{-# LANGUAGE AllowAmbiguousTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE InstanceSigs #-}
{-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PatternSynonyms #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilyDependencies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeInType #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
module Backprop.Learn.Model.Combinator (
(~>), (<~)
, LModel, (#:), nilLM, (#++), liftLM
, forkModel, feedback, feedbackTrace
) where
import Backprop.Learn.Model.Types
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Category
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Trans.State
import Data.Bifunctor
import Data.Singletons
import Data.Singletons.Prelude.List
import Data.Singletons.Prelude.Maybe
import Data.Type.Functor.Product
import Data.Type.List.Sublist
import Data.Type.Tuple
import Data.Vinyl
import GHC.TypeNats
import Numeric.Backprop
import Prelude hiding ((.), id)
import qualified Data.Vector.Sized as SV
:: forall p q s t a b c.
( PureProd Maybe p
, PureProd Maybe q
, PureProd Maybe s
, PureProd Maybe t
, AllConstrainedProd Backprop p
, AllConstrainedProd Backprop q
, AllConstrainedProd Backprop s
, AllConstrainedProd Backprop t
=> Model p s b c
-> Model q t a b
-> Model (p :#? q) (s :#? t) a c
(<~) = withModelFunc2 $ \f g (p :#? q) x (s :#? t) -> do
(y, t') <- g q x t
(z, s') <- f p y s
pure (z, s' :#? t')
infixr 8 <~
:: forall p q s t a b c.
( PureProd Maybe p
, PureProd Maybe q
, PureProd Maybe s
, PureProd Maybe t
, AllConstrainedProd Backprop p
, AllConstrainedProd Backprop q
, AllConstrainedProd Backprop s
, AllConstrainedProd Backprop t
=> Model p s a b
-> Model q t b c
-> Model (p :#? q) (s :#? t) a c
(~>) = withModelFunc2 $ \f g (p :#? q) x (s :#? t) -> do
(y, s') <- f p x s
(z, t') <- g q y t
pure (z, s' :#? t')
infixr 8 ~>
type LModel ps ss a b = Model ('Just (T ps)) ('Just (T ss)) a b
:: forall p ps s ss a b c.
( AllConstrainedProd Backprop p
, AllConstrainedProd Backprop s
, ReifyConstraint Backprop TF ps
, ReifyConstraint Backprop TF ss
, RMap ss
, RApply ss
, RMap ps
, RApply ps
, PureProd Maybe p
, PureProd Maybe s
=> Model p s b c
-> LModel ps ss a b
-> LModel (MaybeToList p ++ ps) (MaybeToList s ++ ss) a c
(#:) = withModelFunc2 $ \f fs (PJust pps) x (PJust sss) -> do
let (p, ps) = case pureShape @_ @p of
PNothing -> (PNothing, pps)
PJust _ -> (PJust (pps ^^. tHead), pps ^^. tTail)
(s, ss) = case pureShape @_ @s of
PNothing -> (PNothing, sss)
PJust _ -> (PJust (sss ^^. tHead), sss ^^. tTail)
(y, ss') <- fs (PJust ps) x (PJust ss)
(z, s' ) <- f p y s
let sss' = case s' of
PNothing -> fromPJust ss'
PJust s'J -> isoVar2 (:&&) (\case t :&& ts -> (t, ts))
(fromPJust ss')
pure $ (z, PJust sss')
infixr 5 #:
:: forall ps qs ss ts a b c.
( Learnables ps
, Learnables qs
, Learnables ss
, Learnables ts
, Learnables (ps ++ qs)
, Learnables (ss ++ ts)
=> LModel ps ss b c
-> LModel qs ts a b
-> LModel (ps ++ qs) (ss ++ ts) a c
(#++) = withModelFunc2 $ \f g (PJust psqs) x (PJust ssts) ->
withAppend (pureShape @_ @ps) (pureShape @_ @qs) $ \_ apsqs@AppendWit ->
withAppend (pureShape @_ @ss) (pureShape @_ @ts) $ \_ assts@AppendWit -> do
(y, ts) <- second fromPJust
<$> g (PJust (psqs ^^. suffixLens (appendToSuffix apsqs)))
(PJust (ssts ^^. suffixLens (appendToSuffix assts)))
(z, ss) <- second fromPJust
<$> f (PJust (psqs ^^. prefixLens (appendToPrefix apsqs)))
(PJust (ssts ^^. prefixLens (appendToPrefix assts)))
pure ( z
, PJust $ isoVar2 (appendRec assts) (splitRec assts) ss ts
infixr 5 #++
nilLM :: Model ('Just (T '[])) ('Just (T '[])) a a
nilLM = id
:: forall p s a b.
( SingI p
, AllConstrainedProd Backprop p
, SingI s
, AllConstrainedProd Backprop s
=> Model p s a b
-> LModel (MaybeToList p) (MaybeToList s) a b
liftLM = withModelFunc $ \f (PJust ps) x ssM@(PJust ss) ->
case singProd (sing @p) of
PNothing -> case singProd (sing @s) of
PNothing -> (fmap . second . const) ssM
$ f PNothing x PNothing
PJust _ -> (fmap . second) (PJust . isoVar onlyT tOnly . fromPJust)
$ f PNothing x (PJust (isoVar tOnly onlyT ss))
PJust _ ->
let p = isoVar tOnly onlyT ps
in case singProd (sing @s) of
PNothing -> (fmap . second . const) ssM
$ f (PJust p) x PNothing
PJust _ -> (fmap . second) (PJust . isoVar onlyT tOnly . fromPJust)
$ f (PJust p) x (PJust (isoVar tOnly onlyT ss))
:: forall p q s t a b.
( PureProd Maybe p
, PureProd Maybe q
, PureProd Maybe s
, PureProd Maybe t
, AllConstrainedProd Backprop p
, AllConstrainedProd Backprop q
, AllConstrainedProd Backprop s
, AllConstrainedProd Backprop t
=> Int
-> Model p s a b
-> Model q t b a
-> Model (p :#? q) (s :#? t) a b
feedback n = withModelFunc2 $ \feed back (p :#? q) x0 (s0 :#? t0) ->
let go !i !x !s !t = do
(y, s') <- feed p x s
if i >= n
then pure (y, (s', t))
else do
(z, t') <- back q y t
go (i + 1) z s' t'
in second (uncurry (:#?)) <$> go 1 x0 s0 t0
:: forall n p q s t a b.
( PureProd Maybe p
, PureProd Maybe q
, PureProd Maybe s
, PureProd Maybe t
, AllConstrainedProd Backprop p
, AllConstrainedProd Backprop q
, AllConstrainedProd Backprop s
, AllConstrainedProd Backprop t
, KnownNat n
, Backprop b
=> Model p s a b
-> Model q t b a
-> Model (p :#? q) (s :#? t) a (ABP (SV.Vector n) b)
feedbackTrace = withModelFunc2 $ \feed back (p :#? q) x0 (s0 :#? t0) ->
let go !x (!s, !t) = do
(y, s') <- feed p x s
(z, t') <- back q y t
pure (y, (z, (s', t')))
in second (uncurry (:#?) . snd) <$>
runStateT (collectVar . ABP <$> SV.replicateM (StateT (uncurry go)))
(x0, (s0, t0))
:: forall p q s t a b c.
( PureProd Maybe p
, PureProd Maybe q
, PureProd Maybe s
, PureProd Maybe t
, AllConstrainedProd Backprop p
, AllConstrainedProd Backprop q
, AllConstrainedProd Backprop s
, AllConstrainedProd Backprop t
, Backprop b
, Backprop c
=> Model p s a b
-> Model q t a c
-> Model (p :#? q) (s :#? t) a (b :# c)
forkModel = withModelFunc2 $ \f g (p :#? q) x (s0 :#? t0) -> do
(y, s1) <- f p x s0
(z, t1) <- g q x t0
pure $ (y :## z, s1 :#? t1)