- data L2Sym0 :: forall a6989586621679210837 b6989586621679210838 c6989586621679210839 f6989586621679210836. (~>) ((~>) b6989586621679210838 (f6989586621679210836 c6989586621679210839)) ((~>) (a6989586621679210837, b6989586621679210838) (f6989586621679210836 (a6989586621679210837, c6989586621679210839)))
- data L2Sym1 (a6989586621679214849 :: (~>) b6989586621679210838 (f6989586621679210836 c6989586621679210839)) :: forall a6989586621679210837. (~>) (a6989586621679210837, b6989586621679210838) (f6989586621679210836 (a6989586621679210837, c6989586621679210839))
- type L2Sym2 (a6989586621679214849 :: (~>) b6989586621679210838 (f6989586621679210836 c6989586621679210839)) (a6989586621679214850 :: (a6989586621679210837, b6989586621679210838)) = L2 a6989586621679214849 a6989586621679214850
- type ZSym0 = Z
- data SSym0 :: (~>) N N
- type SSym1 (t6989586621679202515 :: N) = S t6989586621679202515
- data IxListSym0 :: forall a6989586621679239052 f6989586621679239051. (~>) N ((~>) ((~>) a6989586621679239052 (f6989586621679239051 a6989586621679239052)) ((~>) [a6989586621679239052] (f6989586621679239051 [a6989586621679239052])))
- data IxListSym1 (a6989586621679239113 :: N) :: forall a6989586621679239052 f6989586621679239051. (~>) ((~>) a6989586621679239052 (f6989586621679239051 a6989586621679239052)) ((~>) [a6989586621679239052] (f6989586621679239051 [a6989586621679239052]))
- data IxListSym2 (a6989586621679239113 :: N) (a6989586621679239114 :: (~>) a6989586621679239052 (f6989586621679239051 a6989586621679239052)) :: (~>) [a6989586621679239052] (f6989586621679239051 [a6989586621679239052])
- type IxListSym3 (a6989586621679239113 :: N) (a6989586621679239114 :: (~>) a6989586621679239052 (f6989586621679239051 a6989586621679239052)) (a6989586621679239115 :: [a6989586621679239052]) = IxList a6989586621679239113 a6989586621679239114 a6989586621679239115
type LensLike f s t a b = (a -> f b) -> s -> f t Source #
The general shape of optics in this library. ("van Laarhoven")
For different levels of polymorphism on f
, you get different types of
- If
can be anyFunctor
, you have a Lens (seeALens
) - If
is onlyIdentity
, you have a setter (seeASetter
) - If
is only
for a specificConst
, you have a getter ofR
) - If
can be
for anyConst
, you have a Fold. - If
can be anyApplicative
, you have a Traversal (seeATraversal
Normal lens libraries implement the constraints for lenses, folds, and traversals using RankN types, but we don't do that here to avoid working with RankN kinds.
Ways of consuming a setter.
type family Over (a :: (~>) ((~>) a (Identity b)) ((~>) s (Identity t))) (a :: (~>) a b) (a :: s) :: t where ... Source #
Over l f x = Case_6989586621679215069 l f x (Let6989586621679215065Scrutinee_6989586621679210948Sym3 l f x) |
sOver :: forall s t a b (t :: (~>) ((~>) a (Identity b)) ((~>) s (Identity t))) (t :: (~>) a b) (t :: s). Sing t -> Sing t -> Sing t -> Sing (Apply (Apply (Apply OverSym0 t) t) t :: t) Source #
type family Set (a :: (~>) ((~>) a (Identity b)) ((~>) s (Identity t))) (a :: b) (a :: s) :: t where ... Source #
sSet :: forall s t a b (t :: (~>) ((~>) a (Identity b)) ((~>) s (Identity t))) (t :: b) (t :: s). Sing t -> Sing t -> Sing t -> Sing (Apply (Apply (Apply SetSym0 t) t) t :: t) Source #
Ways of creating a setter-only.
type family Sets (a :: (~>) ((~>) a b) ((~>) s t)) (a :: (~>) a (Identity b)) (a :: s) :: Identity t where ... Source #
sSets :: forall a b s t (t :: (~>) ((~>) a b) ((~>) s t)) (t :: (~>) a (Identity b)) (t :: s). Sing t -> Sing t -> Sing t -> Sing (Apply (Apply (Apply SetsSym0 t) t) t :: Identity t) Source #
type Getting r s a = LensLike (Const r) s s a a Source #
A retrieving "lens". If r
is fixed to a type, it's a Getter for
that type. If r
is polymorphic over all Monoid
, then it's a Fold
over a
As a Getter, usable with View
); as a Fold, usable with
), Preview
), etc.
Normal lens libraries implement the constraints for folds using RankN types, but we don't do that here to avoid working with RankN kinds.
See LensLike
for more information.
Ways of consuming a getter
type family View (a :: (~>) ((~>) a ((Const a :: Type -> Type) a)) ((~>) s ((Const a :: Type -> Type) s))) (a :: s) :: a where ... Source #
View l x = Case_6989586621679215052 l x (Let6989586621679215049Scrutinee_6989586621679210953Sym2 l x) |
sView :: forall a s (t :: (~>) ((~>) a ((Const a :: Type -> Type) a)) ((~>) s ((Const a :: Type -> Type) s))) (t :: s). Sing t -> Sing t -> Sing (Apply (Apply ViewSym0 t) t :: a) Source #
Ways of creating a getter-only.
type family To (a :: (~>) s a) (a :: (~>) a ((Const r :: Type -> Type) a)) (a :: s) :: (Const r :: Type -> Type) s where ... Source #
To f g x = Case_6989586621679215011 f g x (Let6989586621679215007Scrutinee_6989586621679210961Sym3 f g x) |
sTo :: forall s a r (t :: (~>) s a) (t :: (~>) a ((Const r :: Type -> Type) a)) (t :: s). Sing t -> Sing t -> Sing t -> Sing (Apply (Apply (Apply ToSym0 t) t) t :: (Const r :: Type -> Type) s) Source #
type ALens s t a b = LensLike (Context a b) s t a b Source #
If a function expects an ALens
, it can be given any Lens (a
that works for any LensLike
You can use an ALens
as a normal lens by using CloneLens_
Ways of creating a lens
type MkLens_ f g = MkLensSym2 f g Source #
type family MkLens (a :: (~>) s a) (a :: (~>) s ((~>) b t)) (a :: (~>) a (f b)) (a :: s) :: f t where ... Source #
sMkLens :: forall f s a b t (t :: (~>) s a) (t :: (~>) s ((~>) b t)) (t :: (~>) a (f b)) (t :: s). SFunctor f => Sing t -> Sing t -> Sing t -> Sing t -> Sing (Apply (Apply (Apply (Apply MkLensSym0 t) t) t) t :: f t) Source #
type CloneLens_ l = CloneLensSym1 l Source #
Clone a polymorphic lens so it can be used as more than one type of thing (getter or setter).
f =>LensLike
(Context a b) s t a b ->LensLike
f s t a b
Useful for writing a function that takes a lens and uses it in more than
one way; if you have it take an ALens
, you can then use CloneLens_
use it as a getter or setter.
type family CloneLens (a :: (~>) ((~>) a (Context a b b)) ((~>) s (Context a b t))) (a :: (~>) a (f b)) (a :: s) :: f t where ... Source #
CloneLens l f x = Case_6989586621679214917 l f x (Let6989586621679214905Scrutinee_6989586621679210996Sym3 l f x) |
Traversals and Folds
type ATraversal s t a b = LensLike (Bazaar a b) s t a b Source #
If a function expects an ATraversal
, it can be given any Traversal
that works for any LensLike
You can use an ATraversal
as a normal traversal by using
Ways of consuming traversals and folds
type family Preview (a :: (~>) ((~>) a ((Const (First a) :: Type -> Type) a)) ((~>) s ((Const (First a) :: Type -> Type) s))) (a :: s) :: Maybe a where ... Source #
Preview l x = Case_6989586621679214961 l x (Let6989586621679214958Scrutinee_6989586621679210973Sym2 l x) |
sPreview :: forall a s (t :: (~>) ((~>) a ((Const (First a) :: Type -> Type) a)) ((~>) s ((Const (First a) :: Type -> Type) s))) (t :: s). Sing t -> Sing t -> Sing (Apply (Apply PreviewSym0 t) t :: Maybe a) Source #
type family ToListOf (a :: (~>) ((~>) a ((Const [a] :: Type -> Type) a)) ((~>) s ((Const [a] :: Type -> Type) s))) (a :: s) :: [a] where ... Source #
ToListOf l x = Case_6989586621679214994 l x (Let6989586621679214984Scrutinee_6989586621679210966Sym2 l x) |
sToListOf :: forall a s (t :: (~>) ((~>) a ((Const [a] :: Type -> Type) a)) ((~>) s ((Const [a] :: Type -> Type) s))) (t :: s). Sing t -> Sing t -> Sing (Apply (Apply ToListOfSym0 t) t :: [a]) Source #
type family UnsafePreview (a :: (~>) ((~>) a ((Const (First a) :: Type -> Type) a)) ((~>) s ((Const (First a) :: Type -> Type) s))) (a :: s) :: a where ... Source #
UnsafePreview l x = Case_6989586621679214974 l x (Let6989586621679214971Scrutinee_6989586621679210980Sym2 l x) |
type (^?!) x l = UnsafePreview l x infixl 8 Source #
Infix application of UnsafePreview
sUnsafePreview :: forall a s (t :: (~>) ((~>) a ((Const (First a) :: Type -> Type) a)) ((~>) s ((Const (First a) :: Type -> Type) s))) (t :: s). Sing t -> Sing t -> Sing (Apply (Apply UnsafePreviewSym0 t) t :: a) Source #
(%^?!) :: Sing x -> Sing l -> Sing (x ^?! l) Source #
Singleton mirror of UnsafePreview
and %^?!
Ways of creating traversals and folds
type Folding_ f = FoldingSym1 f Source #
type family Folding (a :: (~>) s (f a)) (a :: (~>) a ((Const r :: Type -> Type) a)) (a :: s) :: (Const r :: Type -> Type) s where ... Source #
Folding f g x = Case_6989586621679214948 f g x (Let6989586621679214944Scrutinee_6989586621679210986Sym3 f g x) |
sFolding :: forall f r s a (t :: (~>) s (f a)) (t :: (~>) a ((Const r :: Type -> Type) a)) (t :: s). (SFoldable f, SMonoid r) => Sing t -> Sing t -> Sing t -> Sing (Apply (Apply (Apply FoldingSym0 t) t) t :: (Const r :: Type -> Type) s) Source #
type Folded_ = FoldedSym0 Source #
type family Folded (a :: (~>) a ((Const r :: Type -> Type) a)) (a :: f a) :: (Const r :: Type -> Type) (f a) where ... Source #
Folded f x = Case_6989586621679214931 f x (Let6989586621679214928Scrutinee_6989586621679210991Sym2 f x) |
sFolded :: forall f r a (t :: (~>) a ((Const r :: Type -> Type) a)) (t :: f a). (SFoldable f, SMonoid r) => Sing t -> Sing t -> Sing (Apply (Apply FoldedSym0 t) t :: (Const r :: Type -> Type) (f a)) Source #
type Traverse_ = TraverseSym0 Source #
The canonical Traversal for any instance of Traversable
f =>LensLike
f (t a) (t b) a b
type family Traverse (arg :: a ~> f b) (arg1 :: t a) :: f (t b) #
type Traverse (a1 :: a6989586621680927713 ~> f6989586621680927712 b6989586621680927714) (a2 :: [a6989586621680927713]) | |
Defined in Data.Singletons.Prelude.Traversable type Traverse (a1 :: a6989586621680927713 ~> f6989586621680927712 b6989586621680927714) (a2 :: [a6989586621680927713]) = Apply (Apply (Traverse_6989586621680933909Sym0 :: TyFun (a6989586621680927713 ~> f6989586621680927712 b6989586621680927714) ([a6989586621680927713] ~> f6989586621680927712 [b6989586621680927714]) -> Type) a1) a2 | |
type Traverse (a1 :: a6989586621680927713 ~> f6989586621680927712 b6989586621680927714) (a2 :: Maybe a6989586621680927713) | |
Defined in Data.Singletons.Prelude.Traversable type Traverse (a1 :: a6989586621680927713 ~> f6989586621680927712 b6989586621680927714) (a2 :: Maybe a6989586621680927713) = Apply (Apply (Traverse_6989586621680933895Sym0 :: TyFun (a6989586621680927713 ~> f6989586621680927712 b6989586621680927714) (Maybe a6989586621680927713 ~> f6989586621680927712 (Maybe b6989586621680927714)) -> Type) a1) a2 | |
type Traverse (a1 :: a6989586621680927713 ~> f6989586621680927712 b6989586621680927714) (a2 :: Min a6989586621680927713) | |
Defined in Data.Singletons.Prelude.Semigroup type Traverse (a1 :: a6989586621680927713 ~> f6989586621680927712 b6989586621680927714) (a2 :: Min a6989586621680927713) = Apply (Apply (Traverse_6989586621681043989Sym0 :: TyFun (a6989586621680927713 ~> f6989586621680927712 b6989586621680927714) (Min a6989586621680927713 ~> f6989586621680927712 (Min b6989586621680927714)) -> Type) a1) a2 | |
type Traverse (a1 :: a6989586621680927713 ~> f6989586621680927712 b6989586621680927714) (a2 :: Max a6989586621680927713) | |
Defined in Data.Singletons.Prelude.Semigroup type Traverse (a1 :: a6989586621680927713 ~> f6989586621680927712 b6989586621680927714) (a2 :: Max a6989586621680927713) = Apply (Apply (Traverse_6989586621681044288Sym0 :: TyFun (a6989586621680927713 ~> f6989586621680927712 b6989586621680927714) (Max a6989586621680927713 ~> f6989586621680927712 (Max b6989586621680927714)) -> Type) a1) a2 | |
type Traverse (a1 :: a6989586621680927713 ~> f6989586621680927712 b6989586621680927714) (a2 :: First a6989586621680927713) | |
Defined in Data.Singletons.Prelude.Semigroup type Traverse (a1 :: a6989586621680927713 ~> f6989586621680927712 b6989586621680927714) (a2 :: First a6989586621680927713) = Apply (Apply (Traverse_6989586621681044744Sym0 :: TyFun (a6989586621680927713 ~> f6989586621680927712 b6989586621680927714) (First a6989586621680927713 ~> f6989586621680927712 (First b6989586621680927714)) -> Type) a1) a2 | |
type Traverse (a1 :: a6989586621680927713 ~> f6989586621680927712 b6989586621680927714) (a2 :: Last a6989586621680927713) | |
Defined in Data.Singletons.Prelude.Semigroup type Traverse (a1 :: a6989586621680927713 ~> f6989586621680927712 b6989586621680927714) (a2 :: Last a6989586621680927713) = Apply (Apply (Traverse_6989586621681044972Sym0 :: TyFun (a6989586621680927713 ~> f6989586621680927712 b6989586621680927714) (Last a6989586621680927713 ~> f6989586621680927712 (Last b6989586621680927714)) -> Type) a1) a2 | |
type Traverse (a1 :: a6989586621680927713 ~> f6989586621680927712 b6989586621680927714) (a2 :: Option a6989586621680927713) | |
Defined in Data.Singletons.Prelude.Semigroup type Traverse (a1 :: a6989586621680927713 ~> f6989586621680927712 b6989586621680927714) (a2 :: Option a6989586621680927713) = Apply (Apply (Traverse_6989586621681045198Sym0 :: TyFun (a6989586621680927713 ~> f6989586621680927712 b6989586621680927714) (Option a6989586621680927713 ~> f6989586621680927712 (Option b6989586621680927714)) -> Type) a1) a2 | |
type Traverse (a1 :: a6989586621680927713 ~> f6989586621680927712 b6989586621680927714) (a2 :: Identity a6989586621680927713) | |
Defined in Data.Singletons.Prelude.Traversable type Traverse (a1 :: a6989586621680927713 ~> f6989586621680927712 b6989586621680927714) (a2 :: Identity a6989586621680927713) = Apply (Apply (Traverse_6989586621680934033Sym0 :: TyFun (a6989586621680927713 ~> f6989586621680927712 b6989586621680927714) (Identity a6989586621680927713 ~> f6989586621680927712 (Identity b6989586621680927714)) -> Type) a1) a2 | |
type Traverse (a1 :: a6989586621680927713 ~> f6989586621680927712 b6989586621680927714) (a2 :: First a6989586621680927713) | |
Defined in Data.Singletons.Prelude.Traversable type Traverse (a1 :: a6989586621680927713 ~> f6989586621680927712 b6989586621680927714) (a2 :: First a6989586621680927713) = Apply (Apply (Traverse_6989586621680934009Sym0 :: TyFun (a6989586621680927713 ~> f6989586621680927712 b6989586621680927714) (First a6989586621680927713 ~> f6989586621680927712 (First b6989586621680927714)) -> Type) a1) a2 | |
type Traverse (a1 :: a6989586621680927713 ~> f6989586621680927712 b6989586621680927714) (a2 :: Last a6989586621680927713) | |
Defined in Data.Singletons.Prelude.Traversable type Traverse (a1 :: a6989586621680927713 ~> f6989586621680927712 b6989586621680927714) (a2 :: Last a6989586621680927713) = Apply (Apply (Traverse_6989586621680934021Sym0 :: TyFun (a6989586621680927713 ~> f6989586621680927712 b6989586621680927714) (Last a6989586621680927713 ~> f6989586621680927712 (Last b6989586621680927714)) -> Type) a1) a2 | |
type Traverse (a1 :: a6989586621680927713 ~> f6989586621680927712 b6989586621680927714) (a2 :: Dual a6989586621680927713) | |
Defined in Data.Singletons.Prelude.Traversable type Traverse (a1 :: a6989586621680927713 ~> f6989586621680927712 b6989586621680927714) (a2 :: Dual a6989586621680927713) = Apply (Apply (Traverse_6989586621680933973Sym0 :: TyFun (a6989586621680927713 ~> f6989586621680927712 b6989586621680927714) (Dual a6989586621680927713 ~> f6989586621680927712 (Dual b6989586621680927714)) -> Type) a1) a2 | |
type Traverse (a1 :: a6989586621680927713 ~> f6989586621680927712 b6989586621680927714) (a2 :: Sum a6989586621680927713) | |
Defined in Data.Singletons.Prelude.Traversable type Traverse (a1 :: a6989586621680927713 ~> f6989586621680927712 b6989586621680927714) (a2 :: Sum a6989586621680927713) = Apply (Apply (Traverse_6989586621680933985Sym0 :: TyFun (a6989586621680927713 ~> f6989586621680927712 b6989586621680927714) (Sum a6989586621680927713 ~> f6989586621680927712 (Sum b6989586621680927714)) -> Type) a1) a2 | |
type Traverse (a1 :: a6989586621680927713 ~> f6989586621680927712 b6989586621680927714) (a2 :: Product a6989586621680927713) | |
Defined in Data.Singletons.Prelude.Traversable type Traverse (a1 :: a6989586621680927713 ~> f6989586621680927712 b6989586621680927714) (a2 :: Product a6989586621680927713) = Apply (Apply (Traverse_6989586621680933997Sym0 :: TyFun (a6989586621680927713 ~> f6989586621680927712 b6989586621680927714) (Product a6989586621680927713 ~> f6989586621680927712 (Product b6989586621680927714)) -> Type) a1) a2 | |
type Traverse (a1 :: a6989586621680927713 ~> f6989586621680927712 b6989586621680927714) (a2 :: NonEmpty a6989586621680927713) | |
Defined in Data.Singletons.Prelude.Traversable type Traverse (a1 :: a6989586621680927713 ~> f6989586621680927712 b6989586621680927714) (a2 :: NonEmpty a6989586621680927713) = Apply (Apply (Traverse_6989586621680933922Sym0 :: TyFun (a6989586621680927713 ~> f6989586621680927712 b6989586621680927714) (NonEmpty a6989586621680927713 ~> f6989586621680927712 (NonEmpty b6989586621680927714)) -> Type) a1) a2 | |
type Traverse (a2 :: a6989586621680927713 ~> f6989586621680927712 b6989586621680927714) (a3 :: Either a1 a6989586621680927713) | |
Defined in Data.Singletons.Prelude.Traversable type Traverse (a2 :: a6989586621680927713 ~> f6989586621680927712 b6989586621680927714) (a3 :: Either a1 a6989586621680927713) = Apply (Apply (Traverse_6989586621680933936Sym0 :: TyFun (a6989586621680927713 ~> f6989586621680927712 b6989586621680927714) (Either a1 a6989586621680927713 ~> f6989586621680927712 (Either a1 b6989586621680927714)) -> Type) a2) a3 | |
type Traverse (a2 :: a6989586621680927713 ~> f6989586621680927712 b6989586621680927714) (a3 :: (a1, a6989586621680927713)) | |
Defined in Data.Singletons.Prelude.Traversable type Traverse (a2 :: a6989586621680927713 ~> f6989586621680927712 b6989586621680927714) (a3 :: (a1, a6989586621680927713)) = Apply (Apply (Traverse_6989586621680933949Sym0 :: TyFun (a6989586621680927713 ~> f6989586621680927712 b6989586621680927714) ((a1, a6989586621680927713) ~> f6989586621680927712 (a1, b6989586621680927714)) -> Type) a2) a3 | |
type Traverse (a2 :: a6989586621680927713 ~> f6989586621680927712 b6989586621680927714) (a3 :: Arg a1 a6989586621680927713) | |
Defined in Data.Singletons.Prelude.Semigroup type Traverse (a2 :: a6989586621680927713 ~> f6989586621680927712 b6989586621680927714) (a3 :: Arg a1 a6989586621680927713) = Apply (Apply (Traverse_6989586621681044516Sym0 :: TyFun (a6989586621680927713 ~> f6989586621680927712 b6989586621680927714) (Arg a1 a6989586621680927713 ~> f6989586621680927712 (Arg a1 b6989586621680927714)) -> Type) a2) a3 | |
type Traverse (a1 :: a6989586621680927713 ~> f6989586621680927712 b6989586621680927714) (a2 :: Const m a6989586621680927713) | |
Defined in Data.Singletons.Prelude.Traversable type Traverse (a1 :: a6989586621680927713 ~> f6989586621680927712 b6989586621680927714) (a2 :: Const m a6989586621680927713) = Apply (Apply (Traverse_6989586621680933961Sym0 :: TyFun (a6989586621680927713 ~> f6989586621680927712 b6989586621680927714) (Const m a6989586621680927713 ~> f6989586621680927712 (Const m b6989586621680927714)) -> Type) a1) a2 |
sTraverse :: (STraversable t, SApplicative f) => Sing t1 -> Sing t2 -> Sing (Apply (Apply (TraverseSym0 :: TyFun (a ~> f b) (t a ~> f (t b)) -> Type) t1) t2) #
type CloneTraversal_ l = CloneTraversalSym1 l Source #
Clone a polymorphic traversal so it can be used as more than one type of thing (fold, traversal, getter, setter...).
f =>LensLike
(Bazaar a b) s t a b ->LensLike
f s t a b
Useful for writing a function that takes a traversal and uses it in more
than one way; if you have it take an ATraversal
, you can then use
to use it as a fold or traversal or anything else.
type family CloneTraversal (a :: (~>) ((~>) a (Bazaar a b b)) ((~>) s (Bazaar a b t))) (a :: (~>) a (f b)) (a :: s) :: f t where ... Source #
sCloneTraversal :: forall f a b s t (t :: (~>) ((~>) a (Bazaar a b b)) ((~>) s (Bazaar a b t))) (t :: (~>) a (f b)) (t :: s). SApplicative f => Sing t -> Sing t -> Sing t -> Sing (Apply (Apply (Apply CloneTraversalSym0 t) t) t :: f t) Source #
Some sample lenses and traversals
- * Tuple
sL1 :: forall f a c b (t :: (~>) a (f b)) (t :: (a, c)). SFunctor f => Sing t -> Sing t -> Sing (Apply (Apply L1Sym0 t) t :: f (b, c)) Source #
sL2 :: forall f a b c (t :: (~>) b (f c)) (t :: (a, b)). SFunctor f => Sing t -> Sing t -> Sing (Apply (Apply L2Sym0 t) t :: f (a, c)) Source #
Peano nats, used for implementation of list index traversals in a termination-sane way.
Eq N Source # | |
Ord N Source # | |
Read N Source # | |
Show N Source # | |
Generic N Source # | |
PShow N Source # | |
SShow N => SShow N Source # | |
POrd N Source # | |
SOrd N => SOrd N Source # | |
Defined in Data.Type.Lens Methods sCompare :: Sing t1 -> Sing t2 -> Sing (Apply (Apply CompareSym0 t1) t2) # (%<) :: Sing t1 -> Sing t2 -> Sing (Apply (Apply (<@#@$) t1) t2) # (%<=) :: Sing t1 -> Sing t2 -> Sing (Apply (Apply (<=@#@$) t1) t2) # (%>) :: Sing t1 -> Sing t2 -> Sing (Apply (Apply (>@#@$) t1) t2) # (%>=) :: Sing t1 -> Sing t2 -> Sing (Apply (Apply (>=@#@$) t1) t2) # sMax :: Sing t1 -> Sing t2 -> Sing (Apply (Apply MaxSym0 t1) t2) # sMin :: Sing t1 -> Sing t2 -> Sing (Apply (Apply MinSym0 t1) t2) # | |
SEq N => SEq N Source # | |
PEq N Source # | |
SDecide N => SDecide N Source # | |
SingKind N Source # | |
SingI Z Source # | |
Defined in Data.Type.Lens | |
SingI n => SingI (S n :: N) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Type.Lens | |
SuppressUnusedWarnings SSym0 Source # | |
Defined in Data.Type.Lens Methods suppressUnusedWarnings :: () # | |
SingI SSym0 Source # | |
Defined in Data.Type.Lens | |
SuppressUnusedWarnings (IxListSym0 :: TyFun N ((a6989586621679239052 ~> f6989586621679239051 a6989586621679239052) ~> ([a6989586621679239052] ~> f6989586621679239051 [a6989586621679239052])) -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Type.Lens Methods suppressUnusedWarnings :: () # | |
SApplicative f => SingI (IxListSym0 :: TyFun N ((a ~> f a) ~> ([a] ~> f [a])) -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Type.Lens Methods sing :: Sing IxListSym0 # | |
SingI (TyCon1 S) Source # | |
type Rep N Source # | |
Defined in Data.Type.Lens | |
data Sing (a :: N) Source # | |
type Demote N Source # | |
Defined in Data.Type.Lens | |
type Show_ (arg :: N) Source # | |
type ShowList (arg :: [N]) arg1 Source # | |
type Min (arg :: N) (arg1 :: N) Source # | |
type Max (arg :: N) (arg1 :: N) Source # | |
type (arg :: N) >= (arg1 :: N) Source # | |
type (arg :: N) > (arg1 :: N) Source # | |
type (arg :: N) <= (arg1 :: N) Source # | |
type (arg :: N) < (arg1 :: N) Source # | |
type Compare (a1 :: N) (a2 :: N) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Type.Lens | |
type (x :: N) /= (y :: N) Source # | |
type (a :: N) == (b :: N) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Type.Lens | |
type ShowsPrec a1 (a2 :: N) a3 Source # | |
Defined in Data.Type.Lens | |
type Apply SSym0 (t6989586621679202515 :: N) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Type.Lens | |
type Apply (IxListSym0 :: TyFun N ((a6989586621679239052 ~> f6989586621679239051 a6989586621679239052) ~> ([a6989586621679239052] ~> f6989586621679239051 [a6989586621679239052])) -> Type) (a6989586621679239113 :: N) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Type.Lens type Apply (IxListSym0 :: TyFun N ((a6989586621679239052 ~> f6989586621679239051 a6989586621679239052) ~> ([a6989586621679239052] ~> f6989586621679239051 [a6989586621679239052])) -> Type) (a6989586621679239113 :: N) = (IxListSym1 a6989586621679239113 a6989586621679239052 f6989586621679239051 :: TyFun (a6989586621679239052 ~> f6989586621679239051 a6989586621679239052) ([a6989586621679239052] ~> f6989586621679239051 [a6989586621679239052]) -> Type) |
type IxList_ i = IxListSym1 i Source #
sIxList :: forall f a (t :: N) (t :: (~>) a (f a)) (t :: [a]). SApplicative f => Sing t -> Sing t -> Sing t -> Sing (Apply (Apply (Apply IxListSym0 t) t) t :: f [a]) Source #
data family Sing (a :: k) :: Type #
The singleton kind-indexed data family.
data Sing (a :: Bool) | |
data Sing (a :: Ordering) | |
data Sing (n :: Nat) | |
data Sing (n :: Symbol) | |
Defined in Data.Singletons.TypeLits.Internal | |
data Sing (a :: ()) | |
Defined in Data.Singletons.Prelude.Instances | |
data Sing (a :: Void) | |
Defined in Data.Singletons.Prelude.Instances | |
data Sing (a :: All) | |
data Sing (a :: Any) | |
data Sing (a :: N) Source # | |
data Sing (b :: [a]) | |
data Sing (b :: Maybe a) | |
data Sing (b :: Min a) | |
data Sing (b :: Max a) | |
data Sing (b :: First a) | |
data Sing (b :: Last a) | |
data Sing (a :: WrappedMonoid m) | |
Defined in Data.Singletons.Prelude.Semigroup.Internal data Sing (a :: WrappedMonoid m) where
| |
data Sing (b :: Option a) | |
data Sing (b :: Identity a) | |
data Sing (b :: First a) | |
data Sing (b :: Last a) | |
data Sing (b :: Dual a) | |
data Sing (b :: Sum a) | |
data Sing (b :: Product a) | |
data Sing (b :: Down a) | |
data Sing (b :: NonEmpty a) | |
data Sing (b :: Endo a) | |
data Sing (b :: MinInternal a) | |
Defined in Data.Singletons.Prelude.Foldable data Sing (b :: MinInternal a) where
| |
data Sing (b :: MaxInternal a) | |
Defined in Data.Singletons.Prelude.Foldable data Sing (b :: MaxInternal a) where
| |
data Sing (c :: Either a b) | |
data Sing (c :: (a, b)) | |
data Sing (c :: Arg a b) | |
data Sing (f :: k1 ~> k2) | |
data Sing (b :: StateL s a) | |
data Sing (b :: StateR s a) | |
data Sing (d :: (a, b, c)) | |
data Sing (c :: Const a b) | |
data Sing (c :: Context a b t) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Type.Lens.Internal | |
data Sing (c :: Bazaar a b t) Source # | |
data Sing (e :: (a, b, c, d)) | |
data Sing (f :: (a, b, c, d, e)) | |
data Sing (g :: (a, b, c, d, e, f)) | |
Defined in Data.Singletons.Prelude.Instances | |
data Sing (h :: (a, b, c, d, e, f, g)) | |
Defined in Data.Singletons.Prelude.Instances |
Defunctionalization Symbols
data ASetterSym0 s6989586621679201104 Source #
SuppressUnusedWarnings ASetterSym0 Source # | |
Defined in Data.Type.Lens Methods suppressUnusedWarnings :: () # | |
type Apply ASetterSym0 (s6989586621679201104 :: Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Type.Lens |
data ASetterSym1 (s6989586621679201104 :: Type) t6989586621679201105 Source #
SuppressUnusedWarnings (ASetterSym1 s6989586621679201104 :: TyFun Type (TyFun Type (TyFun Type Type -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Type.Lens Methods suppressUnusedWarnings :: () # | |
type Apply (ASetterSym1 s6989586621679201104 :: TyFun Type (TyFun Type (TyFun Type Type -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) (t6989586621679201105 :: Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Type.Lens |
data ASetterSym2 (s6989586621679201104 :: Type) (t6989586621679201105 :: Type) a6989586621679201106 Source #
SuppressUnusedWarnings (ASetterSym2 t6989586621679201105 s6989586621679201104 :: TyFun Type (TyFun Type Type -> Type) -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Type.Lens Methods suppressUnusedWarnings :: () # | |
type Apply (ASetterSym2 t6989586621679201105 s6989586621679201104 :: TyFun Type (TyFun Type Type -> Type) -> Type) (a6989586621679201106 :: Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Type.Lens |
data ASetterSym3 (s6989586621679201104 :: Type) (t6989586621679201105 :: Type) (a6989586621679201106 :: Type) b6989586621679201107 Source #
SuppressUnusedWarnings (ASetterSym3 a6989586621679201106 t6989586621679201105 s6989586621679201104 :: TyFun Type Type -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Type.Lens Methods suppressUnusedWarnings :: () # | |
type Apply (ASetterSym3 a6989586621679201106 t6989586621679201105 s6989586621679201104 :: TyFun Type Type -> Type) (b6989586621679201107 :: Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Type.Lens |
type ASetterSym4 (s6989586621679201104 :: Type) (t6989586621679201105 :: Type) (a6989586621679201106 :: Type) (b6989586621679201107 :: Type) = ASetter s6989586621679201104 t6989586621679201105 a6989586621679201106 b6989586621679201107 Source #
data OverSym0 :: forall a6989586621679210882 b6989586621679210883 s6989586621679210880 t6989586621679210881. (~>) ((~>) ((~>) a6989586621679210882 (Identity b6989586621679210883)) ((~>) s6989586621679210880 (Identity t6989586621679210881))) ((~>) ((~>) a6989586621679210882 b6989586621679210883) ((~>) s6989586621679210880 t6989586621679210881)) Source #
SuppressUnusedWarnings (OverSym0 :: TyFun ((a6989586621679210882 ~> Identity b6989586621679210883) ~> (s6989586621679210880 ~> Identity t6989586621679210881)) ((a6989586621679210882 ~> b6989586621679210883) ~> (s6989586621679210880 ~> t6989586621679210881)) -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Type.Lens Methods suppressUnusedWarnings :: () # | |
SingI (OverSym0 :: TyFun ((a ~> Identity b) ~> (s ~> Identity t)) ((a ~> b) ~> (s ~> t)) -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Type.Lens | |
type Apply (OverSym0 :: TyFun ((a6989586621679210882 ~> Identity b6989586621679210883) ~> (s6989586621679210880 ~> Identity t6989586621679210881)) ((a6989586621679210882 ~> b6989586621679210883) ~> (s6989586621679210880 ~> t6989586621679210881)) -> Type) (a6989586621679215056 :: (a6989586621679210882 ~> Identity b6989586621679210883) ~> (s6989586621679210880 ~> Identity t6989586621679210881)) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Type.Lens type Apply (OverSym0 :: TyFun ((a6989586621679210882 ~> Identity b6989586621679210883) ~> (s6989586621679210880 ~> Identity t6989586621679210881)) ((a6989586621679210882 ~> b6989586621679210883) ~> (s6989586621679210880 ~> t6989586621679210881)) -> Type) (a6989586621679215056 :: (a6989586621679210882 ~> Identity b6989586621679210883) ~> (s6989586621679210880 ~> Identity t6989586621679210881)) = OverSym1 a6989586621679215056 |
data OverSym1 (a6989586621679215056 :: (~>) ((~>) a6989586621679210882 (Identity b6989586621679210883)) ((~>) s6989586621679210880 (Identity t6989586621679210881))) :: (~>) ((~>) a6989586621679210882 b6989586621679210883) ((~>) s6989586621679210880 t6989586621679210881) Source #
SuppressUnusedWarnings (OverSym1 a6989586621679215056 :: TyFun (a6989586621679210882 ~> b6989586621679210883) (s6989586621679210880 ~> t6989586621679210881) -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Type.Lens Methods suppressUnusedWarnings :: () # | |
SingI d => SingI (OverSym1 d :: TyFun (a ~> b) (s ~> t) -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Type.Lens | |
type Apply (OverSym1 a6989586621679215056 :: TyFun (a6989586621679210882 ~> b6989586621679210883) (s6989586621679210880 ~> t6989586621679210881) -> Type) (a6989586621679215057 :: a6989586621679210882 ~> b6989586621679210883) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Type.Lens |
data OverSym2 (a6989586621679215056 :: (~>) ((~>) a6989586621679210882 (Identity b6989586621679210883)) ((~>) s6989586621679210880 (Identity t6989586621679210881))) (a6989586621679215057 :: (~>) a6989586621679210882 b6989586621679210883) :: (~>) s6989586621679210880 t6989586621679210881 Source #
SuppressUnusedWarnings (OverSym2 a6989586621679215057 a6989586621679215056 :: TyFun s6989586621679210880 t6989586621679210881 -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Type.Lens Methods suppressUnusedWarnings :: () # | |
(SingI d1, SingI d2) => SingI (OverSym2 d1 d2 :: TyFun s t -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Type.Lens | |
type Apply (OverSym2 a6989586621679215057 a6989586621679215056 :: TyFun s t -> Type) (a6989586621679215058 :: s) Source # | |
type OverSym3 (a6989586621679215056 :: (~>) ((~>) a6989586621679210882 (Identity b6989586621679210883)) ((~>) s6989586621679210880 (Identity t6989586621679210881))) (a6989586621679215057 :: (~>) a6989586621679210882 b6989586621679210883) (a6989586621679215058 :: s6989586621679210880) = Over a6989586621679215056 a6989586621679215057 a6989586621679215058 Source #
data SetSym0 :: forall a6989586621679210878 b6989586621679210879 s6989586621679210876 t6989586621679210877. (~>) ((~>) ((~>) a6989586621679210878 (Identity b6989586621679210879)) ((~>) s6989586621679210876 (Identity t6989586621679210877))) ((~>) b6989586621679210879 ((~>) s6989586621679210876 t6989586621679210877)) Source #
SuppressUnusedWarnings (SetSym0 :: TyFun ((a6989586621679210878 ~> Identity b6989586621679210879) ~> (s6989586621679210876 ~> Identity t6989586621679210877)) (b6989586621679210879 ~> (s6989586621679210876 ~> t6989586621679210877)) -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Type.Lens Methods suppressUnusedWarnings :: () # | |
SingI (SetSym0 :: TyFun ((a ~> Identity b) ~> (s ~> Identity t)) (b ~> (s ~> t)) -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Type.Lens | |
type Apply (SetSym0 :: TyFun ((a6989586621679210878 ~> Identity b6989586621679210879) ~> (s6989586621679210876 ~> Identity t6989586621679210877)) (b6989586621679210879 ~> (s6989586621679210876 ~> t6989586621679210877)) -> Type) (a6989586621679215073 :: (a6989586621679210878 ~> Identity b6989586621679210879) ~> (s6989586621679210876 ~> Identity t6989586621679210877)) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Type.Lens type Apply (SetSym0 :: TyFun ((a6989586621679210878 ~> Identity b6989586621679210879) ~> (s6989586621679210876 ~> Identity t6989586621679210877)) (b6989586621679210879 ~> (s6989586621679210876 ~> t6989586621679210877)) -> Type) (a6989586621679215073 :: (a6989586621679210878 ~> Identity b6989586621679210879) ~> (s6989586621679210876 ~> Identity t6989586621679210877)) = SetSym1 a6989586621679215073 |
data SetSym1 (a6989586621679215073 :: (~>) ((~>) a6989586621679210878 (Identity b6989586621679210879)) ((~>) s6989586621679210876 (Identity t6989586621679210877))) :: (~>) b6989586621679210879 ((~>) s6989586621679210876 t6989586621679210877) Source #
SuppressUnusedWarnings (SetSym1 a6989586621679215073 :: TyFun b6989586621679210879 (s6989586621679210876 ~> t6989586621679210877) -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Type.Lens Methods suppressUnusedWarnings :: () # | |
SingI d => SingI (SetSym1 d :: TyFun b (s ~> t) -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Type.Lens | |
type Apply (SetSym1 a6989586621679215073 :: TyFun b6989586621679210879 (s6989586621679210876 ~> t6989586621679210877) -> Type) (a6989586621679215074 :: b6989586621679210879) Source # | |
data SetSym2 (a6989586621679215073 :: (~>) ((~>) a6989586621679210878 (Identity b6989586621679210879)) ((~>) s6989586621679210876 (Identity t6989586621679210877))) (a6989586621679215074 :: b6989586621679210879) :: (~>) s6989586621679210876 t6989586621679210877 Source #
SuppressUnusedWarnings (SetSym2 a6989586621679215074 a6989586621679215073 :: TyFun s6989586621679210876 t6989586621679210877 -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Type.Lens Methods suppressUnusedWarnings :: () # | |
(SingI d1, SingI d2) => SingI (SetSym2 d1 d2 :: TyFun s t -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Type.Lens | |
type Apply (SetSym2 a6989586621679215074 a6989586621679215073 :: TyFun s t -> Type) (a6989586621679215075 :: s) Source # | |
type SetSym3 (a6989586621679215073 :: (~>) ((~>) a6989586621679210878 (Identity b6989586621679210879)) ((~>) s6989586621679210876 (Identity t6989586621679210877))) (a6989586621679215074 :: b6989586621679210879) (a6989586621679215075 :: s6989586621679210876) = Set a6989586621679215073 a6989586621679215074 a6989586621679215075 Source #
data SetsSym0 :: forall a6989586621679210870 b6989586621679210871 s6989586621679210872 t6989586621679210873. (~>) ((~>) ((~>) a6989586621679210870 b6989586621679210871) ((~>) s6989586621679210872 t6989586621679210873)) ((~>) ((~>) a6989586621679210870 (Identity b6989586621679210871)) ((~>) s6989586621679210872 (Identity t6989586621679210873))) Source #
SuppressUnusedWarnings (SetsSym0 :: TyFun ((a6989586621679210870 ~> b6989586621679210871) ~> (s6989586621679210872 ~> t6989586621679210873)) ((a6989586621679210870 ~> Identity b6989586621679210871) ~> (s6989586621679210872 ~> Identity t6989586621679210873)) -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Type.Lens Methods suppressUnusedWarnings :: () # | |
SingI (SetsSym0 :: TyFun ((a ~> b) ~> (s ~> t)) ((a ~> Identity b) ~> (s ~> Identity t)) -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Type.Lens | |
type Apply (SetsSym0 :: TyFun ((a6989586621679210870 ~> b6989586621679210871) ~> (s6989586621679210872 ~> t6989586621679210873)) ((a6989586621679210870 ~> Identity b6989586621679210871) ~> (s6989586621679210872 ~> Identity t6989586621679210873)) -> Type) (a6989586621679215015 :: (a6989586621679210870 ~> b6989586621679210871) ~> (s6989586621679210872 ~> t6989586621679210873)) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Type.Lens type Apply (SetsSym0 :: TyFun ((a6989586621679210870 ~> b6989586621679210871) ~> (s6989586621679210872 ~> t6989586621679210873)) ((a6989586621679210870 ~> Identity b6989586621679210871) ~> (s6989586621679210872 ~> Identity t6989586621679210873)) -> Type) (a6989586621679215015 :: (a6989586621679210870 ~> b6989586621679210871) ~> (s6989586621679210872 ~> t6989586621679210873)) = SetsSym1 a6989586621679215015 |
data SetsSym1 (a6989586621679215015 :: (~>) ((~>) a6989586621679210870 b6989586621679210871) ((~>) s6989586621679210872 t6989586621679210873)) :: (~>) ((~>) a6989586621679210870 (Identity b6989586621679210871)) ((~>) s6989586621679210872 (Identity t6989586621679210873)) Source #
SuppressUnusedWarnings (SetsSym1 a6989586621679215015 :: TyFun (a6989586621679210870 ~> Identity b6989586621679210871) (s6989586621679210872 ~> Identity t6989586621679210873) -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Type.Lens Methods suppressUnusedWarnings :: () # | |
SingI d => SingI (SetsSym1 d :: TyFun (a ~> Identity b) (s ~> Identity t) -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Type.Lens | |
type Apply (SetsSym1 a6989586621679215015 :: TyFun (a6989586621679210870 ~> Identity b6989586621679210871) (s6989586621679210872 ~> Identity t6989586621679210873) -> Type) (a6989586621679215016 :: a6989586621679210870 ~> Identity b6989586621679210871) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Type.Lens type Apply (SetsSym1 a6989586621679215015 :: TyFun (a6989586621679210870 ~> Identity b6989586621679210871) (s6989586621679210872 ~> Identity t6989586621679210873) -> Type) (a6989586621679215016 :: a6989586621679210870 ~> Identity b6989586621679210871) = SetsSym2 a6989586621679215015 a6989586621679215016 |
data SetsSym2 (a6989586621679215015 :: (~>) ((~>) a6989586621679210870 b6989586621679210871) ((~>) s6989586621679210872 t6989586621679210873)) (a6989586621679215016 :: (~>) a6989586621679210870 (Identity b6989586621679210871)) :: (~>) s6989586621679210872 (Identity t6989586621679210873) Source #
SuppressUnusedWarnings (SetsSym2 a6989586621679215016 a6989586621679215015 :: TyFun s6989586621679210872 (Identity t6989586621679210873) -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Type.Lens Methods suppressUnusedWarnings :: () # | |
(SingI d1, SingI d2) => SingI (SetsSym2 d1 d2 :: TyFun s (Identity t) -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Type.Lens | |
type Apply (SetsSym2 a6989586621679215016 a6989586621679215015 :: TyFun s (Identity t) -> Type) (a6989586621679215017 :: s) Source # | |
type SetsSym3 (a6989586621679215015 :: (~>) ((~>) a6989586621679210870 b6989586621679210871) ((~>) s6989586621679210872 t6989586621679210873)) (a6989586621679215016 :: (~>) a6989586621679210870 (Identity b6989586621679210871)) (a6989586621679215017 :: s6989586621679210872) = Sets a6989586621679215015 a6989586621679215016 a6989586621679215017 Source #
data GettingSym0 r6989586621679201101 Source #
SuppressUnusedWarnings GettingSym0 Source # | |
Defined in Data.Type.Lens Methods suppressUnusedWarnings :: () # | |
type Apply GettingSym0 (r6989586621679201101 :: Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Type.Lens |
data GettingSym1 (r6989586621679201101 :: Type) s6989586621679201102 Source #
SuppressUnusedWarnings (GettingSym1 r6989586621679201101 :: TyFun Type (TyFun Type Type -> Type) -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Type.Lens Methods suppressUnusedWarnings :: () # | |
type Apply (GettingSym1 r6989586621679201101 :: TyFun Type (TyFun Type Type -> Type) -> Type) (s6989586621679201102 :: Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Type.Lens |
data GettingSym2 (r6989586621679201101 :: Type) (s6989586621679201102 :: Type) a6989586621679201103 Source #
SuppressUnusedWarnings (GettingSym2 s6989586621679201102 r6989586621679201101 :: TyFun Type Type -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Type.Lens Methods suppressUnusedWarnings :: () # | |
type Apply (GettingSym2 s6989586621679201102 r6989586621679201101 :: TyFun Type Type -> Type) (a6989586621679201103 :: Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Type.Lens |
type GettingSym3 (r6989586621679201101 :: Type) (s6989586621679201102 :: Type) (a6989586621679201103 :: Type) = Getting r6989586621679201101 s6989586621679201102 a6989586621679201103 Source #
data ViewSym0 :: forall a6989586621679210874 s6989586621679210875. (~>) ((~>) ((~>) a6989586621679210874 ((Const a6989586621679210874 :: Type -> Type) a6989586621679210874)) ((~>) s6989586621679210875 ((Const a6989586621679210874 :: Type -> Type) s6989586621679210875))) ((~>) s6989586621679210875 a6989586621679210874) Source #
SuppressUnusedWarnings (ViewSym0 :: TyFun ((a6989586621679210874 ~> Const a6989586621679210874 a6989586621679210874) ~> (s6989586621679210875 ~> Const a6989586621679210874 s6989586621679210875)) (s6989586621679210875 ~> a6989586621679210874) -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Type.Lens Methods suppressUnusedWarnings :: () # | |
SingI (ViewSym0 :: TyFun ((a ~> Const a a) ~> (s ~> Const a s)) (s ~> a) -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Type.Lens | |
type Apply (ViewSym0 :: TyFun ((a6989586621679210874 ~> Const a6989586621679210874 a6989586621679210874) ~> (s6989586621679210875 ~> Const a6989586621679210874 s6989586621679210875)) (s6989586621679210875 ~> a6989586621679210874) -> Type) (a6989586621679215043 :: (a6989586621679210874 ~> Const a6989586621679210874 a6989586621679210874) ~> (s6989586621679210875 ~> Const a6989586621679210874 s6989586621679210875)) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Type.Lens type Apply (ViewSym0 :: TyFun ((a6989586621679210874 ~> Const a6989586621679210874 a6989586621679210874) ~> (s6989586621679210875 ~> Const a6989586621679210874 s6989586621679210875)) (s6989586621679210875 ~> a6989586621679210874) -> Type) (a6989586621679215043 :: (a6989586621679210874 ~> Const a6989586621679210874 a6989586621679210874) ~> (s6989586621679210875 ~> Const a6989586621679210874 s6989586621679210875)) = ViewSym1 a6989586621679215043 |
data ViewSym1 (a6989586621679215043 :: (~>) ((~>) a6989586621679210874 ((Const a6989586621679210874 :: Type -> Type) a6989586621679210874)) ((~>) s6989586621679210875 ((Const a6989586621679210874 :: Type -> Type) s6989586621679210875))) :: (~>) s6989586621679210875 a6989586621679210874 Source #
SuppressUnusedWarnings (ViewSym1 a6989586621679215043 :: TyFun s6989586621679210875 a6989586621679210874 -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Type.Lens Methods suppressUnusedWarnings :: () # | |
SingI d => SingI (ViewSym1 d :: TyFun s a -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Type.Lens | |
type Apply (ViewSym1 a6989586621679215043 :: TyFun s a -> Type) (a6989586621679215044 :: s) Source # | |
type ViewSym2 (a6989586621679215043 :: (~>) ((~>) a6989586621679210874 ((Const a6989586621679210874 :: Type -> Type) a6989586621679210874)) ((~>) s6989586621679210875 ((Const a6989586621679210874 :: Type -> Type) s6989586621679210875))) (a6989586621679215044 :: s6989586621679210875) = View a6989586621679215043 a6989586621679215044 Source #
data ToSym0 :: forall a6989586621679210868 r6989586621679210869 s6989586621679210867. (~>) ((~>) s6989586621679210867 a6989586621679210868) ((~>) ((~>) a6989586621679210868 ((Const r6989586621679210869 :: Type -> Type) a6989586621679210868)) ((~>) s6989586621679210867 ((Const r6989586621679210869 :: Type -> Type) s6989586621679210867))) Source #
SuppressUnusedWarnings (ToSym0 :: TyFun (s6989586621679210867 ~> a6989586621679210868) ((a6989586621679210868 ~> Const r6989586621679210869 a6989586621679210868) ~> (s6989586621679210867 ~> Const r6989586621679210869 s6989586621679210867)) -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Type.Lens Methods suppressUnusedWarnings :: () # | |
SingI (ToSym0 :: TyFun (s ~> a) ((a ~> Const r a) ~> (s ~> Const r s)) -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Type.Lens | |
type Apply (ToSym0 :: TyFun (s6989586621679210867 ~> a6989586621679210868) ((a6989586621679210868 ~> Const r6989586621679210869 a6989586621679210868) ~> (s6989586621679210867 ~> Const r6989586621679210869 s6989586621679210867)) -> Type) (a6989586621679214998 :: s6989586621679210867 ~> a6989586621679210868) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Type.Lens type Apply (ToSym0 :: TyFun (s6989586621679210867 ~> a6989586621679210868) ((a6989586621679210868 ~> Const r6989586621679210869 a6989586621679210868) ~> (s6989586621679210867 ~> Const r6989586621679210869 s6989586621679210867)) -> Type) (a6989586621679214998 :: s6989586621679210867 ~> a6989586621679210868) = (ToSym1 a6989586621679214998 r6989586621679210869 :: TyFun (a6989586621679210868 ~> Const r6989586621679210869 a6989586621679210868) (s6989586621679210867 ~> Const r6989586621679210869 s6989586621679210867) -> Type) |
data ToSym1 (a6989586621679214998 :: (~>) s6989586621679210867 a6989586621679210868) :: forall r6989586621679210869. (~>) ((~>) a6989586621679210868 ((Const r6989586621679210869 :: Type -> Type) a6989586621679210868)) ((~>) s6989586621679210867 ((Const r6989586621679210869 :: Type -> Type) s6989586621679210867)) Source #
SuppressUnusedWarnings (ToSym1 a6989586621679214998 r6989586621679210869 :: TyFun (a6989586621679210868 ~> Const r6989586621679210869 a6989586621679210868) (s6989586621679210867 ~> Const r6989586621679210869 s6989586621679210867) -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Type.Lens Methods suppressUnusedWarnings :: () # | |
SingI d => SingI (ToSym1 d r :: TyFun (a ~> Const r a) (s ~> Const r s) -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Type.Lens | |
type Apply (ToSym1 a6989586621679214998 r6989586621679210869 :: TyFun (a6989586621679210868 ~> Const r6989586621679210869 a6989586621679210868) (s6989586621679210867 ~> Const r6989586621679210869 s6989586621679210867) -> Type) (a6989586621679214999 :: a6989586621679210868 ~> Const r6989586621679210869 a6989586621679210868) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Type.Lens type Apply (ToSym1 a6989586621679214998 r6989586621679210869 :: TyFun (a6989586621679210868 ~> Const r6989586621679210869 a6989586621679210868) (s6989586621679210867 ~> Const r6989586621679210869 s6989586621679210867) -> Type) (a6989586621679214999 :: a6989586621679210868 ~> Const r6989586621679210869 a6989586621679210868) = ToSym2 a6989586621679214998 a6989586621679214999 |
data ToSym2 (a6989586621679214998 :: (~>) s6989586621679210867 a6989586621679210868) (a6989586621679214999 :: (~>) a6989586621679210868 ((Const r6989586621679210869 :: Type -> Type) a6989586621679210868)) :: (~>) s6989586621679210867 ((Const r6989586621679210869 :: Type -> Type) s6989586621679210867) Source #
SuppressUnusedWarnings (ToSym2 a6989586621679214999 a6989586621679214998 :: TyFun s6989586621679210867 (Const r6989586621679210869 s6989586621679210867) -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Type.Lens Methods suppressUnusedWarnings :: () # | |
(SingI d1, SingI d2) => SingI (ToSym2 d1 d2 :: TyFun s (Const r s) -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Type.Lens | |
type Apply (ToSym2 a6989586621679214999 a6989586621679214998 :: TyFun s (Const r s) -> Type) (a6989586621679215000 :: s) Source # | |
type ToSym3 (a6989586621679214998 :: (~>) s6989586621679210867 a6989586621679210868) (a6989586621679214999 :: (~>) a6989586621679210868 ((Const r6989586621679210869 :: Type -> Type) a6989586621679210868)) (a6989586621679215000 :: s6989586621679210867) = To a6989586621679214998 a6989586621679214999 a6989586621679215000 Source #
data ToListOfSym0 :: forall a6989586621679210865 s6989586621679210866. (~>) ((~>) ((~>) a6989586621679210865 ((Const [a6989586621679210865] :: Type -> Type) a6989586621679210865)) ((~>) s6989586621679210866 ((Const [a6989586621679210865] :: Type -> Type) s6989586621679210866))) ((~>) s6989586621679210866 [a6989586621679210865]) Source #
SuppressUnusedWarnings (ToListOfSym0 :: TyFun ((a6989586621679210865 ~> Const [a6989586621679210865] a6989586621679210865) ~> (s6989586621679210866 ~> Const [a6989586621679210865] s6989586621679210866)) (s6989586621679210866 ~> [a6989586621679210865]) -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Type.Lens Methods suppressUnusedWarnings :: () # | |
SingI (ToListOfSym0 :: TyFun ((a ~> Const [a] a) ~> (s ~> Const [a] s)) (s ~> [a]) -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Type.Lens Methods sing :: Sing ToListOfSym0 # | |
type Apply (ToListOfSym0 :: TyFun ((a6989586621679210865 ~> Const [a6989586621679210865] a6989586621679210865) ~> (s6989586621679210866 ~> Const [a6989586621679210865] s6989586621679210866)) (s6989586621679210866 ~> [a6989586621679210865]) -> Type) (a6989586621679214978 :: (a6989586621679210865 ~> Const [a6989586621679210865] a6989586621679210865) ~> (s6989586621679210866 ~> Const [a6989586621679210865] s6989586621679210866)) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Type.Lens type Apply (ToListOfSym0 :: TyFun ((a6989586621679210865 ~> Const [a6989586621679210865] a6989586621679210865) ~> (s6989586621679210866 ~> Const [a6989586621679210865] s6989586621679210866)) (s6989586621679210866 ~> [a6989586621679210865]) -> Type) (a6989586621679214978 :: (a6989586621679210865 ~> Const [a6989586621679210865] a6989586621679210865) ~> (s6989586621679210866 ~> Const [a6989586621679210865] s6989586621679210866)) = ToListOfSym1 a6989586621679214978 |
data ToListOfSym1 (a6989586621679214978 :: (~>) ((~>) a6989586621679210865 ((Const [a6989586621679210865] :: Type -> Type) a6989586621679210865)) ((~>) s6989586621679210866 ((Const [a6989586621679210865] :: Type -> Type) s6989586621679210866))) :: (~>) s6989586621679210866 [a6989586621679210865] Source #
SuppressUnusedWarnings (ToListOfSym1 a6989586621679214978 :: TyFun s6989586621679210866 [a6989586621679210865] -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Type.Lens Methods suppressUnusedWarnings :: () # | |
SingI d => SingI (ToListOfSym1 d :: TyFun s [a] -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Type.Lens Methods sing :: Sing (ToListOfSym1 d) # | |
type Apply (ToListOfSym1 a6989586621679214978 :: TyFun s [a] -> Type) (a6989586621679214979 :: s) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Type.Lens type Apply (ToListOfSym1 a6989586621679214978 :: TyFun s [a] -> Type) (a6989586621679214979 :: s) = ToListOf a6989586621679214978 a6989586621679214979 |
type ToListOfSym2 (a6989586621679214978 :: (~>) ((~>) a6989586621679210865 ((Const [a6989586621679210865] :: Type -> Type) a6989586621679210865)) ((~>) s6989586621679210866 ((Const [a6989586621679210865] :: Type -> Type) s6989586621679210866))) (a6989586621679214979 :: s6989586621679210866) = ToListOf a6989586621679214978 a6989586621679214979 Source #
data LensLikeSym0 f6989586621679201111 Source #
SuppressUnusedWarnings (LensLikeSym0 :: TyFun (k6989586621679201126 -> Type) (TyFun Type (TyFun k6989586621679201126 (TyFun Type (TyFun k6989586621679201126 Type -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Type.Lens Methods suppressUnusedWarnings :: () # | |
type Apply (LensLikeSym0 :: TyFun (k6989586621679201126 -> Type) (TyFun Type (TyFun k6989586621679201126 (TyFun Type (TyFun k6989586621679201126 Type -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) (f6989586621679201111 :: k6989586621679201126 -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Type.Lens |
data LensLikeSym1 (f6989586621679201111 :: k6989586621679201126 -> Type) s6989586621679201112 Source #
SuppressUnusedWarnings (LensLikeSym1 f6989586621679201111 :: TyFun Type (TyFun k6989586621679201126 (TyFun Type (TyFun k6989586621679201126 Type -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Type.Lens Methods suppressUnusedWarnings :: () # | |
type Apply (LensLikeSym1 f6989586621679201111 :: TyFun Type (TyFun k6989586621679201126 (TyFun Type (TyFun k6989586621679201126 Type -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) (s6989586621679201112 :: Type) Source # | |
data LensLikeSym2 (f6989586621679201111 :: k6989586621679201126 -> Type) (s6989586621679201112 :: Type) t6989586621679201113 Source #
SuppressUnusedWarnings (LensLikeSym2 s6989586621679201112 f6989586621679201111 :: TyFun k6989586621679201126 (TyFun Type (TyFun k6989586621679201126 Type -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Type.Lens Methods suppressUnusedWarnings :: () # | |
type Apply (LensLikeSym2 s6989586621679201112 f6989586621679201111 :: TyFun k6989586621679201126 (TyFun Type (TyFun k6989586621679201126 Type -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) (t6989586621679201113 :: k6989586621679201126) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Type.Lens |
data LensLikeSym3 (f6989586621679201111 :: k6989586621679201126 -> Type) (s6989586621679201112 :: Type) (t6989586621679201113 :: k6989586621679201126) a6989586621679201114 Source #
SuppressUnusedWarnings (LensLikeSym3 t6989586621679201113 s6989586621679201112 f6989586621679201111 :: TyFun Type (TyFun k6989586621679201126 Type -> Type) -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Type.Lens Methods suppressUnusedWarnings :: () # | |
type Apply (LensLikeSym3 t6989586621679201113 s6989586621679201112 f6989586621679201111 :: TyFun Type (TyFun k6989586621679201126 Type -> Type) -> Type) (a6989586621679201114 :: Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Type.Lens type Apply (LensLikeSym3 t6989586621679201113 s6989586621679201112 f6989586621679201111 :: TyFun Type (TyFun k6989586621679201126 Type -> Type) -> Type) (a6989586621679201114 :: Type) = LensLikeSym4 t6989586621679201113 s6989586621679201112 f6989586621679201111 a6989586621679201114 |
data LensLikeSym4 (f6989586621679201111 :: k6989586621679201126 -> Type) (s6989586621679201112 :: Type) (t6989586621679201113 :: k6989586621679201126) (a6989586621679201114 :: Type) b6989586621679201115 Source #
SuppressUnusedWarnings (LensLikeSym4 a6989586621679201114 t6989586621679201113 s6989586621679201112 f6989586621679201111 :: TyFun k6989586621679201126 Type -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Type.Lens Methods suppressUnusedWarnings :: () # | |
type Apply (LensLikeSym4 a6989586621679201114 t6989586621679201113 s6989586621679201112 f6989586621679201111 :: TyFun k Type -> Type) (b6989586621679201115 :: k) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Type.Lens |
type LensLikeSym5 (f6989586621679201111 :: k6989586621679201126 -> Type) (s6989586621679201112 :: Type) (t6989586621679201113 :: k6989586621679201126) (a6989586621679201114 :: Type) (b6989586621679201115 :: k6989586621679201126) = LensLike f6989586621679201111 s6989586621679201112 t6989586621679201113 a6989586621679201114 b6989586621679201115 Source #
data LensLike'Sym0 f6989586621679201108 Source #
SuppressUnusedWarnings LensLike'Sym0 Source # | |
Defined in Data.Type.Lens Methods suppressUnusedWarnings :: () # | |
type Apply LensLike'Sym0 (f6989586621679201108 :: Type -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Type.Lens type Apply LensLike'Sym0 (f6989586621679201108 :: Type -> Type) = LensLike'Sym1 f6989586621679201108 |
data LensLike'Sym1 (f6989586621679201108 :: Type -> Type) s6989586621679201109 Source #
SuppressUnusedWarnings (LensLike'Sym1 f6989586621679201108 :: TyFun Type (TyFun Type Type -> Type) -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Type.Lens Methods suppressUnusedWarnings :: () # | |
type Apply (LensLike'Sym1 f6989586621679201108 :: TyFun Type (TyFun Type Type -> Type) -> Type) (s6989586621679201109 :: Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Type.Lens |
data LensLike'Sym2 (f6989586621679201108 :: Type -> Type) (s6989586621679201109 :: Type) a6989586621679201110 Source #
SuppressUnusedWarnings (LensLike'Sym2 s6989586621679201109 f6989586621679201108 :: TyFun Type Type -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Type.Lens Methods suppressUnusedWarnings :: () # | |
type Apply (LensLike'Sym2 s6989586621679201109 f6989586621679201108 :: TyFun Type Type -> Type) (a6989586621679201110 :: Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Type.Lens |
type LensLike'Sym3 (f6989586621679201108 :: Type -> Type) (s6989586621679201109 :: Type) (a6989586621679201110 :: Type) = LensLike' f6989586621679201108 s6989586621679201109 a6989586621679201110 Source #
data MkLensSym0 :: forall a6989586621679239055 b6989586621679239056 f6989586621679239053 s6989586621679239054 t6989586621679239057. (~>) ((~>) s6989586621679239054 a6989586621679239055) ((~>) ((~>) s6989586621679239054 ((~>) b6989586621679239056 t6989586621679239057)) ((~>) ((~>) a6989586621679239055 (f6989586621679239053 b6989586621679239056)) ((~>) s6989586621679239054 (f6989586621679239053 t6989586621679239057)))) Source #
SuppressUnusedWarnings (MkLensSym0 :: TyFun (s6989586621679239054 ~> a6989586621679239055) ((s6989586621679239054 ~> (b6989586621679239056 ~> t6989586621679239057)) ~> ((a6989586621679239055 ~> f6989586621679239053 b6989586621679239056) ~> (s6989586621679239054 ~> f6989586621679239053 t6989586621679239057))) -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Type.Lens Methods suppressUnusedWarnings :: () # | |
SFunctor f => SingI (MkLensSym0 :: TyFun (s ~> a) ((s ~> (b ~> t)) ~> ((a ~> f b) ~> (s ~> f t))) -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Type.Lens Methods sing :: Sing MkLensSym0 # | |
type Apply (MkLensSym0 :: TyFun (s6989586621679239054 ~> a6989586621679239055) ((s6989586621679239054 ~> (b6989586621679239056 ~> t6989586621679239057)) ~> ((a6989586621679239055 ~> f6989586621679239053 b6989586621679239056) ~> (s6989586621679239054 ~> f6989586621679239053 t6989586621679239057))) -> Type) (a6989586621679239134 :: s6989586621679239054 ~> a6989586621679239055) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Type.Lens type Apply (MkLensSym0 :: TyFun (s6989586621679239054 ~> a6989586621679239055) ((s6989586621679239054 ~> (b6989586621679239056 ~> t6989586621679239057)) ~> ((a6989586621679239055 ~> f6989586621679239053 b6989586621679239056) ~> (s6989586621679239054 ~> f6989586621679239053 t6989586621679239057))) -> Type) (a6989586621679239134 :: s6989586621679239054 ~> a6989586621679239055) = (MkLensSym1 a6989586621679239134 b6989586621679239056 f6989586621679239053 t6989586621679239057 :: TyFun (s6989586621679239054 ~> (b6989586621679239056 ~> t6989586621679239057)) ((a6989586621679239055 ~> f6989586621679239053 b6989586621679239056) ~> (s6989586621679239054 ~> f6989586621679239053 t6989586621679239057)) -> Type) |
data MkLensSym1 (a6989586621679239134 :: (~>) s6989586621679239054 a6989586621679239055) :: forall b6989586621679239056 f6989586621679239053 t6989586621679239057. (~>) ((~>) s6989586621679239054 ((~>) b6989586621679239056 t6989586621679239057)) ((~>) ((~>) a6989586621679239055 (f6989586621679239053 b6989586621679239056)) ((~>) s6989586621679239054 (f6989586621679239053 t6989586621679239057))) Source #
SuppressUnusedWarnings (MkLensSym1 a6989586621679239134 b6989586621679239056 f6989586621679239053 t6989586621679239057 :: TyFun (s6989586621679239054 ~> (b6989586621679239056 ~> t6989586621679239057)) ((a6989586621679239055 ~> f6989586621679239053 b6989586621679239056) ~> (s6989586621679239054 ~> f6989586621679239053 t6989586621679239057)) -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Type.Lens Methods suppressUnusedWarnings :: () # | |
(SFunctor f, SingI d) => SingI (MkLensSym1 d b f t :: TyFun (s ~> (b ~> t)) ((a ~> f b) ~> (s ~> f t)) -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Type.Lens Methods sing :: Sing (MkLensSym1 d b f t) # | |
type Apply (MkLensSym1 a6989586621679239134 b6989586621679239056 f6989586621679239053 t6989586621679239057 :: TyFun (s6989586621679239054 ~> (b6989586621679239056 ~> t6989586621679239057)) ((a6989586621679239055 ~> f6989586621679239053 b6989586621679239056) ~> (s6989586621679239054 ~> f6989586621679239053 t6989586621679239057)) -> Type) (a6989586621679239135 :: s6989586621679239054 ~> (b6989586621679239056 ~> t6989586621679239057)) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Type.Lens type Apply (MkLensSym1 a6989586621679239134 b6989586621679239056 f6989586621679239053 t6989586621679239057 :: TyFun (s6989586621679239054 ~> (b6989586621679239056 ~> t6989586621679239057)) ((a6989586621679239055 ~> f6989586621679239053 b6989586621679239056) ~> (s6989586621679239054 ~> f6989586621679239053 t6989586621679239057)) -> Type) (a6989586621679239135 :: s6989586621679239054 ~> (b6989586621679239056 ~> t6989586621679239057)) = (MkLensSym2 a6989586621679239134 a6989586621679239135 f6989586621679239053 :: TyFun (a6989586621679239055 ~> f6989586621679239053 b6989586621679239056) (s6989586621679239054 ~> f6989586621679239053 t6989586621679239057) -> Type) |
data MkLensSym2 (a6989586621679239134 :: (~>) s6989586621679239054 a6989586621679239055) (a6989586621679239135 :: (~>) s6989586621679239054 ((~>) b6989586621679239056 t6989586621679239057)) :: forall f6989586621679239053. (~>) ((~>) a6989586621679239055 (f6989586621679239053 b6989586621679239056)) ((~>) s6989586621679239054 (f6989586621679239053 t6989586621679239057)) Source #
SuppressUnusedWarnings (MkLensSym2 a6989586621679239135 a6989586621679239134 f6989586621679239053 :: TyFun (a6989586621679239055 ~> f6989586621679239053 b6989586621679239056) (s6989586621679239054 ~> f6989586621679239053 t6989586621679239057) -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Type.Lens Methods suppressUnusedWarnings :: () # | |
(SFunctor f, SingI d1, SingI d2) => SingI (MkLensSym2 d1 d2 f :: TyFun (a ~> f b) (s ~> f t) -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Type.Lens Methods sing :: Sing (MkLensSym2 d1 d2 f) # | |
type Apply (MkLensSym2 a6989586621679239135 a6989586621679239134 f6989586621679239053 :: TyFun (a6989586621679239055 ~> f6989586621679239053 b6989586621679239056) (s6989586621679239054 ~> f6989586621679239053 t6989586621679239057) -> Type) (a6989586621679239136 :: a6989586621679239055 ~> f6989586621679239053 b6989586621679239056) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Type.Lens type Apply (MkLensSym2 a6989586621679239135 a6989586621679239134 f6989586621679239053 :: TyFun (a6989586621679239055 ~> f6989586621679239053 b6989586621679239056) (s6989586621679239054 ~> f6989586621679239053 t6989586621679239057) -> Type) (a6989586621679239136 :: a6989586621679239055 ~> f6989586621679239053 b6989586621679239056) = MkLensSym3 a6989586621679239135 a6989586621679239134 a6989586621679239136 |
data MkLensSym3 (a6989586621679239134 :: (~>) s6989586621679239054 a6989586621679239055) (a6989586621679239135 :: (~>) s6989586621679239054 ((~>) b6989586621679239056 t6989586621679239057)) (a6989586621679239136 :: (~>) a6989586621679239055 (f6989586621679239053 b6989586621679239056)) :: (~>) s6989586621679239054 (f6989586621679239053 t6989586621679239057) Source #
SuppressUnusedWarnings (MkLensSym3 a6989586621679239136 a6989586621679239135 a6989586621679239134 :: TyFun s6989586621679239054 (f6989586621679239053 t6989586621679239057) -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Type.Lens Methods suppressUnusedWarnings :: () # | |
(SFunctor f, SingI d1, SingI d2, SingI d3) => SingI (MkLensSym3 d1 d2 d3 :: TyFun s (f t) -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Type.Lens Methods sing :: Sing (MkLensSym3 d1 d2 d3) # | |
type Apply (MkLensSym3 a6989586621679239136 a6989586621679239135 a6989586621679239134 :: TyFun s (f t) -> Type) (a6989586621679239137 :: s) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Type.Lens type Apply (MkLensSym3 a6989586621679239136 a6989586621679239135 a6989586621679239134 :: TyFun s (f t) -> Type) (a6989586621679239137 :: s) = MkLens a6989586621679239136 a6989586621679239135 a6989586621679239134 a6989586621679239137 |
type MkLensSym4 (a6989586621679239134 :: (~>) s6989586621679239054 a6989586621679239055) (a6989586621679239135 :: (~>) s6989586621679239054 ((~>) b6989586621679239056 t6989586621679239057)) (a6989586621679239136 :: (~>) a6989586621679239055 (f6989586621679239053 b6989586621679239056)) (a6989586621679239137 :: s6989586621679239054) = MkLens a6989586621679239134 a6989586621679239135 a6989586621679239136 a6989586621679239137 Source #
data CloneLensSym0 :: forall a6989586621679210850 b6989586621679210851 f6989586621679210849 s6989586621679210852 t6989586621679210853. (~>) ((~>) ((~>) a6989586621679210850 (Context a6989586621679210850 b6989586621679210851 b6989586621679210851)) ((~>) s6989586621679210852 (Context a6989586621679210850 b6989586621679210851 t6989586621679210853))) ((~>) ((~>) a6989586621679210850 (f6989586621679210849 b6989586621679210851)) ((~>) s6989586621679210852 (f6989586621679210849 t6989586621679210853))) Source #
SuppressUnusedWarnings (CloneLensSym0 :: TyFun ((a6989586621679210850 ~> Context a6989586621679210850 b6989586621679210851 b6989586621679210851) ~> (s6989586621679210852 ~> Context a6989586621679210850 b6989586621679210851 t6989586621679210853)) ((a6989586621679210850 ~> f6989586621679210849 b6989586621679210851) ~> (s6989586621679210852 ~> f6989586621679210849 t6989586621679210853)) -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Type.Lens Methods suppressUnusedWarnings :: () # | |
SFunctor f => SingI (CloneLensSym0 :: TyFun ((a ~> Context a b b) ~> (s ~> Context a b t)) ((a ~> f b) ~> (s ~> f t)) -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Type.Lens Methods sing :: Sing CloneLensSym0 # | |
type Apply (CloneLensSym0 :: TyFun ((a6989586621679210850 ~> Context a6989586621679210850 b6989586621679210851 b6989586621679210851) ~> (s6989586621679210852 ~> Context a6989586621679210850 b6989586621679210851 t6989586621679210853)) ((a6989586621679210850 ~> f6989586621679210849 b6989586621679210851) ~> (s6989586621679210852 ~> f6989586621679210849 t6989586621679210853)) -> Type) (a6989586621679214896 :: (a6989586621679210850 ~> Context a6989586621679210850 b6989586621679210851 b6989586621679210851) ~> (s6989586621679210852 ~> Context a6989586621679210850 b6989586621679210851 t6989586621679210853)) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Type.Lens type Apply (CloneLensSym0 :: TyFun ((a6989586621679210850 ~> Context a6989586621679210850 b6989586621679210851 b6989586621679210851) ~> (s6989586621679210852 ~> Context a6989586621679210850 b6989586621679210851 t6989586621679210853)) ((a6989586621679210850 ~> f6989586621679210849 b6989586621679210851) ~> (s6989586621679210852 ~> f6989586621679210849 t6989586621679210853)) -> Type) (a6989586621679214896 :: (a6989586621679210850 ~> Context a6989586621679210850 b6989586621679210851 b6989586621679210851) ~> (s6989586621679210852 ~> Context a6989586621679210850 b6989586621679210851 t6989586621679210853)) = (CloneLensSym1 a6989586621679214896 f6989586621679210849 :: TyFun (a6989586621679210850 ~> f6989586621679210849 b6989586621679210851) (s6989586621679210852 ~> f6989586621679210849 t6989586621679210853) -> Type) |
data CloneLensSym1 (a6989586621679214896 :: (~>) ((~>) a6989586621679210850 (Context a6989586621679210850 b6989586621679210851 b6989586621679210851)) ((~>) s6989586621679210852 (Context a6989586621679210850 b6989586621679210851 t6989586621679210853))) :: forall f6989586621679210849. (~>) ((~>) a6989586621679210850 (f6989586621679210849 b6989586621679210851)) ((~>) s6989586621679210852 (f6989586621679210849 t6989586621679210853)) Source #
SuppressUnusedWarnings (CloneLensSym1 a6989586621679214896 f6989586621679210849 :: TyFun (a6989586621679210850 ~> f6989586621679210849 b6989586621679210851) (s6989586621679210852 ~> f6989586621679210849 t6989586621679210853) -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Type.Lens Methods suppressUnusedWarnings :: () # | |
(SFunctor f, SingI d) => SingI (CloneLensSym1 d f :: TyFun (a ~> f b) (s ~> f t) -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Type.Lens Methods sing :: Sing (CloneLensSym1 d f) # | |
type Apply (CloneLensSym1 a6989586621679214896 f6989586621679210849 :: TyFun (a6989586621679210850 ~> f6989586621679210849 b6989586621679210851) (s6989586621679210852 ~> f6989586621679210849 t6989586621679210853) -> Type) (a6989586621679214897 :: a6989586621679210850 ~> f6989586621679210849 b6989586621679210851) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Type.Lens type Apply (CloneLensSym1 a6989586621679214896 f6989586621679210849 :: TyFun (a6989586621679210850 ~> f6989586621679210849 b6989586621679210851) (s6989586621679210852 ~> f6989586621679210849 t6989586621679210853) -> Type) (a6989586621679214897 :: a6989586621679210850 ~> f6989586621679210849 b6989586621679210851) = CloneLensSym2 a6989586621679214896 a6989586621679214897 |
data CloneLensSym2 (a6989586621679214896 :: (~>) ((~>) a6989586621679210850 (Context a6989586621679210850 b6989586621679210851 b6989586621679210851)) ((~>) s6989586621679210852 (Context a6989586621679210850 b6989586621679210851 t6989586621679210853))) (a6989586621679214897 :: (~>) a6989586621679210850 (f6989586621679210849 b6989586621679210851)) :: (~>) s6989586621679210852 (f6989586621679210849 t6989586621679210853) Source #
SuppressUnusedWarnings (CloneLensSym2 a6989586621679214897 a6989586621679214896 :: TyFun s6989586621679210852 (f6989586621679210849 t6989586621679210853) -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Type.Lens Methods suppressUnusedWarnings :: () # | |
(SFunctor f, SingI d1, SingI d2) => SingI (CloneLensSym2 d1 d2 :: TyFun s (f t) -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Type.Lens Methods sing :: Sing (CloneLensSym2 d1 d2) # | |
type Apply (CloneLensSym2 a6989586621679214897 a6989586621679214896 :: TyFun s (f t) -> Type) (a6989586621679214898 :: s) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Type.Lens type Apply (CloneLensSym2 a6989586621679214897 a6989586621679214896 :: TyFun s (f t) -> Type) (a6989586621679214898 :: s) = CloneLens a6989586621679214897 a6989586621679214896 a6989586621679214898 |
type CloneLensSym3 (a6989586621679214896 :: (~>) ((~>) a6989586621679210850 (Context a6989586621679210850 b6989586621679210851 b6989586621679210851)) ((~>) s6989586621679210852 (Context a6989586621679210850 b6989586621679210851 t6989586621679210853))) (a6989586621679214897 :: (~>) a6989586621679210850 (f6989586621679210849 b6989586621679210851)) (a6989586621679214898 :: s6989586621679210852) = CloneLens a6989586621679214896 a6989586621679214897 a6989586621679214898 Source #
data FoldingSym0 :: forall a6989586621679210860 f6989586621679210857 r6989586621679210858 s6989586621679210859. (~>) ((~>) s6989586621679210859 (f6989586621679210857 a6989586621679210860)) ((~>) ((~>) a6989586621679210860 ((Const r6989586621679210858 :: Type -> Type) a6989586621679210860)) ((~>) s6989586621679210859 ((Const r6989586621679210858 :: Type -> Type) s6989586621679210859))) Source #
SuppressUnusedWarnings (FoldingSym0 :: TyFun (s6989586621679210859 ~> f6989586621679210857 a6989586621679210860) ((a6989586621679210860 ~> Const r6989586621679210858 a6989586621679210860) ~> (s6989586621679210859 ~> Const r6989586621679210858 s6989586621679210859)) -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Type.Lens Methods suppressUnusedWarnings :: () # | |
(SFoldable f, SMonoid r) => SingI (FoldingSym0 :: TyFun (s ~> f a) ((a ~> Const r a) ~> (s ~> Const r s)) -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Type.Lens Methods sing :: Sing FoldingSym0 # | |
type Apply (FoldingSym0 :: TyFun (s6989586621679210859 ~> f6989586621679210857 a6989586621679210860) ((a6989586621679210860 ~> Const r6989586621679210858 a6989586621679210860) ~> (s6989586621679210859 ~> Const r6989586621679210858 s6989586621679210859)) -> Type) (a6989586621679214935 :: s6989586621679210859 ~> f6989586621679210857 a6989586621679210860) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Type.Lens type Apply (FoldingSym0 :: TyFun (s6989586621679210859 ~> f6989586621679210857 a6989586621679210860) ((a6989586621679210860 ~> Const r6989586621679210858 a6989586621679210860) ~> (s6989586621679210859 ~> Const r6989586621679210858 s6989586621679210859)) -> Type) (a6989586621679214935 :: s6989586621679210859 ~> f6989586621679210857 a6989586621679210860) = (FoldingSym1 a6989586621679214935 r6989586621679210858 :: TyFun (a6989586621679210860 ~> Const r6989586621679210858 a6989586621679210860) (s6989586621679210859 ~> Const r6989586621679210858 s6989586621679210859) -> Type) |
data FoldingSym1 (a6989586621679214935 :: (~>) s6989586621679210859 (f6989586621679210857 a6989586621679210860)) :: forall r6989586621679210858. (~>) ((~>) a6989586621679210860 ((Const r6989586621679210858 :: Type -> Type) a6989586621679210860)) ((~>) s6989586621679210859 ((Const r6989586621679210858 :: Type -> Type) s6989586621679210859)) Source #
SuppressUnusedWarnings (FoldingSym1 a6989586621679214935 r6989586621679210858 :: TyFun (a6989586621679210860 ~> Const r6989586621679210858 a6989586621679210860) (s6989586621679210859 ~> Const r6989586621679210858 s6989586621679210859) -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Type.Lens Methods suppressUnusedWarnings :: () # | |
(SFoldable f, SMonoid r, SingI d) => SingI (FoldingSym1 d r :: TyFun (a ~> Const r a) (s ~> Const r s) -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Type.Lens Methods sing :: Sing (FoldingSym1 d r) # | |
type Apply (FoldingSym1 a6989586621679214935 r6989586621679210858 :: TyFun (a6989586621679210860 ~> Const r6989586621679210858 a6989586621679210860) (s6989586621679210859 ~> Const r6989586621679210858 s6989586621679210859) -> Type) (a6989586621679214936 :: a6989586621679210860 ~> Const r6989586621679210858 a6989586621679210860) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Type.Lens type Apply (FoldingSym1 a6989586621679214935 r6989586621679210858 :: TyFun (a6989586621679210860 ~> Const r6989586621679210858 a6989586621679210860) (s6989586621679210859 ~> Const r6989586621679210858 s6989586621679210859) -> Type) (a6989586621679214936 :: a6989586621679210860 ~> Const r6989586621679210858 a6989586621679210860) = FoldingSym2 a6989586621679214935 a6989586621679214936 |
data FoldingSym2 (a6989586621679214935 :: (~>) s6989586621679210859 (f6989586621679210857 a6989586621679210860)) (a6989586621679214936 :: (~>) a6989586621679210860 ((Const r6989586621679210858 :: Type -> Type) a6989586621679210860)) :: (~>) s6989586621679210859 ((Const r6989586621679210858 :: Type -> Type) s6989586621679210859) Source #
SuppressUnusedWarnings (FoldingSym2 a6989586621679214936 a6989586621679214935 :: TyFun s6989586621679210859 (Const r6989586621679210858 s6989586621679210859) -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Type.Lens Methods suppressUnusedWarnings :: () # | |
(SFoldable f, SMonoid r, SingI d1, SingI d2) => SingI (FoldingSym2 d1 d2 :: TyFun s (Const r s) -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Type.Lens Methods sing :: Sing (FoldingSym2 d1 d2) # | |
type Apply (FoldingSym2 a6989586621679214936 a6989586621679214935 :: TyFun s (Const r s) -> Type) (a6989586621679214937 :: s) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Type.Lens |
type FoldingSym3 (a6989586621679214935 :: (~>) s6989586621679210859 (f6989586621679210857 a6989586621679210860)) (a6989586621679214936 :: (~>) a6989586621679210860 ((Const r6989586621679210858 :: Type -> Type) a6989586621679210860)) (a6989586621679214937 :: s6989586621679210859) = Folding a6989586621679214935 a6989586621679214936 a6989586621679214937 Source #
data FoldedSym0 :: forall a6989586621679210856 f6989586621679210854 r6989586621679210855. (~>) ((~>) a6989586621679210856 ((Const r6989586621679210855 :: Type -> Type) a6989586621679210856)) ((~>) (f6989586621679210854 a6989586621679210856) ((Const r6989586621679210855 :: Type -> Type) (f6989586621679210854 a6989586621679210856))) Source #
SuppressUnusedWarnings (FoldedSym0 :: TyFun (a6989586621679210856 ~> Const r6989586621679210855 a6989586621679210856) (f6989586621679210854 a6989586621679210856 ~> Const r6989586621679210855 (f6989586621679210854 a6989586621679210856)) -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Type.Lens Methods suppressUnusedWarnings :: () # | |
(SFoldable f, SMonoid r) => SingI (FoldedSym0 :: TyFun (a ~> Const r a) (f a ~> Const r (f a)) -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Type.Lens Methods sing :: Sing FoldedSym0 # | |
type Apply (FoldedSym0 :: TyFun (a6989586621679210856 ~> Const r6989586621679210855 a6989586621679210856) (f6989586621679210854 a6989586621679210856 ~> Const r6989586621679210855 (f6989586621679210854 a6989586621679210856)) -> Type) (a6989586621679214922 :: a6989586621679210856 ~> Const r6989586621679210855 a6989586621679210856) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Type.Lens type Apply (FoldedSym0 :: TyFun (a6989586621679210856 ~> Const r6989586621679210855 a6989586621679210856) (f6989586621679210854 a6989586621679210856 ~> Const r6989586621679210855 (f6989586621679210854 a6989586621679210856)) -> Type) (a6989586621679214922 :: a6989586621679210856 ~> Const r6989586621679210855 a6989586621679210856) = (FoldedSym1 a6989586621679214922 f6989586621679210854 :: TyFun (f6989586621679210854 a6989586621679210856) (Const r6989586621679210855 (f6989586621679210854 a6989586621679210856)) -> Type) |
data FoldedSym1 (a6989586621679214922 :: (~>) a6989586621679210856 ((Const r6989586621679210855 :: Type -> Type) a6989586621679210856)) :: forall f6989586621679210854. (~>) (f6989586621679210854 a6989586621679210856) ((Const r6989586621679210855 :: Type -> Type) (f6989586621679210854 a6989586621679210856)) Source #
SuppressUnusedWarnings (FoldedSym1 a6989586621679214922 f6989586621679210854 :: TyFun (f6989586621679210854 a6989586621679210856) (Const r6989586621679210855 (f6989586621679210854 a6989586621679210856)) -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Type.Lens Methods suppressUnusedWarnings :: () # | |
(SFoldable f, SMonoid r, SingI d) => SingI (FoldedSym1 d f :: TyFun (f a) (Const r (f a)) -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Type.Lens Methods sing :: Sing (FoldedSym1 d f) # | |
type Apply (FoldedSym1 a6989586621679214922 f :: TyFun (f a) (Const r (f a)) -> Type) (a6989586621679214923 :: f a) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Type.Lens |
type FoldedSym2 (a6989586621679214922 :: (~>) a6989586621679210856 ((Const r6989586621679210855 :: Type -> Type) a6989586621679210856)) (a6989586621679214923 :: f6989586621679210854 a6989586621679210856) = Folded a6989586621679214922 a6989586621679214923 Source #
data L1Sym0 :: forall a6989586621679210841 b6989586621679210843 c6989586621679210842 f6989586621679210840. (~>) ((~>) a6989586621679210841 (f6989586621679210840 b6989586621679210843)) ((~>) (a6989586621679210841, c6989586621679210842) (f6989586621679210840 (b6989586621679210843, c6989586621679210842))) Source #
SuppressUnusedWarnings (L1Sym0 :: TyFun (a6989586621679210841 ~> f6989586621679210840 b6989586621679210843) ((a6989586621679210841, c6989586621679210842) ~> f6989586621679210840 (b6989586621679210843, c6989586621679210842)) -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Type.Lens Methods suppressUnusedWarnings :: () # | |
SFunctor f => SingI (L1Sym0 :: TyFun (a ~> f b) ((a, c) ~> f (b, c)) -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Type.Lens | |
type Apply (L1Sym0 :: TyFun (a6989586621679210841 ~> f6989586621679210840 b6989586621679210843) ((a6989586621679210841, c6989586621679210842) ~> f6989586621679210840 (b6989586621679210843, c6989586621679210842)) -> Type) (a6989586621679214864 :: a6989586621679210841 ~> f6989586621679210840 b6989586621679210843) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Type.Lens type Apply (L1Sym0 :: TyFun (a6989586621679210841 ~> f6989586621679210840 b6989586621679210843) ((a6989586621679210841, c6989586621679210842) ~> f6989586621679210840 (b6989586621679210843, c6989586621679210842)) -> Type) (a6989586621679214864 :: a6989586621679210841 ~> f6989586621679210840 b6989586621679210843) = (L1Sym1 a6989586621679214864 c6989586621679210842 :: TyFun (a6989586621679210841, c6989586621679210842) (f6989586621679210840 (b6989586621679210843, c6989586621679210842)) -> Type) |
data L1Sym1 (a6989586621679214864 :: (~>) a6989586621679210841 (f6989586621679210840 b6989586621679210843)) :: forall c6989586621679210842. (~>) (a6989586621679210841, c6989586621679210842) (f6989586621679210840 (b6989586621679210843, c6989586621679210842)) Source #
SuppressUnusedWarnings (L1Sym1 a6989586621679214864 c6989586621679210842 :: TyFun (a6989586621679210841, c6989586621679210842) (f6989586621679210840 (b6989586621679210843, c6989586621679210842)) -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Type.Lens Methods suppressUnusedWarnings :: () # | |
(SFunctor f, SingI d) => SingI (L1Sym1 d c :: TyFun (a, c) (f (b, c)) -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Type.Lens | |
type Apply (L1Sym1 a6989586621679214864 c :: TyFun (a, c) (f (b, c)) -> Type) (a6989586621679214865 :: (a, c)) Source # | |
type L1Sym2 (a6989586621679214864 :: (~>) a6989586621679210841 (f6989586621679210840 b6989586621679210843)) (a6989586621679214865 :: (a6989586621679210841, c6989586621679210842)) = L1 a6989586621679214864 a6989586621679214865 Source #
data L2Sym0 :: forall a6989586621679210837 b6989586621679210838 c6989586621679210839 f6989586621679210836. (~>) ((~>) b6989586621679210838 (f6989586621679210836 c6989586621679210839)) ((~>) (a6989586621679210837, b6989586621679210838) (f6989586621679210836 (a6989586621679210837, c6989586621679210839))) Source #
SuppressUnusedWarnings (L2Sym0 :: TyFun (b6989586621679210838 ~> f6989586621679210836 c6989586621679210839) ((a6989586621679210837, b6989586621679210838) ~> f6989586621679210836 (a6989586621679210837, c6989586621679210839)) -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Type.Lens Methods suppressUnusedWarnings :: () # | |
SFunctor f => SingI (L2Sym0 :: TyFun (b ~> f c) ((a, b) ~> f (a, c)) -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Type.Lens | |
type Apply (L2Sym0 :: TyFun (b6989586621679210838 ~> f6989586621679210836 c6989586621679210839) ((a6989586621679210837, b6989586621679210838) ~> f6989586621679210836 (a6989586621679210837, c6989586621679210839)) -> Type) (a6989586621679214849 :: b6989586621679210838 ~> f6989586621679210836 c6989586621679210839) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Type.Lens type Apply (L2Sym0 :: TyFun (b6989586621679210838 ~> f6989586621679210836 c6989586621679210839) ((a6989586621679210837, b6989586621679210838) ~> f6989586621679210836 (a6989586621679210837, c6989586621679210839)) -> Type) (a6989586621679214849 :: b6989586621679210838 ~> f6989586621679210836 c6989586621679210839) = (L2Sym1 a6989586621679214849 a6989586621679210837 :: TyFun (a6989586621679210837, b6989586621679210838) (f6989586621679210836 (a6989586621679210837, c6989586621679210839)) -> Type) |
data L2Sym1 (a6989586621679214849 :: (~>) b6989586621679210838 (f6989586621679210836 c6989586621679210839)) :: forall a6989586621679210837. (~>) (a6989586621679210837, b6989586621679210838) (f6989586621679210836 (a6989586621679210837, c6989586621679210839)) Source #
SuppressUnusedWarnings (L2Sym1 a6989586621679214849 a6989586621679210837 :: TyFun (a6989586621679210837, b6989586621679210838) (f6989586621679210836 (a6989586621679210837, c6989586621679210839)) -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Type.Lens Methods suppressUnusedWarnings :: () # | |
(SFunctor f, SingI d) => SingI (L2Sym1 d a :: TyFun (a, b) (f (a, c)) -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Type.Lens | |
type Apply (L2Sym1 a6989586621679214849 a :: TyFun (a, b) (f (a, c)) -> Type) (a6989586621679214850 :: (a, b)) Source # | |
type L2Sym2 (a6989586621679214849 :: (~>) b6989586621679210838 (f6989586621679210836 c6989586621679210839)) (a6989586621679214850 :: (a6989586621679210837, b6989586621679210838)) = L2 a6989586621679214849 a6989586621679214850 Source #
data SSym0 :: (~>) N N Source #
SuppressUnusedWarnings SSym0 Source # | |
Defined in Data.Type.Lens Methods suppressUnusedWarnings :: () # | |
SingI SSym0 Source # | |
Defined in Data.Type.Lens | |
type Apply SSym0 (t6989586621679202515 :: N) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Type.Lens |
data IxListSym0 :: forall a6989586621679239052 f6989586621679239051. (~>) N ((~>) ((~>) a6989586621679239052 (f6989586621679239051 a6989586621679239052)) ((~>) [a6989586621679239052] (f6989586621679239051 [a6989586621679239052]))) Source #
SuppressUnusedWarnings (IxListSym0 :: TyFun N ((a6989586621679239052 ~> f6989586621679239051 a6989586621679239052) ~> ([a6989586621679239052] ~> f6989586621679239051 [a6989586621679239052])) -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Type.Lens Methods suppressUnusedWarnings :: () # | |
SApplicative f => SingI (IxListSym0 :: TyFun N ((a ~> f a) ~> ([a] ~> f [a])) -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Type.Lens Methods sing :: Sing IxListSym0 # | |
type Apply (IxListSym0 :: TyFun N ((a6989586621679239052 ~> f6989586621679239051 a6989586621679239052) ~> ([a6989586621679239052] ~> f6989586621679239051 [a6989586621679239052])) -> Type) (a6989586621679239113 :: N) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Type.Lens type Apply (IxListSym0 :: TyFun N ((a6989586621679239052 ~> f6989586621679239051 a6989586621679239052) ~> ([a6989586621679239052] ~> f6989586621679239051 [a6989586621679239052])) -> Type) (a6989586621679239113 :: N) = (IxListSym1 a6989586621679239113 a6989586621679239052 f6989586621679239051 :: TyFun (a6989586621679239052 ~> f6989586621679239051 a6989586621679239052) ([a6989586621679239052] ~> f6989586621679239051 [a6989586621679239052]) -> Type) |
data IxListSym1 (a6989586621679239113 :: N) :: forall a6989586621679239052 f6989586621679239051. (~>) ((~>) a6989586621679239052 (f6989586621679239051 a6989586621679239052)) ((~>) [a6989586621679239052] (f6989586621679239051 [a6989586621679239052])) Source #
SuppressUnusedWarnings (IxListSym1 a6989586621679239113 a6989586621679239052 f6989586621679239051 :: TyFun (a6989586621679239052 ~> f6989586621679239051 a6989586621679239052) ([a6989586621679239052] ~> f6989586621679239051 [a6989586621679239052]) -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Type.Lens Methods suppressUnusedWarnings :: () # | |
(SApplicative f, SingI d) => SingI (IxListSym1 d a f :: TyFun (a ~> f a) ([a] ~> f [a]) -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Type.Lens Methods sing :: Sing (IxListSym1 d a f) # | |
type Apply (IxListSym1 a6989586621679239113 a6989586621679239052 f6989586621679239051 :: TyFun (a6989586621679239052 ~> f6989586621679239051 a6989586621679239052) ([a6989586621679239052] ~> f6989586621679239051 [a6989586621679239052]) -> Type) (a6989586621679239114 :: a6989586621679239052 ~> f6989586621679239051 a6989586621679239052) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Type.Lens type Apply (IxListSym1 a6989586621679239113 a6989586621679239052 f6989586621679239051 :: TyFun (a6989586621679239052 ~> f6989586621679239051 a6989586621679239052) ([a6989586621679239052] ~> f6989586621679239051 [a6989586621679239052]) -> Type) (a6989586621679239114 :: a6989586621679239052 ~> f6989586621679239051 a6989586621679239052) = IxListSym2 a6989586621679239113 a6989586621679239114 |
data IxListSym2 (a6989586621679239113 :: N) (a6989586621679239114 :: (~>) a6989586621679239052 (f6989586621679239051 a6989586621679239052)) :: (~>) [a6989586621679239052] (f6989586621679239051 [a6989586621679239052]) Source #
SuppressUnusedWarnings (IxListSym2 a6989586621679239114 a6989586621679239113 :: TyFun [a6989586621679239052] (f6989586621679239051 [a6989586621679239052]) -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Type.Lens Methods suppressUnusedWarnings :: () # | |
(SApplicative f, SingI d1, SingI d2) => SingI (IxListSym2 d1 d2 :: TyFun [a] (f [a]) -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Type.Lens Methods sing :: Sing (IxListSym2 d1 d2) # | |
type Apply (IxListSym2 a6989586621679239114 a6989586621679239113 :: TyFun [a] (f [a]) -> Type) (a6989586621679239115 :: [a]) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Type.Lens type Apply (IxListSym2 a6989586621679239114 a6989586621679239113 :: TyFun [a] (f [a]) -> Type) (a6989586621679239115 :: [a]) = IxList a6989586621679239114 a6989586621679239113 a6989586621679239115 |