{-# LANGUAGE ApplicativeDo         #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts      #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances     #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GADTs                 #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PatternSynonyms       #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes            #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables   #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications      #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies          #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeInType            #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators         #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances  #-}

module Backprop.Learn.Model.State (
  -- * To and from statelessness
    trainState, deState, deStateD, zeroState, dummyState
  -- * Manipulate model states
  , unroll, unrollFinal, recurrent
  ) where

import           Backprop.Learn.Model.Types
import           Control.Monad.Primitive
import           Control.Monad.Trans.State
import           Data.Bifunctor
import           Data.Foldable
import           Data.Type.Functor.Product
import           Data.Type.Tuple
import           Numeric.Backprop
import qualified System.Random.MWC          as MWC

-- | Make a model stateless by converting the state to a trained parameter,
-- and dropping the modified state from the result.
-- One of the ways to make a model stateless for training purposes.  Useful
-- when used after 'Unroll'.  See 'DeState', as well.
-- Its parameters are:
-- *   If the input has no parameters, just the initial state.
-- *   If the input has a parameter, a ':#' of that parameter and initial state.
    :: forall p s a b.
     ( PureProd Maybe p
     , PureProd Maybe s
     , AllConstrainedProd Backprop p
     , AllConstrainedProd Backprop s
    => Model  p     s           a b
    -> Model (p :#? s) 'Nothing a b
trainState = withModelFunc $ \f (p :#? s) x n_ ->
    (second . const) n_ <$> f p x s

-- | Make a model stateless by pre-applying a fixed state (or a stochastic
-- one with fixed stribution) and dropping the modified state from the
-- result.
-- One of the ways to make a model stateless for training purposes.  Useful
-- when used after 'Unroll'.  See 'TrainState', as well.
    :: s
    -> (forall m. PrimMonad m => MWC.Gen (PrimState m) -> m s)
    -> Model p ('Just s) a b
    -> Model p 'Nothing  a b
deState s sStoch f = Model
    { runLearn      = \p x n_ ->
        (second . const) n_ $ runLearn f p x (PJust (auto s))
    , runLearnStoch = \g p x n_ -> do
        s' <- sStoch g
        (second . const) n_ <$> runLearnStoch f g p x (PJust (auto s'))

-- | 'deState', except the state is always the same even in stochastic
-- mode.
    :: s
    -> Model p ('Just s) a b
    -> Model p 'Nothing  a b
deStateD s = deState s (const (pure s))

-- | 'deState' with a constant state of 0.
    :: Num s
    => Model p ('Just s) a b
    -> Model p 'Nothing a b
zeroState = deStateD 0

-- | Unroll a (usually) stateful model into one taking a vector of
-- sequential inputs.
-- Basically applies the model to every item of input and returns all of
-- the results, but propagating the state between every step.
-- Useful when used before 'trainState' or 'deState'.  See
-- 'unrollTrainState' and 'unrollDeState'.
-- Compare to 'feedbackTrace', which, instead of receiving a vector of
-- sequential inputs, receives a single input and uses its output as the
-- next input.
    :: (Traversable t, Backprop a, Backprop b)
    => Model p s    a     b
    -> Model p s (t a) (t b)
unroll = withModelFunc $ \f p xs s ->
            (fmap . first) collectVar
          . flip runStateT s
          . traverse (StateT . f p)
          . sequenceVar
          $ xs

-- | Version of 'unroll' that only keeps the "final" result, dropping all
-- of the intermediate results.
-- Turns a stateful model into one that runs the model repeatedly on
-- multiple inputs sequentially and outputs the final result after seeing
-- all items.
-- Note will be partial if given an empty sequence.
    :: (Traversable t, Backprop a)
    => Model p s    a  b
    -> Model p s (t a) b
unrollFinal = withModelFunc $ \f p xs s0 ->
    foldlM (\(_, s) x -> f p x s)
           (undefined, s0)
           (sequenceVar xs)

-- | Fix a part of a parameter of a model to be (a function of) the
-- /previous/ ouput of the model itself.
-- Essentially, takes a \( X \times Y \rightarrow Z \) into a /stateful/
-- \( X \rightarrow Z \), where the Y is given by a function of the
-- /previous output/ of the model.
-- Essentially makes a model "recurrent": it receives its previous output
-- as input.
-- See 'fcr' for an application.
    :: forall p s ab a b c.
     -- ( KnownMayb s
     ( AllConstrainedProd Backprop s
     , PureProd Maybe s
     , Backprop a
     , Backprop b
    => (ab -> (a, b))                           -- ^ split
    -> (a -> b -> ab)                           -- ^ join
    -> BFunc c b                                -- ^ store state
    -> Model p  s              ab c
    -> Model p (s :#? 'Just b) a  c
recurrent spl joi sto = withModelFunc $ \f p x (s :#? y) -> do
    (z, s') <- f p (isoVar2 joi spl x (fromPJust y)) s
    pure (z, s' :#? PJust (sto z))

-- | Give a stateless model a "dummy" state.  For now, useful for using
-- with combinators like 'deState' that require state.  However, 'deState'
-- could also be made more lenient (to accept non stateful models) in the
-- future.
-- Also useful for usage with combinators like 'Control.Category..' from
-- "Control.Category" that requires all input models to share common state.
    :: forall s p a b. ()
    => Model p 'Nothing   a b
    -> Model p s          a b
dummyState = withModelFunc $ \f p x s ->
    (second . const) s <$> f p x PNothing