{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveTraversable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE EmptyCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE InstanceSigs #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilyDependencies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeInType #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
module Data.Type.Universe (
Elem, In, Universe(..)
, singAll
, Index(..), IJust(..), IRight(..), NEIndex(..), ISnd(..), IIdentity(..)
, All, WitAll(..), NotAll
, Any, WitAny(..), None
, Null, NotNull
, IsJust, IsNothing, IsRight, IsLeft
, decideAny, decideAll
, genAll, igenAll
, splitSing
, pickElem
) where
import Data.Functor.Identity
import Data.Kind
import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty(..))
import Data.Singletons
import Data.Singletons.Decide
import Data.Singletons.Prelude hiding (Elem, ElemSym0, ElemSym1, ElemSym2, Any, All, Null, Not)
import Data.Singletons.Prelude.Identity
import Data.Type.Functor.Product
import Data.Type.Predicate
import Data.Type.Predicate.Logic
import GHC.Generics ((:*:)(..))
import Prelude hiding (any, all)
import qualified Data.Singletons.Prelude.List.NonEmpty as NE
data WitAny f :: (k ~> Type) -> f k -> Type where
WitAny :: Elem f as a -> p @@ a -> WitAny f p as
data Any f :: Predicate k -> Predicate (f k)
type instance Apply (Any f p) as = WitAny f p as
newtype WitAll f p (as :: f k) = WitAll { runWitAll :: forall a. Elem f as a -> p @@ a }
data All f :: Predicate k -> Predicate (f k)
type instance Apply (All f p) as = WitAll f p as
instance (Universe f, Decidable p) => Decidable (Any f p) where
decide = decideAny @f @_ @p $ decide @p
instance (Universe f, Decidable p) => Decidable (All f p) where
decide = decideAll @f @_ @p $ decide @p
instance (Universe f, Provable p) => Decidable (NotNull f ==> Any f p) where
instance Provable p => Provable (NotNull f ==> Any f p) where
prove _ (WitAny i s) = WitAny i (prove @p s)
instance (Universe f, Provable p) => Provable (All f p) where
prove xs = WitAll $ \i -> prove @p (indexSing i xs)
instance Universe f => TFunctor (Any f) where
tmap f xs (WitAny i x) = WitAny i (f (indexSing i xs) x)
instance Universe f => TFunctor (All f) where
tmap f xs a = WitAll $ \i -> f (indexSing i xs) (runWitAll a i)
instance Universe f => DFunctor (All f) where
dmap f xs a = idecideAll (\i x -> f x (runWitAll a i)) xs
class FProd f => Universe (f :: Type -> Type) where
:: forall k (p :: k ~> Type) (as :: f k). ()
=> (forall a. Elem f as a -> Sing a -> Decision (p @@ a))
-> (Sing as -> Decision (Any f p @@ as))
:: forall k (p :: k ~> Type) (as :: f k). ()
=> (forall a. Elem f as a -> Sing a -> Decision (p @@ a))
-> (Sing as -> Decision (All f p @@ as))
:: forall p g. ()
=> (forall a. Sing a -> p @@ a -> g a)
-> All f p --> TyPred (Prod f g)
:: forall p g as. ()
=> (forall a. g a -> p @@ a)
-> Prod f g as
-> All f p @@ as
type Null f = (None f Evident :: Predicate (f k))
type NotNull f = (Any f Evident :: Predicate (f k))
type None f p = (Not (Any f p) :: Predicate (f k))
type NotAll f p = (Not (All f p) :: Predicate (f k))
:: forall f k (p :: k ~> Type). Universe f
=> Decide p
-> Decide (Any f p)
decideAny f = idecideAny (const f)
:: forall f k (p :: k ~> Type). Universe f
=> Decide p
-> Decide (All f p)
decideAll f = idecideAll (const f)
:: forall f k (as :: f k). Universe f
=> Sing as
-> All f (TyPred Sing) @@ as
splitSing = prodAll id . singProd
:: forall f k (as :: f k) a. (Universe f, SingI as, SingI a, SDecide k)
=> Decision (Elem f as a)
pickElem = mapDecision (\case WitAny i Refl -> i)
(\case i -> WitAny i Refl)
. decide @(Any f (TyPred ((:~:) a)))
$ sing
:: forall f k (p :: k ~> Type) (as :: f k). Universe f
=> (forall a. Elem f as a -> Sing a -> p @@ a)
-> (Sing as -> All f p @@ as)
igenAll f = prodAll (\(i :*: x) -> f i x) . imapProd (:*:) . singProd
:: forall f k (p :: k ~> Type). Universe f
=> Prove p
-> Prove (All f p)
genAll f = prodAll f . singProd
:: forall f k (as :: f k). Universe f
=> Sing as
-> All f Evident @@ as
singAll = prodAll id . singProd
type IsJust = (NotNull Maybe :: Predicate (Maybe k))
type IsNothing = (Null Maybe :: Predicate (Maybe k))
type IsRight = (NotNull (Either j) :: Predicate (Either j k))
type IsLeft = (Null (Either j) :: Predicate (Either j k))
instance Universe [] where
:: forall k (p :: k ~> Type) (as :: [k]). ()
=> (forall a. Elem [] as a -> Sing a -> Decision (p @@ a))
-> Sing as
-> Decision (Any [] p @@ as)
idecideAny f = \case
SNil -> Disproved $ \case
WitAny i _ -> case i of {}
x `SCons` xs -> case f IZ x of
Proved p -> Proved $ WitAny IZ p
Disproved v -> case idecideAny @[] @_ @p (f . IS) xs of
Proved (WitAny i p) -> Proved $ WitAny (IS i) p
Disproved vs -> Disproved $ \case
WitAny IZ p -> v p
WitAny (IS i) p -> vs (WitAny i p)
:: forall k (p :: k ~> Type) (as :: [k]). ()
=> (forall a. Elem [] as a -> Sing a -> Decision (p @@ a))
-> Sing as
-> Decision (All [] p @@ as)
idecideAll f = \case
SNil -> Proved $ WitAll $ \case {}
x `SCons` xs -> case f IZ x of
Proved p -> case idecideAll @[] @_ @p (f . IS) xs of
Proved a -> Proved $ WitAll $ \case
IZ -> p
IS i -> runWitAll a i
Disproved v -> Disproved $ \a -> v $ WitAll (runWitAll a . IS)
Disproved v -> Disproved $ \a -> v $ runWitAll a IZ
:: forall p g. ()
=> (forall a. Sing a -> p @@ a -> g a)
-> All [] p --> TyPred (Prod [] g)
allProd f = go
go :: Sing as -> WitAll [] p as -> Prod [] g as
go = \case
SNil -> \_ -> RNil
x `SCons` xs -> \a -> f x (runWitAll a IZ)
:& go xs (WitAll (runWitAll a . IS))
:: forall p g as. ()
=> (forall a. g a -> p @@ a)
-> Prod [] g as
-> All [] p @@ as
prodAll f = go
go :: Prod [] g bs -> All [] p @@ bs
go = \case
RNil -> WitAll $ \case {}
x :& xs -> WitAll $ \case
IZ -> f x
IS i -> runWitAll (go xs) i
instance Universe Maybe where
idecideAny f = \case
SNothing -> Disproved $ \case WitAny i _ -> case i of {}
SJust x -> case f IJust x of
Proved p -> Proved $ WitAny IJust p
Disproved v -> Disproved $ \case
WitAny IJust p -> v p
idecideAll f = \case
SNothing -> Proved $ WitAll $ \case {}
SJust x -> case f IJust x of
Proved p -> Proved $ WitAll $ \case IJust -> p
Disproved v -> Disproved $ \a -> v $ runWitAll a IJust
allProd f = \case
SNothing -> \_ -> PNothing
SJust x -> \a -> PJust (f x (runWitAll a IJust))
prodAll f = \case
PNothing -> WitAll $ \case {}
PJust x -> WitAll $ \case IJust -> f x
instance Universe (Either j) where
idecideAny f = \case
SLeft _ -> Disproved $ \case WitAny i _ -> case i of {}
SRight x -> case f IRight x of
Proved p -> Proved $ WitAny IRight p
Disproved v -> Disproved $ \case
WitAny IRight p -> v p
idecideAll f = \case
SLeft _ -> Proved $ WitAll $ \case {}
SRight x -> case f IRight x of
Proved p -> Proved $ WitAll $ \case IRight -> p
Disproved v -> Disproved $ \a -> v $ runWitAll a IRight
allProd f = \case
SLeft w -> \_ -> PLeft w
SRight x -> \a -> PRight (f x (runWitAll a IRight))
prodAll f = \case
PLeft _ -> WitAll $ \case {}
PRight x -> WitAll $ \case IRight -> f x
instance Universe NonEmpty where
:: forall k (p :: k ~> Type) (as :: NonEmpty k). ()
=> (forall a. Elem NonEmpty as a -> Sing a -> Decision (p @@ a))
-> Sing as
-> Decision (Any NonEmpty p @@ as)
idecideAny f (x NE.:%| xs) = case f NEHead x of
Proved p -> Proved $ WitAny NEHead p
Disproved v -> case idecideAny @[] @_ @p (f . NETail) xs of
Proved (WitAny i p) -> Proved $ WitAny (NETail i) p
Disproved vs -> Disproved $ \case
WitAny i p -> case i of
NEHead -> v p
NETail i' -> vs (WitAny i' p)
:: forall k (p :: k ~> Type) (as :: NonEmpty k). ()
=> (forall a. Elem NonEmpty as a -> Sing a -> Decision (p @@ a))
-> Sing as
-> Decision (All NonEmpty p @@ as)
idecideAll f (x NE.:%| xs) = case f NEHead x of
Proved p -> case idecideAll @[] @_ @p (f . NETail) xs of
Proved ps -> Proved $ WitAll $ \case
NEHead -> p
NETail i -> runWitAll ps i
Disproved v -> Disproved $ \a -> v $ WitAll (runWitAll a . NETail)
Disproved v -> Disproved $ \a -> v $ runWitAll a NEHead
:: forall p g. ()
=> (forall a. Sing a -> p @@ a -> g a)
-> All NonEmpty p --> TyPred (Prod NonEmpty g)
allProd f (x NE.:%| xs) a =
f x (runWitAll a NEHead)
:&| allProd @[] @p f xs (WitAll (runWitAll a . NETail))
:: forall p g as. ()
=> (forall a. g a -> p @@ a)
-> Prod NonEmpty g as
-> All NonEmpty p @@ as
prodAll f (x :&| xs) = WitAll $ \case
NEHead -> f x
NETail i -> runWitAll (prodAll @[] @p f xs) i
instance Universe ((,) j) where
idecideAny f (STuple2 _ x) = case f ISnd x of
Proved p -> Proved $ WitAny ISnd p
Disproved v -> Disproved $ \case WitAny ISnd p -> v p
idecideAll f (STuple2 _ x) = case f ISnd x of
Proved p -> Proved $ WitAll $ \case ISnd -> p
Disproved v -> Disproved $ \a -> v $ runWitAll a ISnd
allProd f (STuple2 w x) a = PTup w $ f x (runWitAll a ISnd)
prodAll f (PTup _ x) = WitAll $ \case ISnd -> f x
instance Universe Identity where
idecideAny f (SIdentity x) =
mapDecision (WitAny IId)
(\case WitAny IId p -> p)
$ f IId x
idecideAll f (SIdentity x) =
mapDecision (\p -> WitAll $ \case IId -> p)
(`runWitAll` IId)
$ f IId x
allProd f (SIdentity x) a = PIdentity $ f x (runWitAll a IId)
prodAll f (PIdentity x) = WitAll $ \case IId -> f x