{-# LANGUAGE AllowAmbiguousTypes  #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds      #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds            #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts     #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GADTs                #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase           #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds            #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes           #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables  #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications     #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators        #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}

module Data.Type.Product.Util where

import           Control.DeepSeq
import           Data.Bifunctor
import           Data.Functor.Identity
import           Data.Type.Combinator
import           Data.Type.Conjunction
import           Data.Type.Equality
import           Data.Type.Index
import           Data.Type.Length
import           Data.Type.Nat
import           Data.Type.Product     as TCP hiding (reverse')
import           Data.Type.Uniform
import           Data.Type.Vector
import           Prelude hiding                      (replicate)
import           Type.Class.Higher.Util
import           Type.Class.Known
import           Type.Family.List
import           Type.Family.List.Util
import           Type.Family.Nat

instance Every NFData (f <$> as) => NFData (Prod f as) where
    rnf = \case
      Ø       -> ()
      x :< xs -> x `deepseq` xs `deepseq` ()
    {-# INLINE rnf #-}

instance NFData1 f => NFData1 (Prod f) where
    rnf1 = \case
      Ø       -> ()
      x :< xs -> x `deepseq1` xs `deepseq1` ()
    {-# INLINE rnf1 #-}

    :: forall ms f ns. ()
    => Length ns
    -> Prod f (ns ++ ms)
    -> (Prod f ns, Prod f ms)
splitProd = \case
    LZ   -> \p -> (Ø, p)
    LS l -> \case
      x :< xs -> first (x :<) (splitProd l xs)
{-# INLINE splitProd #-}

    :: forall ms f ns. ()
    => Length ns
    -> Prod f (ns ++ ms)
    -> Prod f ns
takeProd = \case
    LZ   -> \_ -> Ø
    LS l -> \case
      x :< xs -> x :< takeProd @ms l xs
{-# INLINE takeProd #-}

    :: forall ns ms f. ()
    => Length ns
    -> Prod f (ns ++ ms)
    -> Prod f ms
dropProd = \case
    LZ   -> id
    LS l -> \case
      _ :< xs -> dropProd l xs
{-# INLINE dropProd #-}

    :: forall os g ns ms. Length ns
    -> (Prod g ns -> Prod g ms)
    -> Prod g (ns ++ os)
    -> Prod g (ms ++ os)
overProdInit lN f = runIdentity . prodInit @os lN (Identity . f)
{-# INLINE overProdInit #-}

    :: forall os f g ns ms. Functor f
    => Length ns
    -> (Prod g ns -> f (Prod g ms))
    -> Prod g (ns ++ os)
    -> f (Prod g (ms ++ os))
prodInit lN f = case lN of
    LZ     -> \xs -> (`TCP.append'` xs) <$> f Ø
    LS lN' -> \case
      x :< xs -> prodInit @os lN' (\xs' -> f (x :< xs')) xs
{-# INLINE prodInit #-}

    :: forall os g ns ms. ()
    => Length os
    -> (Prod g ns -> Prod g ms)
    -> Prod g (os ++ ns)
    -> Prod g (os ++ ms)
overProdTail lO f = runIdentity . prodTail lO (Identity . f)
{-# INLINE overProdTail #-}

    :: forall os f g ns ms. Functor f
    => Length os
    -> (Prod g ns -> f (Prod g ms))
    -> Prod g (os ++ ns)
    -> f (Prod g (os ++ ms))
prodTail lO f = case lO of
    LZ     -> f
    LS lO' -> \case
      x :< xs -> (x :<) <$> prodTail lO' f xs
{-# INLINE prodTail #-}

    :: Length ns
    -> (Prod g ns -> Prod g ms)
    -> (Prod g os -> Prod g ps)
    -> Prod g (ns ++ os)
    -> Prod g (ms ++ ps)
overProdSplit lN f g = runIdentity . prodSplit lN (Identity . f) (Identity . g)
{-# INLINE overProdSplit #-}

    :: Applicative f
    => Length ns
    -> (Prod g ns -> f (Prod g ms))
    -> (Prod g os -> f (Prod g ps))
    -> Prod g (ns ++ os)
    -> f (Prod g (ms ++ ps))
prodSplit lN f g = case lN of
    LZ     -> \xs -> TCP.append' <$> f Ø <*> g xs
    LS lN' -> \case
      x :< xs -> prodSplit lN' (\xs' -> f (x :< xs')) g xs
{-# INLINE prodSplit #-}

    :: Functor f
    => Length ns
    -> ((Prod g ns, Prod g os) -> f (Prod g ms, Prod g ps))
    -> Prod g (ns ++ os)
    -> f (Prod g (ms ++ ps))
prodSplit' lN f = case lN of
    LZ     -> \ys -> uncurry TCP.append' <$> f (Ø, ys)
    LS lN' -> \case
      x :< xs -> prodSplit' lN' (\(xs', ys) -> f (x :< xs', ys)) xs
{-# INLINE prodSplit' #-}

    :: forall as bs f. Length as
    -> Prod f (as ++ bs)
    -> Prod f (bs ++ as)
swapProd lA xs = case splitProd @bs lA xs of
    (ys,zs) -> zs `TCP.append'` ys
{-# INLINE swapProd #-}

    :: forall a b f g as. ()
    => (f b -> g a)
    -> Uniform a as
    -> VecT (Len as) f b
    -> Prod g as
vecToProd f = go
    go  :: forall bs. ()
        => Uniform a bs
        -> VecT (Len bs) f b
        -> Prod g bs
    go = \case
          -> \case
        ØV      -> Ø
      US uB -> \case
        x :* xs -> f x :< go uB xs
    {-# INLINE go #-}
{-# INLINE vecToProd #-}

    :: forall a b as f g. ()
    => (f a -> g b)
    -> Uniform a as
    -> Prod f as
    -> VecT (Len as) g b
prodToVec f = go
    go  :: forall bs. ()
        => Uniform a bs
        -> Prod f bs
        -> VecT (Len bs) g b
    go = \case
         -> \case
        Ø       -> ØV
      US u -> \case
        x :< xs -> f x :* prodToVec f u xs
    {-# INLINE go #-}
{-# INLINE prodToVec #-}

    :: forall as bs f. (Known Length as, Known Length bs)
    => Prod (Index as) bs
    -> Prod f bs
    -> Prod (Maybe :.: f) as
unselect is xs = go indices
    go  :: forall cs. ()
        => Prod (Index as) cs
        -> Prod (Maybe :.: f) cs
    go = \case
      Ø       -> Ø
      j :< js -> Comp ((`TCP.index` xs) <$> findIndex j) :< go js
        :: forall a. ()
        => Index as a
        -> Maybe (Index bs a)
    findIndex i = go' indices is
        go' :: forall cs. ()
            => Prod (Index bs) cs
            -> Prod (Index as) cs
            -> Maybe (Index bs a)
        go' = \case
          Ø       -> \_ -> Nothing
          j :< js -> \case
            k :< ks -> case testEquality i k of
              Just Refl -> Just j
              Nothing   -> go' js ks
{-# INLINE unselect #-}

    :: forall a f as. ()
    => f a
    -> Uniform a as
    -> Prod f as
replicate x = go
    go  :: forall bs. ()
        => Uniform a bs
        -> Prod f bs
    go = \case
         -> Ø
      US u -> x :< go u
    {-# INLINE go #-}
{-# INLINE replicate #-}

    :: Prod f as
    -> Prod g as
    -> Prod (f :&: g) as
zipProd = \case
    Ø -> \case
      Ø -> Ø
    x :< xs -> \case
      y :< ys -> (x :&: y) :< zipProd xs ys
{-# INLINE zipProd #-}

    :: Prod f as
    -> Prod g as
    -> Prod h as
    -> Prod (f :&: g :&: h) as
zipProd3 = \case
    Ø -> \case
      Ø -> \case
        Ø -> Ø
    x :< xs -> \case
      y :< ys -> \case
        z :< zs -> (x :&: y :&: z) :< zipProd3 xs ys zs
{-# INLINE zipProd3 #-}

    :: (forall a. f a -> g a -> h a)
    -> Prod f as
    -> Prod g as
    -> Prod h as
zipProdWith f = \case
    Ø -> \case
      Ø -> Ø
    x :< xs -> \case
      y :< ys -> f x y :< zipProdWith f xs ys
{-# INLINE zipProdWith #-}

    :: (forall a. f a -> g a -> h a -> j a)
    -> Prod f as
    -> Prod g as
    -> Prod h as
    -> Prod j as
zipProdWith3 f = \case
    Ø -> \case
      Ø -> \case
        Ø -> Ø
    x :< xs -> \case
      y :< ys -> \case
        z :< zs ->
          f x y z :< zipProdWith3 f xs ys zs
{-# INLINE zipProdWith3 #-}

-- collect
--     :: (Every c as, Every d bs)
--     => Prod (Index as) bs
--     -> Prod f bs
--     -> (forall a b. (c a, d b) => f b -> f a -> f a)
--     -> Prod f as
--     -> Prod f as
-- collect = undefined

-- take
--     :: Length as
--     -> Prod f (as ++ bs)
--     -> Prod f as

-- unSnoc
--     :: forall f a as. ()
--     => Proxy a
--     -> Prod f (as ++ '[ a ])
--     -> Prod f as
-- unSnoc p r = case r of
--     -- '[b] ~ (as >: a)
--     -- '[b] ~ (as ++ '[a])
--     (x :: f b) :< Ø -> Ø
--                -- @(x :< xs) = case xs of
--     -- Ø      -> Ø \\ appendSnoc (prodLength r) (Proxy @a)
--     -- -- _ :< _ -> x :< unSnoc p xs

-- appendAssoc

    :: Prod f as
    -> Length as
prodLength = \case
    Ø       -> LZ
    _ :< xs -> LS (prodLength xs)
{-# INLINE prodLength #-}

-- reverse'Help
--     :: forall f as bs. ()
--     => Length as
--     -> Prod f (Reverse as)
--     -> Prod f bs
--     -> Prod f (Reverse bs ++ Reverse as)
-- reverse'Help lA pA = \case
--     Ø                ->
--       pA
--     (x :: f a) :< (xs :: Prod f as') ->
--       reverse'Help (lA TCL.>: Proxy @a) (x :< pA) xs
--         \\ reverseSnoc lA (Proxy @a)
--         \\ appendAssoc (undefined :: Length as') (LS LZ :: Length '[a]) (TCL.reverse' lA)

    :: Uniform n ns
    -> (f n -> g n)
    -> Prod f ns
    -> Prod g ns
mapUniform = \case
     -> \_ -> \case
      Ø -> Ø
    US u -> \f -> \case
      x :< xs -> f x :< mapUniform u f xs
{-# INLINE mapUniform #-}

    :: forall f as. ()
    => Length as
    -> (forall a. Index as a -> f a)
    -> Prod f as
pgen = \case
    LZ   -> \_ -> Ø
    LS l -> \f -> f IZ :< pgen l (f . IS)

    :: forall f as. Known Length as
    => (forall a. Index as a -> f a)
    -> Prod f as
pgen_ = pgen known

    :: forall a b f g n. ()
    => (f b -> g a)
    -> VecT n f b
    -> Prod g (Replicate n a)
vecToProd' f = \case
    ØV      -> Ø
    x :* xs -> f x :< vecToProd' f xs

    :: forall a b f g n. ()
    => (f a -> g b)
    -> Nat n
    -> Prod f (Replicate n a)
    -> VecT n g b
prodToVec' f = \case
    Z_    -> \case
      Ø       -> ØV
    S_ n' -> \case
      x :< xs -> f x :* prodToVec' f n' xs