{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds        #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds              #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFoldable         #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor          #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveTraversable      #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts       #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances      #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FunctionalDependencies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GADTs                  #-}
{-# LANGUAGE InstanceSigs           #-}
{-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures         #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase             #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses  #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds              #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables    #-}
{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving     #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications       #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies           #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilyDependencies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeInType             #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators          #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances   #-}

module Data.Nested
  ( Vec(..)
  , Nesting(..)
  , Nesting1(..), nesting1Every
  , Nested
  , genNested, genNestedA
  , indexNested, indexNested'
  , transpose
  , transpose'
  , gmul'
  , diagNV
  , joinNested
  , mapNVecSlices
  , nIxRows
  , vGen, vIFoldMap, itraverseNested
  , liftNested
  , unScalar, unNest, unVector
  , sumRowsNested
  ) where

import           Control.Applicative
import           Control.DeepSeq
import           Data.Distributive
import           Data.Foldable
import           Data.Kind
import           Data.List.Util
import           Data.Monoid
import           Data.Singletons
import           Data.Singletons.Prelude.List hiding (Length, Reverse, (%:++), sReverse)
import           Data.Type.Combinator
import           Data.Type.Combinator.Util
import           Data.Type.Index
import           Data.Type.Length                    as TCL
import           Data.Type.Product as TCP hiding     (toList)
import           Data.Type.Sing
import           Data.Type.SnocProd
import           Data.Type.Uniform
import           TensorOps.NatKind
import           Type.Class.Witness
import           Type.Family.List
import           Type.Family.List.Util
import qualified Data.Singletons.TypeLits            as GT
import qualified Data.Type.Nat                       as TCN
import qualified Data.Type.Vector                    as TCV
import qualified Data.Type.Vector.Util               as TCV
import qualified Data.Vector.Sized                   as VS

data Uncons :: (k -> Type -> Type) -> k -> Type -> Type where
    UNil  :: Uncons v (FromNat 0) a
    UCons :: !(Sing n) -> !a -> !(v n a) -> Uncons v (Succ n) a

class NatKind k => Vec (v :: k -> Type -> Type) where
    vHead   :: p j -> v (Succ j) a -> a
    vTail   :: v (Succ j) a -> v j a
    vGenA   :: Applicative f => Sing j -> (IndexN k j -> f a) -> f (v j a)
    vIndex  :: IndexN k j -> v j a -> a
    vUncons :: Sing j -> v j a -> Uncons v j a
    vEmpty  :: v (FromNat 0) a
    vCons   :: a -> v j a -> v (Succ j) a
        :: Applicative f
        => (IndexN k j -> a -> f b)
        -> v j a
        -> f (v j b)

    :: Vec (v :: k -> Type -> Type)
    => Sing j
    -> (IndexN k j -> a)
    -> v j a
vGen s f = getI $ vGenA s (I . f)
{-# INLINE vGen #-}

    :: (Monoid m, Vec v)
    => (IndexN k j -> a -> m)
    -> v j a
    -> m
vIFoldMap f = getConst . vITraverse (\i -> Const . f i)

instance Vec (Flip2 VS.VectorT I) where
    vHead _ = getI . VS.head . getFlip2
    {-# INLINE vHead #-}
    vTail = Flip2 . VS.tail . getFlip2
    {-# INLINE vTail #-}
    vGenA = \case
      GT.SNat -> fmap Flip2 . VS.generateA . (fmap I .)
    {-# INLINE vGenA #-}
    vIndex i = (VS.!! i) . getFlip2
    {-# INLINE vIndex #-}
    vUncons = \case
      GT.SNat -> \case
        Flip2 xs -> case VS.uncons xs of
          VS.VNil           -> UNil
          VS.VCons (I y) ys -> UCons sing y (Flip2 ys)
    {-# INLINE vUncons #-}
    vEmpty = Flip2 VS.empty
    {-# INLINE vEmpty #-}
    vCons x (Flip2 xs) = Flip2 (VS.cons (I x) xs)
    {-# INLINE vCons #-}
    vITraverse f (Flip2 xs) = Flip2 <$> VS.itraverse (\i (I x) -> I <$> f i x) xs
    {-# INLINE vITraverse #-}

instance Vec (Flip2 TCV.VecT I) where
    vHead _ = getI . TCV.head' . getFlip2
    {-# INLINE vHead #-}
    vTail = Flip2 . TCV.tail' . getFlip2
    {-# INLINE vTail #-}
    vGenA = \case
      SN n -> \f -> Flip2 <$> TCV.vgenA n (fmap I . f)
    {-# INLINE vGenA #-}
    vIndex i = TCV.index' i . getFlip2
    {-# INLINE vIndex #-}
    vUncons = \case
      SN TCN.Z_ -> \case
        Flip2 TCV.ØV -> UNil
      SN (TCN.S_ n) -> \case
        Flip2 (I x TCV.:* xs) -> UCons (SN n) x (Flip2 xs)
    {-# INLINE vUncons #-}
    vEmpty = Flip2 TCV.ØV
    {-# INLINE vEmpty #-}
    vCons x (Flip2 xs) = Flip2 (I x TCV.:* xs)
    {-# INLINE vCons #-}
    vITraverse f (Flip2 xs) = Flip2 <$> TCV.itraverse (\i (I x) -> I <$> f i x) xs
    {-# INLINE vITraverse #-}

class Nesting (w :: k -> Type) (c :: j -> Constraint) (v :: k -> j -> j) where
    nesting :: w i -> c a :- c (v i a)

class Nesting1 (w :: k -> Type) (c :: j -> Constraint) (v :: k -> j) where
    nesting1 :: w a -> Wit (c (v a))

instance Nesting w NFData (Flip2 VS.VectorT I) where
    nesting _ = Sub Wit
    {-# INLINE nesting #-}
instance Nesting w Show (Flip2 VS.VectorT I) where
    nesting _ = Sub Wit
    {-# INLINE nesting #-}
instance Functor f      => Nesting1 w    Functor      (Flip2 VS.VectorT f) where
    nesting1 _ = Wit
    {-# INLINE nesting1 #-}
instance Applicative f  => Nesting1 Sing Applicative  (Flip2 VS.VectorT f) where
    nesting1 GT.SNat = Wit
    {-# INLINE nesting1 #-}
instance Foldable f     => Nesting1 w    Foldable     (Flip2 VS.VectorT f) where
    nesting1 _ = Wit
    {-# INLINE nesting1 #-}
instance Traversable f  => Nesting1 w    Traversable  (Flip2 VS.VectorT f) where
    nesting1 _ = Wit
    {-# INLINE nesting1 #-}
instance Distributive f => Nesting1 Sing Distributive (Flip2 VS.VectorT f) where
    nesting1 GT.SNat = Wit
    {-# INLINE nesting1 #-}

instance Nesting w NFData (Flip2 TCV.VecT I) where
    nesting _ = Sub Wit
    {-# INLINE nesting #-}
instance Nesting w Show (Flip2 TCV.VecT I) where
    nesting _ = Sub Wit
    {-# INLINE nesting #-}
instance Functor f      => Nesting1 w    Functor      (Flip2 TCV.VecT f) where
    nesting1 _ = Wit
    {-# INLINE nesting1 #-}
instance Applicative f  => Nesting1 Sing Applicative  (Flip2 TCV.VecT f) where
    nesting1 (SN n) = Wit \\ n
    {-# INLINE nesting1 #-}
instance Foldable f     => Nesting1 w    Foldable     (Flip2 TCV.VecT f) where
    nesting1 _ = Wit
    {-# INLINE nesting1 #-}
instance Traversable f  => Nesting1 w    Traversable  (Flip2 TCV.VecT f) where
    nesting1 _ = Wit
    {-# INLINE nesting1 #-}
instance Distributive f => Nesting1 Sing Distributive (Flip2 TCV.VecT f) where
    nesting1 (SN n) = Wit \\ n
    {-# INLINE nesting1 #-}

    :: forall p w c v as. Nesting1 w c v
    => p v
    -> Prod w as
    -> Wit (Every c (v <$> as))
nesting1Every p = \case
    Ø   -> Wit
    (w :: w a) :< (ws :: Prod w as')
        -> Wit  \\ (nesting1 w :: Wit (c (v a)))
                \\ (nesting1Every p ws :: Wit (Every c (v <$> as')))
{-# INLINE nesting1Every #-}

data Nested :: (k -> Type -> Type) -> [k] -> Type -> Type where
     :: !a                     -> Nested v '[]       a
    NS :: !(v j (Nested v js a)) -> Nested v (j ': js) a

instance (NFData a, Nesting Proxy NFData v) => NFData (Nested v js a) where
    rnf = \case
      NØ x  -> deepseq x  ()
      NS (xs :: v j (Nested v ks a))
            -> deepseq xs ()
                 \\ (nesting Proxy :: NFData (Nested v ks a) :- NFData (v j (Nested v ks a)))
    {-# INLINE rnf #-}

instance (Num a, Applicative (Nested v js)) => Num (Nested v js a) where
    (+)         = liftA2 (+)
    {-# INLINE (+) #-}
    (*)         = liftA2 (*)
    {-# INLINE (*) #-}
    (-)         = liftA2 (-)
    {-# INLINE (-) #-}
    negate      = fmap negate
    {-# INLINE negate #-}
    abs         = fmap abs
    {-# INLINE abs #-}
    signum      = fmap signum
    {-# INLINE signum #-}
    fromInteger = pure . fromInteger
    {-# INLINE fromInteger #-}

instance Nesting1 Proxy Functor v => Functor (Nested v js) where
    fmap f = \case
      NØ x  -> NØ (f x)
      NS (xs :: v j (Nested v ks a))
            -> NS $ (fmap.fmap) f xs
                      \\ (nesting1 Proxy :: Wit (Functor (v j)))

instance (SingI js, Nesting1 Sing Applicative v, Nesting1 Proxy Functor v) => Applicative (Nested v js) where
    pure :: forall a. a -> Nested v js a
    pure x = go sing
        go  :: Sing ks
            -> Nested v ks a
        go = \case
          SNil     -> NØ x
          (s :: Sing k) `SCons` ss -> NS (pure (go ss))
                    \\ (nesting1 s :: Wit (Applicative (v k)))
    {-# INLINE pure #-}
    (<*>) :: forall a b. Nested v js (a -> b) -> Nested v js a -> Nested v js b
    (<*>) = go sing
        go  :: Sing ks
            -> Nested v ks (a -> b)
            -> Nested v ks a
            -> Nested v ks b
        go = \case
          SNil -> \case
            NØ f -> \case
              NØ x -> NØ (f x)
          (s :: Sing k) `SCons` ss -> \case
            NS fs -> \case
              NS xs -> NS $ liftA2 (go ss) fs xs
                              \\ (nesting1 s :: Wit (Applicative (v k)))
    {-# INLINE (<*>) #-}

instance Nesting1 Proxy Foldable v => Foldable (Nested v js) where
    foldMap f = \case
      NØ x  -> f x
      NS (xs :: v j (Nested v ks a))
            -> (foldMap . foldMap) f xs
                 \\ (nesting1 Proxy :: Wit (Foldable (v j)))

instance (Nesting1 Proxy Functor v, Nesting1 Proxy Foldable v, Nesting1 Proxy Traversable v) => Traversable (Nested v js) where
    traverse f = \case
      NØ x  -> NØ <$> f x
      NS (xs :: v j (Nested v ks a))
            -> NS <$> (traverse . traverse) f xs
                 \\ (nesting1 Proxy :: Wit (Traversable (v j)))

instance (Vec v, SingI js, Nesting1 Proxy Functor v) => Distributive (Nested v js) where
        :: forall f a. Functor f
        => f (Nested v js a)
        -> Nested v js (f a)
    distribute xs = genNested sing $ \i -> indexNested i <$> xs
    {-# INLINE distribute #-}
    -- distribute = flip go sing
    --   where
    --     go  :: f (Nested v ks a)
    --         -> Sing ks
    --         -> Nested v ks (f a)
    --     go xs = \case
    --       SNil         -> NØ $ unScalar <$> xs
    --       s `SCons` ss -> NS . vGen s $ \i ->
    --                         go (fmap (indexNested' (i :< Ø)) xs) ss

-- TODO: rewrite rules?  lazy pattern matches?
    :: forall v p j js a. Vec v
    => p j
    -> Nested v (Succ j ': js) a
    -> Nested v js a
nHead p = \case
  NS xs -> vHead p xs
{-# INLINE nHead #-}

    :: Vec v
    => Nested v (Succ j ': js) a
    -> Nested v (j ': js) a
nTail = \case
  NS xs -> NS $ vTail xs
{-# INLINE nTail #-}

    :: Nested v '[] a
    -> a
unScalar = \case
  NØ x -> x
{-# INLINE unScalar #-}

    :: Nested v (j ': js) a
    -> v j (Nested v js a)
unNest = \case
  NS xs -> xs
{-# INLINE unNest #-}

    :: Functor (v j)
    => Nested v '[j] a
    -> v j a
unVector = \case
    NS xs -> unScalar <$> xs
{-# INLINE unVector #-}

    :: Functor (v j)
    => v j a
    -> Nested v '[j] a
nVector = NS . fmap NØ
{-# INLINE nVector #-}

    :: Vec (v :: k -> Type -> Type)
    => Sing ns
    -> (Prod (IndexN k) ns -> a)
    -> Nested v ns a
genNested s f = getI $ genNestedA s (I . f)
{-# INLINE genNested #-}

    :: (Vec (v :: k -> Type -> Type), Applicative f)
    => Sing ns
    -> (Prod (IndexN k) ns -> f a)
    -> f (Nested v ns a)
genNestedA = \case
    SNil         -> \f -> NØ <$> f Ø
    s `SCons` ss -> \f -> NS <$> vGenA s (\i -> genNestedA ss (f . (i :<)))

    :: Vec (v :: k -> Type -> Type)
    => Prod (IndexN k) ns
    -> Nested v ns a
    -> a
indexNested = \case
    Ø -> \case
      NØ x  -> x
    i :< is -> \case
      NS xs -> indexNested is (vIndex i xs)
-- indexNested i = unScalar . indexNested' i
--                   \\ appendNil (prodLength i)

    :: Vec (v :: k -> Type -> Type)
    => Prod (IndexN k) ms
    -> Nested v (ms ++ ns) a
    -> Nested v ns a
indexNested' = \case
    Ø -> id
    i :< is -> \case
      NS xs -> indexNested' is (vIndex i xs)

    :: forall v ns ms a. Nesting1 Proxy Functor v
    => Nested v ns (Nested v ms a)
    -> Nested v (ns ++ ms) a
joinNested = \case
    NØ x  -> x
    NS (xs :: v j (Nested v js (Nested v ms a))) ->
      NS $ fmap joinNested xs
        \\ (nesting1 Proxy :: Wit (Functor (v j)))

    :: forall v ns ms a b. Nesting1 Proxy Functor v
    => (Nested v ms a -> b)
    -> Length ns
    -> Nested v (ns ++ ms) a
    -> Nested v ns b
mapNVecSlices f = \case
    LZ -> NØ . f
    LS l -> \case
      NS (xs :: v j (Nested v js a)) ->
        NS $ mapNVecSlices f l <$> xs
          \\ (nesting1 Proxy :: Wit (Functor (v j)))

    :: forall v n ns a. (Vec v, Nesting1 Proxy Functor v)
    => Sing n
    -> Nested v (n ': n ': ns) a
    -> Nested v (n ': ns) a
diagNV' s = \case
  NS (xs :: v n (Nested v (n ': ns) a)) -> case vUncons s xs of
    UNil          -> NS vEmpty
    UCons (s' :: Sing n')
          (y :: Nested v (n ': ns) a)
          (ys :: v n' (Nested v (n ': ns) a)) ->
      case nesting1 Proxy :: Wit (Functor (v n')) of
        Wit -> case diagNV' s' (NS (nTail <$> ys)) of
          NS zs -> NS $ vCons (nHead s' y) zs

    :: (Vec v, Nesting1 Proxy Functor v)
    => Sing n
    -> Uniform n ms
    -> Nested v (n ': n ': ms) a
    -> Nested v '[n] a
diagNV s = \case
    UØ   -> diagNV' s
    US u -> diagNV s u . diagNV' s

    :: forall k (v :: k -> Type -> Type) (ns :: [k]) a b f. (Applicative f, Vec v)
    => (Prod (IndexN k) ns -> a -> f b)
    -> Nested v ns a
    -> f (Nested v ns b)
itraverseNested f = \case
    NØ x  -> NØ <$> f Ø x
    NS xs -> NS <$> vITraverse (\i -> itraverseNested (\is -> f (i :< is))) xs

    :: forall ms os ns v a.
     ( Nesting1 Proxy Functor      v
     , Nesting1 Sing  Applicative  v
     , SingI ns
     , Num a
     , Vec v
    => Length ms
    -> Length os
    -> Length ns
    -> Nested v (ms         ++ os) a
    -> Nested v (Reverse os ++ ns) a
    -> Nested v (ms         ++ ns) a
gmul' lM _ _ x y = joinNested $ mapNVecSlices f lM x
    f   :: Nested v os a
        -> Nested v ns a
    f = getSum
      . getConst
      -- . itraverseNested (\i x' -> Const . Sum $ fmap (x' *) (indexNested' (prodReverse' i) y))
      . itraverseNested (\i x' -> Const . Sum $ fmap (x' *) (indexNested' (TCP.reverse' i) y))
{-# INLINE gmul' #-}

-- | Transpose by iteratively sequencing/distributing layers
    :: forall v os a.
     ( Nesting1 Proxy Functor      v
     , Nesting1 Proxy Foldable     v
     , Nesting1 Proxy Traversable  v
     , Nesting1 Sing  Distributive v
    => Sing os
    -> Nested v os a
    -> Nested v (Reverse os) a
transpose s = transposeHelp (snocProd (singProd s))
{-# INLINE transpose #-}

    :: forall v os a.
     ( Nesting1 Proxy Functor      v
     , Nesting1 Proxy Foldable     v
     , Nesting1 Proxy Traversable  v
     , Nesting1 Sing  Distributive v
    => SnocProd Sing os
    -> Nested v os a
    -> Nested v (Reverse os) a
transposeHelp = \case
    ØS -> \case
      NØ x -> NØ x
    (sOs' :: SnocProd Sing os') :& (sO :: Sing o) ->
      (\\ (nesting1 Proxy :: Wit (Functor      (v o)))) $
      (\\ (nesting1 sO    :: Wit (Distributive (v o)))) $ \x ->
        let lOs'  :: Length os'
            lOs'  = snocProdLength sOs'
            x' :: Nested v os' (v o a)
            x' = mapNVecSlices unVector lOs' x
                   \\ appendSnoc lOs' sO
            xT :: Nested v (Reverse os') (v o a)
            xT = transposeHelp sOs' x'
            y :: v o (Nested v (Reverse os') a)
            y = distribute xT
            y' :: Nested v '[o] (Nested v (Reverse os') a)
            y' = nVector y
        in  joinNested y'
              \\ snocReverse lOs' sO

-- | Transpose by populating a new 'Nested' from scratch
    :: Vec v
    => Length os
    -> Sing (Reverse os)
    -> Nested v os a
    -> Nested v (Reverse os) a
transpose' l sR x = genNested sR $ \i -> indexNested (TCP.reverse' i) x
                      \\ reverseReverse l
{-# INLINE transpose' #-}

    :: forall k (v :: k -> Type -> Type) ns ms a b f. (Nesting1 Proxy Functor v, Applicative f, Vec v)
    => Length ns
    -> (Prod (IndexN k) ns -> Nested v ms a -> f b)
    -> Nested v (ns ++ ms) a
    -> f (Nested v ns b)
nIxRows = \case
    LZ   -> \f -> fmap NØ . f Ø
    LS l -> \f -> \case
      NS (xs :: v j (Nested v js a)) ->
        fmap NS . vITraverse (\i -> nIxRows l (\is ys -> f (i :< is) ys)) $ xs

    :: Distributive (Nested v ns)
    => (TCV.Vec n a -> a)
    -> TCV.Vec n (Nested v ns a)
    -> Nested v ns a
liftNested = TCV.liftVecD
{-# INLINE liftNested #-}

    :: forall v n ns a.
     ( Foldable (v n)
     , Num a
     , SingI ns
     , Nesting1 Proxy Functor v
     , Nesting1 Sing Applicative v
    => Nested v (n ': ns) a
    -> Nested v ns a
sumRowsNested (NS xs) = sum' (toList xs)